Friday, September 30, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #2 - Easy Easy

September 16, 2016

So, you know that actor from the video earlier? Yeah, one of his favorite things is to get women drunk and then have them sleep over. No sex, just sleep with them in the bed after staring at them for hours while they are sleeping. So, yeah, not creepy at all.

Corey Feldman


  1. sandybrook2:10 AM

    well he's mentally screwed up so I wouldn't say this is creepy necessarily. To me creepy would be if he does something that puts them in a dangerous position.

  2. Melissa2:52 AM

    Awe. I feel bad for him.
    I just think he truly does have a kind heart but he is obviously a victim of some real awful shit.
    He is a big time animal rights guy so that right there shows me he has heart and compassion.
    He does not eat meat either.
    Say what you will but at times these things speak volumes about people.

  3. Whywhywhy???3:01 AM

    I feel for Corey. He's trying so hard and to be that abused and not see any justice. Plus I don't think he had a lot of family support. He's not forcing them to drink too much. He's more sad than creepy by a long shot. And Enty, how dare you knowing the powerful abusers in his past!!!!

  4. Barbara RiceHand3:06 AM

    I just think about the haim/sheen story. Read up more on Haim who died of pneumonia and think it was aids that killed him. Duh, right? Sad. Back on topic Feldman is freaking creepy.

  5. blahblah3:19 AM

    Hes sad and probably desperate to be heard, because NO ONE LISTENED years ago. I dont think its fair at all for enty to put this here and call him creepy. He was made into this, i don't believe he intentionally fucks up. Other people fucked him up. This is just mean.

  6. Tom hanks did it3:52 AM

    Poor guy. Sexual abuse really fucks kids up.

  7. marlo4:00 AM

    It's not creepy considering his history. I agree, it's more sad.

  8. 8====D KermitGosnellKnobjob5:47 AM

    According to American laws, if he did something to them while they are drunk, he would be considered a rapist, therefore what else can he do if he hangs out with winos?

  9. His autobiography was interesting, too. I just wish he and others could expose some of the REALLY creepy ones in Hollywood without feeling threatened.

  10. Miss Edna7:57 AM

    After all these years without work, how does he pay his rent? How desperate must he be by now. Beyond sad.

  11. I ate my own head8:19 AM

    Corey might be a little gay.

  12. sandra11:02 AM

    Not necessarily. I've known people who were BIG animal rights people.... but didn't think twice of being very creepy, predatory, and abusive towards humans.

  13. Corey tried to help his friend Corey haim
    People who abuse children should be locked up forever
    Sad his parents and Corey Jaime parents didn't protect their children from Hollywood predators
    No wonder Hollywood loves Hilary - all sex predators and people who threaten victims

  14. LucidDreams2:05 PM

    I thought Cory Haim committed suicide? But then I read he died of pneumonia not suicide or overdose?
    Im not saying it doesnt happen,but someone that young dying of pneumonia is very odd. Maybe its a cover dor the truth?

  15. Well maybe4:23 PM

    It sounds like he is very lonely and also damaged by his childhood. It would be really hard to live in the same city as your rapists and see them doing so well and being praised.

  16. Kno Won Uno5:23 PM

    Me too.

  17. Kno Won Uno5:24 PM

    I read some conjecture about you being The. Rapist., Mr Hanks.

  18. Kno Won Uno5:25 PM

    I read somewhere that Haim's mother is considering suing Feldman for using her dead son to get attention.

  19. Katiepotatie6:48 PM

    I agree. He is very clearly messed up sexually. I think a lot of what he is saying is hyperbole but inevitably true.

  20. Sober yes, drunk no.

  21. Looking closely11:27 PM

    Yeah, Haim has his problems, but I still don't buy this blind. Assuming Haim were doing this, who the hell would even know about it? If the drunk women are passed out, how do they know he's staring at them? Someone else is there watching Haim, watch the women to leak this blind? When they wake up (presumably hung over and confused), he tells the he was staring at them all night?

    I could buy that Haim is taking drunk women home, or getting them drunk when they get to his home. He'd hardly be the first one to do that. But if he's "staring" at them, its probably wishing they'd wake up so he can @#$ them. IE, what he's NOT doing is sexually assaulting them while passed out.

  22. Looking closely11:31 PM

    Sorry, meant Feldman (not Haim), but the point is the same. If he were doing this, unless he started telling people about it (which WOULD be creepy) nobody would ever know.

    As to being a vegetarian. . .not sure that means someone is "nice". . .Hitler was a vegetarian. Animal rights activist? Doesn't by itself, make them a good person either. I've know several who were either stupid or hypocrites. In many cases this sort of thing is just posturing to try an convey the impression that the person is "good".

  23. Looking closely11:35 PM

    Forrest Gump? NO!!!!!!

  24. Looking closely11:37 PM

    Me three.

    For many, animal rights activism isn't so much about caring for animals, its about showing how "caring" and "cool" you are. For guys its just another way to pick up chicks.

  25. Sorcha11:46 PM

    Seems like he's been trying to fit in his whole life. Haim too.

    Maybe he just likes watching someone quietly be there for him. Maybe someone who's asking nothing from him. (probably because they're asleep.)

  26. I don't understand why Corey doesn't have the balls to just name the pedo(s) that abused his FRIEND. It makes no sense.
