Friday, September 20, 2024

Blind Item #13

The only reason the three month reality star is getting married is because he figures he can get a couple of more seasons out of it. Plus, he thinks the soon to be wife is rich and he wants a piece of it.

Blind Item #12

This permanent A list actor had to shell out millions of dollars just so his offspring could have their own reality show to try and get famous.

Blind Item #11

The plastic surgery loving foreign born A- list celebrity who loves to get naked was being a pest trying to get coke from everyone at a party. She started yelling at the model's sibling for not sharing.

Blind Item #10

This NYC A list social media star alleged her nanny molested the star's child which wasn't true and is now wondering why no nanny wants to work for her.

Blind Item #9 - Reader Blind

Now would be the best time for anyone who knows what happened to the 2000s boyband to go the authorities. The circadian paper called the jailed rapper the Bump Bump Bump rapper for a reason . Not a random choice of song. There are moles in the band’s manager’s church who are speaking to the media . They don’t care about the two-witness rule which usually protects people accused of Deborah Beasley LaFave crimes.

Blind Items Revealed #5

September 11, 2024

The marijuana feline almost got kicked out of a restaurant for getting freaky in the bathroom. Hey, at least it wasn't drugs.

Doja Cat

Four For Friday - Soaps

#1 - This former A list evangelist got this soap actor fired because he didn't like that the character was a pimp. This actor also was on an iconic coming of age show.

#2 - This long long time soap actor has been married forever to his wife and is an Emmy winner. He almost got fired fifteen years ago because he was spending too much time in gay bathhouses and showing up late for work.

#3 - This ABC soap actor got fired back in the day because he was using the network's phones to call 1-900 numbers and spent tens of thousands of dollars.

#4 - This now dead producer brought coke to work everyday just so her star actress wouldn't quit. The actress was part of one of the most iconic soap story lines ever.

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