Monday, March 24, 2025

Blind Items Revealed #8

March 10, 2025

The meme actor didn't seem at all pleased to be used as a photo op tool yesterday by the reality star.

Timothée Chalamet/Kylie Jenner

Blind Item #15

Speaking of sex in illicit places, this married A list actor from a long running hit television show refuses to hook up at his girlfriend's place because he thinks it might be wired for sound and video. He doesn't want to be spotted at a hotel. So, he rents cargo vans from Enterprise and then picks up his girlfriend and they have sex in the back of it.

Blind Items Revealed #7

March 8, 2025

This two color member had really low streams for her first solo effort. Distressingly low. Then she changed managers to the payola guy who also asked for some personal favors and the next thing you know she is exploding while the other members of her group are crashing.


Blind Item #14

The permanent A list "singer" and her boyfriend decided they couldn't wait to get home so had sex in a gas station bathroom.

Blind Items Revealed #6

March 7, 2025

This former vampire actor tried to get an invite to any show at Paris Fashion Week and they all turned him down. He used to always be invited, but he doesn't have the influence he once had.

Taylor Lautner

Blind Item #13

This A list pro athlete is tracked by his mom 24/7. It is really creepy.

Blind Item #12

An offspring of two A listers admitted to her friends that she has a secret half sibling.

Blind Item #11

Speaking of Housewives, this one who is hoping for another season of her show wants to start her own home shopping channel, but can't find anyone who wants to loan her the money. 

Blind Item #10

At a very recent event, a body double was used in place of this former A++ lister.

Blind Item #9

Remember back in the day when this former Housewife said she was too good for the show and was going to be a huge actress and have her own line of everything and be rich. Times change and now she is begging to come back on the show. Did she turn in her son yet?

Blind Items Revealed #5

March 10, 2025

With ticket sales this low, the one named permanent A list singer, might bail on the whole tour. She isn't all that thrilled about doing it anyway.


Today's Blind Items - Barter

This permanent A list mogul always pays for the men he sleeps with. He finds it much less complicated than having feelings for someone. Plus, this way he gets the variety he craves even at his age. The thing is though, he does everything he can to not actually pay. He would rather spend six figures on something and then trade that for sex rather than just pay a fraction of that in actual cash. Back in the day he used to do the same kind of thing but trade drugs for sex rather than cash. Then, he would get free things and would try and trade those for sex. He hates to actually pay and once spent a year with a guy just to see what he could finally get the gut to accept in lieu of cash. Once he figured that out, he dumped the guy. 

Your Turn

How many times have you moved in your life?

Blind Items Revealed #4

March 10, 2025

Of course the biggest music industry trade gave their biggest award to the one named rapper/industry plant that I keep writing about. She does everything they want.

Billboard Woman Of The Year/Doechii

Blind Items Revealed #3

March 10, 2025

If I were the pastor of the church the $20 smoothie celebrity attends, I wouldn't count on her or her money being there for much longer. 

Hailey Bieber

Blind Items Revealed #2

March 10, 2025

Apparently, the alliterate one has an expired drivers license. They won't make any special exceptions for her and she would have to go to her local office. She would also have to reveal her real name and it isn't what she cosplays it to be. 

Meghan Markle

Blind Item #8

The former late night actor's yachter girlfriend says she is tired of yachting and is trying to have a baby so she can work less and get paid more.

Blind Item #7

This alliterate actress hasn't had a great role in years. But, one of them she did have lets her make a lot of money yachting. She makes a lot of money roleplaying that character for men.

Blind Items Revealed #1

March 10, 2025

Doing a podcast with your brother instead of your husband is not really going to help those divorce rumors. The former A++ lister is out and about almost every night.

Michelle Obama/Barack Obama

Blind Item #6

The Goopster does things all on her own. The alliterate one wanted to get back at her and had to have a team of ten people plus the nannies to keep the kids quiet and out of the way. 

Blind Item #5

This former A list teen actress who crashed and burned as an adult actress until a recent comeback, has joined a cult. Like a everyone lives together cult.

Blind Item #4

The A list celebrity keeps waiting for her north of the border husband to publicly defend her and it jusst isn't going to happen.

Blind Item #3

These two former step siblings are both offsprings of permanent A listers. They also hooked up a lot. The end of the marriage has apparently ended their hookups.

Blind Item #2

This alliterate A list actor would love for the world to think he is dating this permanent A list actress from an iconic role, but they aren't.

Blind Item #1

There is no way this permanent A list singer makes it through all her tour dates. She is not doing well.

Sunday, March 23, 2025

Your Turn - Sponsored By Bracket Busters

Have at it.

Blind Item #8

The full frontal actor is cheating on his significant other again.

Blind Item #7

This former Idol who is in this space more than the other contestants combined, hooked up with a guy in a bathroom at a charity event this weekend.

Blind Item #6

Speaking of money, the A list everything in her mind celebrity thought this billionaire was interested in her, but he just wanted her to perform at a party. His girlfriend is half the celebrity's age. 

Blind Item #5

The flowering financial institution moved overseas, but the guy paying all the bills has had enough of her, so now she is looking for a new sponsor.

Blind Items Revealed #4

March 9, 2025

The A list initialed singer keeps trying to make the former TikTok star turned actress turned do anything to stay relevant, happen, but it isn't working. Maybe the former TikTok star should start doing a bunch of coke like her mentor.

Charli XCX/Addison Rae

Blind Items Revealed #3

March 9, 2025

The guardian of our former talk show host is desperate to keep the host locked up. I wonder what she has been doing that she doesn't want the host to discover.

Wendy Williams

Blind Items Revealed #2

March 9, 2025

This attorney involved in the producer/wannabe rapper lawsuits will be lucky to not get disbarred after that mess filed on Friday.

Ariel Mitchell-Kidd/Sean Combs

Blind Items Revealed #1

March 8, 2025

The most recent co-star might be playing ignorant, but the former co-star was laying into the A- list actress at Fashion Week. The stories you have heard are just a fraction of the bad blood between the pair.

Anna Kendrick/Leighton Meester/Blake Lively

Blind Item #4

Apparently, there was a very large bribe paid to make a certain case go away that has captured headlines out of the country.

Blind Item #3

This foreign born A list driver is already ready to bail on his new team. He hates it.

Blind Item #2

Expect this A list actor to divorce his much younger wife this summer or fall after all the PR is over with for his new show. It was never about love. It was all for show. 

Blind Item #1

I thought the state celebrity offspring was supposed to be in a relationship but she had some random guy over to her house late night last week and he has been bragging about it.


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