Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Today's Blind Items - The Stripper

There has always been something mysterious and secretive about the background of this 1/435th. Lots and lots of missing pieces. At one point, a lot of people were digging into her life and found bits and pieces but not the whole picture. How did she afford the things she was buying on the salary she was making? What has helped her keep quiet about it is that most of her adult activities took place a long way from where she calls home now and she was always very good about hiding her real name and she wore wigs. She was really good at being who people wanted her to be which is why she was so good at adult activities. It also explains why there were several not so good encounters with strange men who did try and bad things to her after a night out. It would all be in the past, but someone she hates is digging deep into finding photos and videos and people who remember her from those days. 

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