Four For Friday - Sex Stuff
#1 - This permanent A list singer not only makes her significant other watch her having sex with other men, she makes her significant other have sex with the men too.
#2 - Speaking of watching others, this permanent A list alliterate singer once sent a video of herself having sex with the significant other of a permanent A list singer/sometime actress, to the permanent A list singer/sometime actress.
#3 - This A- list actor was A list once and really close to A+ list. He and this former A- list actress who was huge in her 20's once got into a huge fight on a set because the actor was telling everyone how bad the actress was in bed and going on and on and on about it to the crew. An hour earlier in bed, he told the actress he loved her.
#4 - Speaking of bad in bed, this A list singer/actress who isn't very good at either would be the one married to the billionaire instead of a foreign born actress, but the billionaire said sex with the singer/actress was the worst sex he ever had.
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