Saturday, September 14, 2024

Blind Item #8

This former country pageant title holder who won the title in the past couple of years, has an interesting story. She recently met this married foreign born A+ list celebrity and they hit it off pretty well, but she didn't think any thing of it. Then, about a week later she got a DM on her Instagram from someone who said it was the celebrity. It was a fake Insta with one picture of a boat. But, in the DM he told her everything they had discussed. They finally got around to speaking on the phone this past week and he wants to fly her in to spend some time alone with her.

Blind Item #7

This bar star is having a tough time finding anyone to play the role of her boyfriend. Forget even finding a real boyfriend. 

Blind Item #6

The son of this deceased 90s rock musician wants to do a tell-all about his life. However, his mother will more than likely shut him down. He wants to reveal about the abuse she conducted towards his father and how she allegedly got him back on drugs after leaving rehab. She’s running out of his father’s money and will do anything to make more. He knows that his sister by said mother has a high likelihood of siding with his mother. He wants to make sure the truth about how his father was treated by her is revealed.

Blind Item #5

This Rocky Mountain Housewife is trying her best to get attention for herself but is going to end up being banned from the channel.

Blind Items Revealed #4

September 4, 2024

This alliterate reality star keeps trying to make money with a multitude of different products to keep up with her wealthier siblings, but no one likes her so they all fail. Her new one is no different. 

Khloe Kardashian

Blind Items Revealed #3

September 4, 2024

So, basically what the former A+ list singer was saying is that she doesn't care who she screws over or makes look bad as long as she has a chance at a hit song.

Katy Perry

Blind Items Revealed #2

September 4, 2024

The alliterate A list actress sucks all the oxygen out of the room discussing her character and the next season of a pay cable show and her character and how it should be enlarged. The next thing you know, the one named actress makes sure the paps get some shots of her and the superhero.

Sydney Sweeney/Euphoria/Zendaya/Tom Holland

Blind Items Revealed #1

September 3, 2024

It kind of feels like the alliterate one uses YouTube videos to get her legal work done when it comes to trademarks. 

Meghan Markle

Blind Item #4

No pap is lingering outside a gym in Dublin at right place right time to snap photos of the foreign born A- list actor showing off his new buff body. He just wants the women to notice so he can have them fawning over him when he is shooting his new movie. 

Blind Item #3 - Reader Blind

The R&B singer who is suing the rapper should have read the Catch and Kill book before she hired her lawyer. 

Blind Item #2

The A list in a group singer who would be nothing without the group must think his dead brother has incriminating information. He surely would have nothing that would let the alive brother off the hook.

Blind Item #1

Another day, another story about the former water superhero and how everyone hates him. Wait until the women start coming forward about their experiences with him.

Friday, September 13, 2024

Blind Item #13

The politician on the right who uses initials had to be talked out of spilling super super piping hot tea about the alliterate hanger on. She was told it would be way too big and would overwhelm the news cycles in a direction they didn't want them to go.

Blind Item #12

The significant other of this A- list singer/sometime actress is doing drugs behind her back and is spiraling.

Blind Item #11

This nepo baby actress has made so many people upset at her over the years, that she could barely get any celebrities to her fashion launch. 

Blind Item #10

The alliterate one can't get this person to take their calls because she is hitting them up for an investment. So, she shows up unannounced in person.

Blind Item #9 - Reader Blind

Nip/Tuck loves to threaten ethnic bloggers but she has nothing to say to the music trade magazine which confirmed her recording company is going down. Her bosses started firing hundreds of people in February and then made even more cuts this summer. Those people are talking and have a lot to say about how much money she ISN’T making for them. The bosses say her career is an experiment gone wrong because she only made one album in seven years that her fans didn’t even buy. They streamed it. A person would have to stream her album 1500 times for it to count as a ten dollar sale . People lost their jobs because she is scared to put out a new album but she continues to lie to her fans even though the entire industry knows the truth. Why else do you think the Hot rapper is everywhere all of a sudden? She is her replacement. 

Blind Items Revealed #5

September 3, 2024

This political figure in a South American country cooked the books so she wouldn't lose her job over a recent debacle.

Francia Marquez/Colombia/Meghan Markle & Prince Harry visit

Four For Friday - North Of The Border Shenanigans

 #1 - Everyone has heard of this long-dead North of the border A++ lister's deeply weird personal life. What not many people know is that he was probably a closet case who never got over the heroic, tragic death of his (likely) boyfriend.

#2 - This former wannabe A++ lister from North of the border is probably about B- list in politics right now. He got ousted from his old job by SA allegations and later made a comeback of sorts. He's always had a reputation as a total sleazebag everywhere he's gone. For example: he married his intern.

One of his best friends lost his job due to a very, VERY violent and disturbing SA allegation around the same time as he did.

It's said that they were quite close back in the day before all this went down and supposedly once took a three-week trip to Thailand together. No one knows what they got up to over there. For all we know nothing happened but in hindsight it looks really sketchy.

#3 - This North of the border politician recently got elected to an important job, despite having some widely reported personal failings in public view. He's doing a phenomenal job so far and seems like a changed man. It's a shame he hasn't taken full accountability for what he is alleged to have done all those years ago.

#4 - This North of the border politician is A+ list in his province and had a close family member who was globally notrious for a short time and who died young. He's kept a comparatively low profile but is probably never going to get voted out of his job at the rate things are going. Anyway, he supposedly kept a mistress for a time, and put her up at a swank penthouse that was way above her pay grade. The kicker is that she allegedly later wound up playing an important role in his government. Allegedly. 

Your Turn

Superstitious at all about Friday The 13th?

Blind Items Revealed #4

September 3, 2024

This barely there celebrity offspring got his experience with women through the hookers his dad would hire for him and the women his mom would find online for him. It isn't much of a shocker that he got his first girlfriend pregnant.

King Harris/T.I./Tiny Harris

Blind Items Revealed #3

September 3, 2024

The frozen flavoring rapper really needs to cut back on the drugs. They are messing with her weekly weight loss shot body.

Ice Spice

Blind Items Revealed #2

September 3, 2024

Speaking of tennis, the married permanent A list tennis player should just dump her husband and get together with the foreign born A- list player. They are like the Tony/Kerry of the tennis world.

Serena Williams/Alexis Ohanian/Grigor Dimitrov

Blind Item #8 - Reader Blind

The family influencer says she is the Kween of her kingdom. She wanted everyone to think her “King” was the man of the house and got jealous of his fame when people believed the lies. She pays for everything. She is embarrassed of her ratchet family. Ask her about her husband’s daughter, her own dad, how many kids her own dad has and what he did when her mom molested her step-son. Not so classy after all. 

Blind Item #7

This married eight time Grammy winner has two kids with one of his girlfriends and has another child with another of his girlfriends. He moved the  girlfriends to Miami while his wife lives in LA with their other kids.

Blind Items Revealed #1

September 3, 2024

This foreign born alliterate former A list tennis player rightfully called out the actions of another tennis player this week. I think he forgot the time he spit on a 13 year old ball girl.

Boris Becker/Yulia Putintseva

Blind Item #6 - Reader Blind

Everyone in the business knows that the “Japan” influencer is jealous of her “Chinese” influencer daughter. All you have to do is tell her that her daughter is being a considered for an opportunity. She’ll do anything to make she she takes it for herself.

Blind Item #5

There's nothing wrong or illegal about allegedly smoking pot multiple times a day, but if you're the leader of a G7 country you should probably cut back. Then again, he's never been the sharpest knife in the drawer. 

Blind Item #4

This dead musician from back in the day wasn't a politician but he had the hardest time keeping his political opinions to himself. He was quite famous for a while I suppose, but fell out of popular consciousness after he died. A movie was made about him at some point that didn't get any awards. He was closeted, but the closet door was made of saran-wrap. 

Something that's only briefly alluded to in the flick is that our hero had the world's worst midlife crisis in all of history (better to call it a "late life crisis") after his other half died, made all the more messy by the fact that he was a senior citizen at the time. Parties, drugs, drinking, public nudity, outrageous behavior, more drugs, more parties, and lots and lots of tawdry, high-risk casual sex, often with pros in foreign countries. That's well known. What's widely rumored in some quarters is that he was very into teenage boys. 

Blind Item #3

The foreign born model/sibling/DIY po*n star had a different kind of overdose than she is claiming that landed her in the hospital.

Blind Item #2

Speaking of singers, this pint sized rapper was way off on her lip synching at a recent concert and was showing off some really bad plastic surgery.

Blind Item #1

This former A list singer who is probably A-/B+ since her last album just announced a new arena tour. Yes, she puts on a good show, but not enough to pack a 14,000 seat arena. Expect some sections to be curtained off and good ticket deals on Groupon.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Blind Item #13

The prime minister actor is reduced to selling autographs at conventions. No one wants to pay his prices though. He charges more than anyone.

Blind Item #12 - Reader Blind

The R&B singer was in a group with the embattled rapper. She was also in the TV show about love and hip hop. Her husband was very close to her former boss. Very close. That boss is a man everyone knows. That boss is currently being sued by her group member who was also in the five-piece girl group. She says that the husband was violent during his marriage to the R&B singer. This husband has 11 kids. 

Blind Item #11

Speaking of a beard, why is it that the family of the deceased actor who once starred on a long long running network sitcom has erased all mentions from his Wiki that he was gay.

Blind Item #10

Usually the date last night of this alliterate singer can be found yachting. I guess she decided that being a beard is a whole lot easier even if it doesn't pay as much.

Blind Item #9 - Reader Blind

People doing business with the saucy influencer have data which proves that most of his views come from men who claim to be heterosexual. 

Blind Items Revealed #5

September 2, 2024

This actress has won Emmy awards in three different decades and if we want to count nominations, it is four decades. Apparently, her stage fright has become so bad that she probably won't ever act again.

Tyne Daly

Today's Blind Items - "Thought She Was Dead" - Old Hollywood

One half of this very famous duo thought he was going to have spend the rest of his life in jail. He thought he killed his wife. Our actor was a huge drinker and he was always beating his wife, generally after he had a few drinks. She would leave and he would apologize and she would come back. It was a never ending cycle. One night he was drinking and she was late getting dinner ready. he threatened to kill her. She laughed it off by literally laughing. Our actor went out to the garage and got a shovel and started beating her with it until she was motionless on the kitchen floor. Her screams prompted a neighbor to call the police. They arrived and rushed to the aid of the wife. It turns out she was still alive. barely. Our actor then said out loud that he thought he killed her. Nothing happened to him. The studio made most of it go away.

Your Turn

 Favorite board game of all time?

Blind Items Revealed #4

September 2, 2024

The singing princess is letting her serial cheating boyfriend market and exploit their kid to an unprecedented level. It is very worrying.  

Halle Bailey/DDG

Blind Items Revealed #3

September 2, 2024

Does the country singer participate in the cult that has been accused of abusing children or does he just let his offspring stay with the cult members?

Rory Feek

Blind Items Revealed #2

September 2, 2024

You know a couple is thirsty when they each call paps. Such is the case with the A list actor and the barely there celebrity offspring of barely there celebrities. 

Bradley Cooper/Gigi Hadid

Blind Item #8 - Reader Blind

The singer was known as the Madonna of the East and sang in the Disney movie. She contracted HIV from her DL husband. 

Blind Item #7

Things were so bad behind the scenes last night at this award show, there is serious doubt about whether there will be one next year.

Blind Items Revealed #1

September 2, 2024

The ginger haired one and this permanent A list actor/sometime director had a phone chat on Saturday. Perhaps the ginger haired one was asking whether the attorney who handled the divorce of the actor in such a quick and spectacular fashion would be interested in a new client.

Prince Harry/Kevin Costner

Blind Item #6

I told you yesterday the musician's other woman was barely legal. It turns out he has known her since long before she became legal.

Blind Item #5 - Reader Blind

Someone in the sharp athlete’s team saw the blind about the tv personality who has all the kids. Maybe they follow the same PR handbook as the bisexual playboy who had all the bunnies. Or the reality tv athlete who has 6 kids and used to try on his famous step-daughter’s dresses. The sharp’s athlete video leaking is a distraction. But from what?

Blind Item #4

Our football performer was offered one minor award if he showed up, but he would also have had to perform. He felt really disrespected.

Blind Item #3

The A+ list singer had no idea she was going to have a camera on her for the entirety of the night. She wanted to have a drink or ten like her seat mate, so disappeared backstage for 90 minutes to have a few without the camera being there.

Blind Item #2

I tell you every year the video award thing is rigged. Sometimes the rigging is so extreme it becomes laughable. You couldn't hear it really well in the broadcast, but the crowd lustily booed this A list singer who won an ward she should never have won. It wasn't in the top 10, but she somehow managed to win it. 

Blind Item #1

 Apparently, not just on stage, but also backstage too, the alliterate rapper who loves the Olympics got a little too handsy with the A+ list singer.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Blind Item #13

The promoter who went to jail is selling tickets to a concert that doesn't even have a venue booked or any bands signed. Sounds like another winner.

Blind Item #12

This A- list actor offered up his apartment to his married former co-star so she wouldn't have to stay in a hotel while in town. The actor stayed there too.

Blind Item #11

This foreign born A list singer in a group has asked his ex to stop wearing her engagement ring.

Blind Item #10

This married foreign born royal is on a diplomatic trip but it didn't stop her from spending time with a former tennis player turned coach who just so happens to be in the same city. The pair dated back in the day.

Blind Item #9

The taking the shirt off for the paps was a big nothing burger for the A- list singer solo and in a group and his wife. Nothing about it was natural at all. 

Blind Items Revealed #5

September 1, 2024

The former child/tween/teen actor turned "musician/singer" wants to run for President. He feels like he can grift super hard doing that.

Corey Feldman

Today's Blind Items - Tours & Drugs

This foreign born singer (#1) is A- list. She should be at her peak right now and selling lots of tickets on her tour. The sales are low though and her label is getting ticked off. They tell her everyday to post to her social media about the tour, but she can't be bothered because she is partying too much. Her touring partner is also foreign born (#2) His label doesn't contribute at all to his tour, so he doesn't really care about sales, He is just happy to be on the road and hitting Grindr at every stop. If the ticket sales don't increase, the label is likely to pull the plug. There is one last trick up their sleeve. #1 is going to release a remix to one of her songs that will feature this foreign born A+/A list singer (#3). The question is whether #1 wants to party or tour. She doesn't seem to be able to do both. 

Your Turn

Where were you when you heard the news of the twin towers being hit?

Blind Items Revealed #4

September 1, 2024

The alliterate one wants to partner with the A+ list YouTube star. Great, doesn't he use slave labor for his chocolate? Sounds right on brand.

Meghan Markle/Mr. Beast

Blind Items Revealed #3

September 1, 2024

The recently married royal used to sleep with someone who isn't blood related to her, but might as well be. It is said she is the one who really messed him up because she was doing it when he was very young.

Princess Märtha Louise of Norway/Marius Borg Høiby

Blind Items Revealed #2

September 1, 2024

This three named former A- list actress from multiple very hit shows, says her marriage is done. I think she was counting down the days until she could meet her final prenup hurdle her wife put in place.

Portia de Rossi/Ellen DeGeneres

Blind Item #8

This 90s confession singer has more secrets hiding in his closet. His mistress is eighteen and ready for more of his children. She wants to make sure she secures his will, and will stop at nothing to take it away from his older daughters. She has known him since before she was of legal age as well.

Blind Item #7

This A list mostly movie actor from multiple franchises was recently out of the country and looked as if being married was an afterthought.

Blind Items Revealed #1

August 31, 2024

Apparently, the TV judge was back to his old ways and not just with substances.

Judge Mathis

Blind Item #6

Next time, someone should tell the A list football player to not wear so much makeup when he goes out.

Blind Item #5

The marijuana feline almost got kicked out of a restaurant for getting freaky in the bathroom. Hey, at least it wasn't drugs.

Blind Item #4

While the talk show host's bad behavior continues, he was perfectly happy to trash the career and future prospects of his once close friend/actress/comic.

Blind Item #3

The bot army of the celebrity cult is really going after the offspring of a former A list singer.

Blind Item #2

Speaking of permanent A list singers, this one named one has to learn how to walk again after getting her BBL removed. Plus, the work done to her face is getting rather Cher like.

Blind Item #1

 I hope no one believes the alliterate permanent A list singer really lost all her weight with some crazy diet. It was the weekly weight loss shot.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Blind Item #13

Speaking of one named singers, this A- list singer is sleeping with an ex of her former boyfriend out of spite.

Blind Item #12

The A list one named singer really should pay close attention to her significant other's friend he calls Lefty. Lefty is not a man who cleans cars as he has told the singer, it is a female intern from his company that he is sleeping with who happens to like using her left hand when performing a sexual act.

Blind Item #11

The fix was in on the visa case. "National security," was what the judge was told. The judge folded. 

Blind Item #10

This barely there celebrity offspring of someone NOT foreign born is back on drugs.

Blind Item #9

The alliterate actor demanded the trailer for his new project be released today. He smells awards.

Blind Items Revealed #5

August 31, 2024

The streaming real estate show has a former actress on it. She is threatening to quit. Please do will say the producers. She has the lowest popularity of anyone on the show.

Selling Sunset/Chrishell Stause

Today's Blind Items - The Nightclub

This celebrity was probably never higher than A- list and honestly only ever approached that level because they were in a celebrity/acting family which raises everyone higher. Probably the least known out of the family. Anyway, they led a crazy life and one of the things the celebrity always mentioned that messed them up more than anything was when they were a tween/teen and would go to a nightclub. Yes, as a tween/teen. The club, run by the biggest mafia guy in the west coast actively tried to get tweens and teens into the club where they would be plied with booze and drugs and then passed around to guys who paid the mafia guys a bunch of money. This led our celebrity down a path of addiction and ultimately an early death.

Your Turn

 NASCAR or Formula 1?

Blind Items Revealed #4

August 31, 2024

I thought she had changed her ways to try and get the big music award. But, no, the one named permanent A list singer has been exposed yet again for screwing over writers. 


Blind Items Revealed #3

August 31, 2024

Keeping with the money theme, it turns out the alliterate one loves to wear designs/outfits that only have a few remaining in stock. That way, after wearing it, she can say the company sold out. She has also been known to make her friends buy the remaining stock if no one else is buying it.

Meghan Markle

Blind Items Revealed #2

August 31, 2024

This former dancer/sometime actress has apparently been offered $5M to go away by her ex, and she won't. There is nearly $50M at stake. Who knew stripping would be so lucrative.

Jenna Dewan/Channing Tatum

Blind Item #8

This university President of an A++ list school would really like to keep the secret that he likes to dress up as a little girl and be pegged by the escort he would hire once every ten days like clockwork.

Blind Item #7

This cable network was going to reboot the big family show in an update version, but have canceled those plans because of the mom being accused of horrible child abuse.

Blind Items Revealed #1

August 31, 2024

The permanent A list celebrity is back vacationing on the mogul's yacht. I wonder what kind of evil games he has planned for this year. It looks like an offspring of a former A++ lister will be joining in the activities. 

Oprah/David Geffen/Chelsea Clinton

Blind Item #6

One of the brothers says there are several home movies featuring the now deceased permanent A list singer and this still alive permanent A list singer/sometime actress that are very R rated. 

Blind Item #5

The foreign born former A+ list rapper can't smoke enough crack to actually say the name of the permanent A list rapper publicly on social media. She dances around the name. She knows even her murderer husband can't deal with the rapper and his people.

Blind Item #4

The rumors about after parties at a brothel after an out of the country NFL game are not true. Both teams went directly from the stadium to their respective planes. However, there were two players who entertained some brothel workers in their hotel room the night prior to the game and had way below par performances.

Blind Item #3

The former superhero has a new sex slave. I wonder if the groomed one will get upset they have been passed over for the flavor of the month.

Blind Item #2

This foreign born A- list mostly movie actor, looking about 15 years younger and without the baby mama at the premiere of his new project.  Although, maybe it was a shrewd PR move, NOT showing up with the woman half his age to advertise a film where he plays a man known for preying on girls half his age

Blind Item #1

I wonder if the documentary about the A list football player will discuss his relationship with the male A- list singer.

Monday, September 09, 2024

Blind Item #13

The sometimes gets naked celebrity who also runs a crypto scam thing, says the former wannabe A++ lister was pressuring her to hook up.

Blind Item #12

I thought this A- alliterate actress was supposed to be sober. It didn't look that way this weekend. This could get bad in a hurry.

Blind Item #11

Speaking of one named singers, this permanent A list singer knew she wasn't going to be nominated in the awards that were announced today. It is the same reason her album was never played on any radio stations that have that music format. They think it was a publicity stunt and not "true" to the format whatever that means.

Blind Item #10

The A/A- list one named singer just got a new boyfriend and he is already cheating on her. Oh, wait, it is the woman he was already hooking up with.

Blind Item #9 - Reader Blind

What's this I keep hearing about how a certain North of the Border rapper we all know likes to make young women eat out of dog bowls for his amusement? 

Puts a whole new meaning on his most recent album title eh?

Blind Items Revealed #5

August 30, 2024

The weekly weight loss shot was a great idea for the permanent A list singer. The really bad lip fillers - not so much.

Christina Aguilera

Today's Blind Items - The New Celebrity Cult

This A- list actor/model doesn't get much work other than one movie franchise. He has also been beset by accusations of domestic violence by several of his former significant others. What to do what to do? Well, do what so many others in his position have done. Join the new celebrity cult that says it is based on a religion and classifies itself as a university and a church. It is none of those things. It is simply a money making operation that has a history of offering up underage girls to their biggest donors. What they do is give troubled celebrities like the one mentioned above, honorary "degrees." They are not even worth the paper they are printed on, but it makes it seem as if the celebrity has turned a new leaf and is someone you can work with again and market. Those celebrities are used as bait for other celebrities and donors to make sure the founder and her minions are always flush with cash.

Your Turn

 What is the most skippable meal of the day?

Blind Items Revealed #4

August 30, 2024

Other than the propensity for substance abuse and domestic violence, this nepo baby actress doesn't really mesh with the vibe of the permanent A list "singer."

Emma Roberts/Britney Spears

Blind Items Revealed #3

August 30, 2024

The church singer has raised the prices of her meets and greets. Hypocritical much?

Chappell Roan

Blind Items Revealed #2

August 30, 2024

All the stories about the A list actress who is an Oscar winner/nominee being nominated again for her latest role, are coming rom her. Not her team, but her.

Angelia Jolie/Maria

Blind Item #8

The problematic writer/actress/producer who made her fame on a pay cable show has scrapped her latest show because it was all about her relationship with her significant other. They have split.

Blind Item #7

Probably not going to do your brand a whole lot of good if you are hobnobbing with a pair of psychics known for grifting. Someone should have told the alliterate one what was up.

Blind Items Revealed #1

August 30, 2024

Speaking of sports, it sure did look like the fix was in when it came to a very recent college sport. Can't have the ratings driver go on another losing streak.

Colorado vs North Dakota State

Blind Item #6

Didn't the three named muse singer say she wasn't dating the guy she was caught sucking face with this weekend?

Blind Item #5

 A few years back, this A list mostly movie actor would never have have said yes to the gig he is now doing. No movies and a lot of lawyer bills have changed his mind.

Blind Item #4

Someone should do a DNA test on the first offspring of the shopaholic reality mom. It turns out she knew the dad way earlier then was let on during her intro to the show.

Blind Item #3

 This A+ list singer had the ultimate sports gig locked down, but the league didn't want to pay her price.

Blind Item #2

Once again, it is time for the closeted F1 driver to debut a new girlfriend. Unlike his last attempt, this one is incredibly thirsty to advance her own career, so she will play along.

Blind Item #1

This permanent A list host has been trying like crazy to scrub the internet of his older controversial interviews but some like the discussion of the sexual assault of the actress that is so problematic is out on the loose again.

Sunday, September 08, 2024

Your Turn - Sponsored By The Best Weekend Of The Year For Degenerate Gamblers

Have at it.

Blind Item #8

Keeping with the alliterate theme, yes, the coding model did hang out with the A+ list singer at a recent event.

Blind Item #7

Speaking of alliterate and north of the border goings on, this alliterate A/A- list actress has really given up any sort off pretense that she is exclusive with the guy she is supposed to marry.

Blind Item #6

Speaking of strange sexual goings on, the north off the border celebrity says the alliterate one has some doozies.

Blind Item #5

I thought the foreign born A- list actress was going to remove herself from the really messed up throuples she was doing while married. Here she is again though with her actor boyfriend and his boyfriend and his girlfriend and her own girlfriend and you can't keep up.

Blind Items Revealed #4

August 29, 2024

Speaking of boxing, are there no drug tests for the celebrity vs former champ fight because the celebrity is so juiced up he must not have balls any longer.

Jake Paul/Mike Tyson

Blind Items Revealed #3

August 29, 2024

The foreign boxer/celebrity talks about getting back together with his ex, but meanwhile, he was hooking up with a random IG model the other night.

Tommy Fury/Molly-Mae Hague

Blind Items Revealed #2

August 29, 2024

She may, in fact be pregnant, but she is going to doctor appointments with her on again off again significant other rather than the country singer and his wife, so not a surrogate.

Megan Fox/Machine Gun Kelly/Jelly Roll/Alyssa DeFord

Blind Items Revealed #1

August 29, 2024

Now, the baking soda actor is going around giving STD's to women. 

Armie Hammer

Blind Item #4

 The A list everything in her mind celebrity really wants the world to think the A list actor/current co-star is on her side in the divorce. That isn't going to happen.

Blind Item #3

The new singer only said something after she was called out about the support off the serial ra*ist. She also still has not addressed her belonging to the celebrity cult.

Blind Item #2

No matter how hard he tries, the wheelchair actor can't get anyone to believe his rival really committed domestic violence.

Blind Item #1

While the prime minister actor gets his significant other to literally pay for everything in his life, he has been trying to hook up with a waitress he met last week.


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