Blind Item #8

Apparently, the TV judge was back to his old ways and not just with substances. 

Blind Item #7

The streaming real estate show has a former actress on it. She is threatening to quit. Please do will say the producers. She has the lowest popularity of anyone on the show.

Blind Item #6

I thought she had changed her ways to try and get the big music award. But, no, the one named permanent A list singer has been exposed yet again for screwing over writers. 

Blind Item #5

You know that red drink everyone pretends to like, but really hates, but we are peer pressured to drink it? Yeah. Well, the singer who sings about the drink is in a PR relationship with one of the hottest singers around right now.

Blind Items Revealed #4

August 20, 2024

One of the things not being auctioned off by the family of the foreign born former A+ list DJ are his notebooks which are filled with notes that could help bring closure to two other musician deaths.

Avicii/Chris Cornell/Chester Bennington

Blind Items Revealed #3

August 20, 2024

Earlier this week I wrote about the permanent A list rapper and his newfound freedom. It must be spreading because his wife never never never shows off her lover/bodyguard as publicly as she did at dinner this week. 


Blind Items Revealed #2

August 20, 2024

The church singer is really struggling right now and needs a break. No one will let her though and keep scheduling her for more and more. 

Chappell Roan

Blind Items Revealed #1

August 20, 2024

All the performative money laundering through a group that was just a front for people to get paid a lot of money for nothing, didn't end up stopping the talent agency from being sued. 

Time's Up/CAA

Blind Item #4

Keeping with the money theme, it turns out the alliterate one loves to wear designs/outfits that only have a few remaining in stock. That way, after wearing it, she can say the company sold out. She has also been known to make her friends buy the remaining stock if no one else is buying it.

Blind Item #3

Speaking of money, it looks by my math that the permanent A list "singer" has about $75M that was somehow laundered out of her accounts. Was it the woman who lives in TN?

Blind Item #2

This former dancer/sometime actress has apparently been offered $5M to go away by her ex, and she won't. There is nearly $50M at stake. Who knew stripping would be so lucrative. 

Blind Item #1

The permanent A list celebrity is back vacationing on the mogul's yacht. I wonder what kind of evil games he has planned for this year. It looks like an offspring of a former A++ lister will be joining in the activities. 

Friday, August 30, 2024

Blind Item #13

The nepo baby former A- list actress has been drinking herself to sleep every night and crashes usually by 8pm because of how much she drinks.

Blind Item #12

The weekly weight loss shot was a great idea for the permanent A list singer. The really bad lip fillers - not so much.

Blind Item #11

The coffee singer doesn't need any more press right now, so it is the foreign born A- list actor's people who are making sure he is mentioned in every story about her.

Blind Item #10

Speaking of music, this A list country singer should probably take a break from touring if he is going to bail on shows earlier and earlier each night.

Blind Item #9

At this point, the foreign born former A+ list rapper should just cancel her tour. No one is buying tickets to her shows.

Blind Items Revealed #5

August 20, 2024

The former musician turned entrepreneur loves pretending he is not hiding in a foreign country but rather he is there because he enjoys it there. 

Russell Simmons

Four For Friday - Random

#1 - We already knew that this singing/talking sibling slept with the significant other of her sister. The thing is though, there was also the aviary guy she slept with too.

#2 - To make sure she was always protected, this foreign born permanent A list model used to sleep with the permanent A list rapper.

#3 - Speaking of the permanent A list rapper, he once ordered his protege to get an abortion and she didn't, so he ended up dumping her and moving on to the woman he groomed then married.

#4 - This permanent A list baller left behind some secret offspring.

Your Turn

 Who will win the Super Bowl this year?

Blind Items Revealed #4

August 19, 2024

The killer actor is refusing to do press for his new show. He thinks it is beneath him. Plus, he knows people are only going to want to ask him about killing someone.

Alec Baldwin

Blind Items Revealed #3

August 19, 2024

The former Disney actress was back on social media showing off a bunch of pricey items. She then told the world they don't need a man. True, but maybe she should have told the world she paid for all the pricey things with a man's credit card.

Skai Jackson

Blind Items Revealed #2

August 19, 2024

This former A+ list athlete is not lying when she says she doesn't want any more  children, but she would do anything to not have to play sports any longer. She loves the checks, but hates everything else with it.

Naomi Osaka

Blind Item #8

Other than the propensity for substance abuse and domestic violence, this nepo baby actress doesn't really mesh with the vibe of the permanent A list "singer."

Blind Item #7

The frozen flavoring rapper should know people who take the weekly shot also do work out.

Blind Items Revealed #1

August 19, 2024

It will be a love fest this week and more when these two former co-star get to spend a night or two together in a city far from home. Could we get a hotel housekeeper to plant a camera?

Tony Goldwyn/Kerry Washington

Blind Item #6

 This offspring of an A- list actress has finally met a half sibling that can't be told is a half sibling.

Blind Item #5

This two color singer is set to discuss the abuse she has suffered over the years.

Blind Item #4

The church singer has raised the prices of her meets and greets. Hypocritical much?

Blind Item #3

All the stories about the A list actress who is an Oscar winner/nominee being nominated again or her latest role, are coming rom her. Not her team, but her.

Blind Item #2

Speaking of sports, it sure did look like the fix was in when it came to a very recent college sport. Can't have the ratings driver go on another losing streak.

Blind Item #1

Maybe the foreign born A list pro athlete shouldn't have stayed out all night with an escort partying and he would have played better.

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Blind Item #13

This A list writer/actor wants to replace one of the OG cast members of his streaming show with someone younger he can hook up with.

Blind Item #12

This permanent A list mostly movie actress is an Oscar winner/nominee and had hotel guests complaining about how loud she was having sex while out o the country.

Blind Item #11

Speaking of boxing, are there no drug tests for the celebrity vs former champ ight because the celebrity is so juiced up he must not have balls any longer.

Blind Item #10

The foreign boxer/celebrity talks about getting back together with his ex, but meanwhile, he was hooking up with a random IG model the other night.

Blind Item #9

She may, in fact be pregnant, but she is going to doctor appointments with her on again off again significant other rather than the country singer and his wife, so not a surrogate.

Blind Items Revealed #5

August 18, 2024

This one named rapper who is always looking for a handout was out with a girl last night who probably couldn't get into an R rated movie.


Today's Blind Items - The Documentary

One item of evidence that should have been introduced against the disgraced producer a few years back, was footage from this documentary that has largely gone forgotten about. It documents the ego clash that happened between the producer and a very belligerent independent filmmaker as he was trying to make his cult classic. Near the end of the film, cameras caught what appears to be the producer’s mercenaries of choice attempting to run down the filmmaker with a vehicle, and nearly hitting him.

Your Turn

 From a reader

Would you be more likely to share your photo or Christian name on here? Or neither.

Blind Items Revealed #4

August 17, 2024

This foreign born permanent A+/A list singer reached out to the permanent A list "singer" and was told he couldn't speak with her, but that she would text him and then send him a video message the next day. Umm, what?

Elton John/Britney Spears

Blind Items Revealed #3

August 17, 2024

This singer turned reality star turned talk show host turned celebrity needs some medical help. She is self-medicating and that never works out well for her.

Tamar Braxton

Blind Items Revealed #2

August 16, 2024

Apparently, a group of children had been promised they were going to meet James Rodriguez. Instead, they got two people who they had never seen and who didn't speak Spanish and the kids had zero clue who they were.

Prince Harry & Meghan Markle

Blind Item #8

Suddenly, the A list everything in her mind celebrity wants to debut a new guy to show she has moved on.

Blind Item #7

Now, the baking soda actor is going around giving STD's to women. 

Blind Items Revealed #1

August 16, 2024

 I don't know what is worse at this point. The A list singer's gambling problem or drug problem.

Bruno Mars

Blind Item #6

The former news anchor is tiring of learning about new sugar babies her boyfriend keeps talking to.

Blind Item #5

The next time the A list social media star/DIY po*n star gets beat up by her boyfriend, and he goes to jail, at least she will have the awful reminder of him forever right in front of her face.

Blind Item #4

This former reality star turned host type personality was going to debut the new love interest a few weeks after her ex died, but was convinced to wait longer so it wouldn't look as creepy.

Blind Item #3

It seems pretty on brand for the alliterate one to invest in a company that exploits minorities. 

Blind Item #2

Speaking of leaving parties early, this foreign born A- list actor keeps embarrassing his higher on the list girlfriend by getting wasted every time they go out.

Blind Item #1

 This initialed singer had to bail from a party early because someone gave her some bad drugs.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Blind Item #13

The significant other of this foreign Housewife is cheating on her with someone much younger than the Wife.

Blind Item #12

This A- list actress/director is craving the new wave of publicity she is going to get for her next project. 

Blind Item #11

The K-pop star who is going to jail for a long time, has been posting videos of not just one girl to OnlyFans, but several girls where he installed recording devices on their phones.

Blind Item #10

The writers guild doesn't want the north of the border A+ list actor mad at them, so won't do anything about him being a scab.

Blind Item #9

Back in the day this music executive called in a lot of favors to keep the sibling of an A+ list singer out of jail for conspiracy to commit murder.

Blind Items Revealed #5

August 19, 2024

This former A+ list actress thinks nothing of having a nip or ten throughout the day, but sometimes that catches up to her during an evening performance of a play.

Kathleen Turner

Today's Blind Items - The Fix

Back in the day, nearly every game in this pro sports league was fixed. The commissioner and executives knew the games were fixed, and tried their best to stop it, but it took years to get the mafia out of the game. The problem they faced was that several of the biggest stars in the league were the ones arranging it. Players would come to this east coast city and sit down with the permanent A list player and then one of his "friends" would stop by the table and the discussion would turn to taking a play or two off during that week's game. No one wanted anyone to throw the game, they just wanted to make sure the line landed where they wanted it. This went on for about two years until the commissioner threatened to permanently ban the permanent A list player. The player needed the paycheck and all those endorsement dollars, so he caved. But, that didn't stop his "friends" from continuing the relationships they had made with other players. That took a few more years to really clean out.

Your Turn

What celebrity do you think you most resemble?

Blind Items Revealed #4

August 17, 2024

If the former A+ list rapper is awash in a sea of cash as she claims and is in no financial distress whatsoever, then why would you take out a second mortgage on yet another home at nearly credit card rate interest?

Cardi B

Blind Items Revealed #3

August 17, 2024

Speaking of the alliterate one, a very recent former employee has spoken to two attorneys, each of whom offer employment litigation as part of their services.

Meghan Markle

Blind Items Revealed #2

August 17, 2024

The foreign born A- list a-hole actor likes lots of photos of women wearing lingerie. If the coffee singer wants the world to keep thinking they are dating, that is fine, but he is off hooking up with women all over the place.

Barry Keoghan/Sabrina Carpenter

Blind Item #8

In a follow-up to a blind from earlier this week, the show starring the alliterate one is not on any internal list of shows airing at the streamer for at least the first five months of next year. That isn't a good sign.

Blind Item #7

The wannabe Ryan Seacrest made it pretty clear that he thinks the permanent A list "singer" should still be in a conservatorship.

Blind Items Revealed #1

August 16, 2024

So, the cousin of the A list actors is also a swinger, or is just caught up in the show about swingers?

Zac Affleck/Ben & Casey Affleck/Secret Lives Of Mormon Wives

Blind Item #6

The baking soda actor isn't broke. He just likes the attention.

Blind Item #5

Apparently, insurance companies don't think the reunion of this foreign group is 100% certain and are charging the promoter about ten times the going rate for premiums because they seem sure there will be cancellations. 

Blind Item #4

This old permanent A list singer has supposedly performed in his last show. He just can't go on any longer.

Blind Item #3

Apparently, a hair care line and a movie about domestic violence is not a great marketing twofer. The new line of the A- list actress is bombing. That makes her like 0 for her last six when it comes to establishing a brand.

Blind Item #2

It is a good thing they don't drug test NFL coaches, or this A lister would be suspended for sure.

Blind Item #1

The health of this one named permanent A list singer must be worse than he has let on to use a body double during his shows.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Blind Item #13

The full frontal actor isn't even being shy about hooking up with an actress he worked with a few months ago.

Blind Item #12

The killer actor cut short the filming of his reality show by weeks, so it will be interesting to see how the season shakes out.

Blind Item #11

The A- list actress made sure to get photos snapped of her at the beach house. She hired the person and told them when and where to be. It is impossible to get shots of anyone there unless it is planned and approved.

Blind Item #10

Apparently, this foreign born former boy bander went ballistic which is why the A list actor is no longer involved in the life of the barely there celebrity.

Blind Item #9

This married former back in the day superhero has a many decades younger masseuse who does way more than massage him.

Blind Items Revealed #5

August 16, 2024

Apparently, the state actress wants to do this whole split thing under her own terms with a cover story. It is really kind of sad.

Dakota Johnson

Today's Blind Items - A Star Is Born

So, back a few years ago, this former A- list actress had recently split with her significant other and wanted an adventure. If the adventure was with a rich guy, then all the better. She found a guy. It didn't last all that long and since he wasn't interested in getting his photo snapped, our actress couldn't brag to the world she was dating a rich guy and show him off. She had to settle for a few written leaks. Anyway, the guy is foreign born and was apparently in the mafia from his home country. Our actress really wanted to be with him all the time because he had a lot of money to spend and was a very big fan of hers from a show back in the day. To get his attention, she made a little self pleasuring video and sent it to him. According to the two countries currently at war together, that little two minute video is the most popular video on the app that saw its founder arrested. Everyone shares the video and our actress is incredibly popular with the troops there on both sides. 

Your Turn

Have you ever met a President?

Blind Items Revealed #4

August 15, 2024

I appreciate how the former child actress turned tween actress turned adult singer is apologizing to those people who crossed her. The thing is though, she isn't being honest at all and never mentions her out of control drug use as a factor in her behavior.

Demi Lovato

Blind Items Revealed #3

August 15, 2024

I have been telling you for over a decade that the foreign born former A list actress turned judge was up to her eyeballs in cartels. This week she at least admitted her family members were.

Sofia Vergara

Blind Items Revealed #2

August 15, 2024

That was a very special birthday present given to the A list actor/sometime director from his female COVID buddy. 

Ben Affleck/Ana de Armas

Blind Item #8

Speaking of the ginger haired one and his wife, the streamer wants to pass on her show, but have agreed to try and find a buyer for it.

Blind Item #7

He didn't go to the wedding, but the ginger haired one has been invited to come spend a few days at his old friend's home. If he goes, that would be the end of the ginger haired one's marriage.

Blind Items Revealed #1

August 15, 2024

The alliterate celebrity offspring already has three or four more procedures she wants to get done to her body. In a decade you won't even recognize her and she will be complaining that no one close to her told her no.

Sami Sheen

Blind Item #6

The foreign born alliterate singer wants to drag the north of the border singer along as her date at the music awards thing to really tick off the coffee singer.

Blind Item #5

Speaking of setups, the girlfriend of the app founder has only been around for a few months. She was sharing to the world where they were every  single day which is how he was being tracked. Did she set him up or was she a real girlfriend?

Blind Item #4

Apparently, the captain of the yacht was paid to do what he did. The storm was just great cover.

Blind Item #3

Speaking of on the mend, this foreign born permanent A list singer is not as much on the mend as she would want you to believe.

Blind Item #2

The alliterate talk show host is finally on the mend. She is even taking meetings about a new show for her to host.

Blind Item #1

The groomed victim is now changing their story but the article being written about the former superhero is crazy crazy crazy.

Monday, August 26, 2024

Blind Item #13

This foreign born celebrity who frequently gets naked found a new sponsor but she has to leave the country to get the money. She probably can't make that happen right now.

Blind Item #12

Wait until the foreign born former A- list singer tells you about  what happened to her other pets.

Blind Item #11

This barely there celebrity offspring of barely there celebrities decided she didn't want to be a beard any longer.

Blind Item #10

This foreign born former A- list actor had a threesome prior to his wedding that didn't include his now wife.

Blind Item #9

The dad talked the son into doing the shooting. Who paid the dad?

Blind Items Revealed #5

August 15, 2024

This permanent A list rapper thinks he can pull a Sean Combs and distract people from his horror show of a life, especially as directed towards women, so opened a school.

Dr. Dre

Today's Blind Items - The Investor

This reality star/actress is living way above her means. She is making a decent amount of money right now but there is no way she can afford to be flying all over the country in a private jet or owning the home she now does or the car she drives. She met a guy who was showering her with money. At first, she was leery that it was going to be a yachting situation, but it didn't start out that way. He said he was a fan and wanted to help her and the money just made her say yes. It was so much and so many things she wanted just materialized. After she got hooked is when he started making his requests. The problem is she can't say no because she is on the hook for a lot of the expenses she now has because of the things he did for her. So, the naked videos she made for him are out there and the hookup weekend at the beginning of August and she thinks he filmed it. She can't back out because she will lose all the stuff she got, and now his demands are getting more crazy. He wants her to to fly overseas when there is a break from her show and meet his family, but she knows it will be a week from hell. She just doesn't know how to escape from it all.

Your Turn

From a reader.

Who do you think killed JFK?

Blind Items Revealed #4

August 14, 2024

The foreign cult is using many of the same facilities this initialed cult used and even has some of their members doing recruiting. They are easy to spot with their brandings.

Falun Gong/NXIVM

Blind Items Revealed #3

August 14, 2024

An assistant of the alliterate one was crying yesterday because she had been ordered to find a certain product and the only place it was available was 120 miles away. She was given a four hour deadline to get it or lose their job.

Meghan Markle

Blind Items Revealed #2

August 14, 2024

Speaking of lawsuits, this pint sized comic/actor can't even keep his story straight and wants no part of a trial. His friend is going to get a nice big check

Kevin Hart

Blind Item #8

The founder of a massive festival used to terrorize one of his female tenants and even did a drive by shooting of her apartment.

Blind Item #7

This A list social media star is a flight attendant and one of the biggest earners in the yachting world.

Blind Items Revealed #1

August 14, 2024

The permanent boy bander must be pretty confident that the two people who watched him have sex with the singer/sometimes actress will say there was no assault.

Nick Carter/Melissa Schuman

Blind Item #6

The offspring of a former A++ lister is hooking up with this former A list reality star.

Blind Item #5

The hard to spell model has been texting a friend about the singer she is supposedly dating and if he could read the texts, he would run away from her as fast as he could.

Blind Item #4

The former A list rapper loves nothing more than to intimidate bloggers and YouTubers by threatening to sue them. It is not their fault her life is so messy.

Blind Item #3

The frozen flavoring rapper says she is dating the hasn't happened yet rapper, but he just hooked up with her a few times to see what the fuss was all about.

Blind Item #2

Not really a shocker the A+ list YouTube star who is watching his brand implode in real time, uses child slavery to produce his chocolate. 

Blind Item #1

This A list actor who got his big break in a work type show, crossed the picket lines north of the border for a paycheck. 

Blind Item #8

Speaking of boy bands, one of the members of this failed boy band is one of the people screwing over fans in the boy band Fyre Festival disaster.

Blind Item #7

The same older woman that has been a mainstay in the life of the north of the border singer, was spotted hanging out with the foreign born former A list boy bander turned A list solo star.

Blind Item #6

Speaking of that religion, apparently they put a minder on this married A+ list mostly movie actor who has always been adjacent, but never publicly admits to being in it. The actor got into a situation that could have been horrible so they assigned him that woman that shows up everywhere.

Blind Item #5

The pint size actor isn't letting us know anything about his kid because then it would mean he is contact with a SP which no one else in his religion would be allowed to do without punishment. 

Blind Items Revealed #4

August 13, 2024

This studio is scared to do the biopic of the chef that includes how he was killed and why. They don't want any trouble with his ex.

Anthony Bourdain/Asia Argento

Blind Items Revealed #3

August 13, 2024

I told you several months ago that the former Disney actress was going to regret being involved with the drug dealer. In the time since, she has been arrested and is also pregnant. Not exactly the yachter lifestyle her mother envisioned for her daughter.

Skai Jackson

Blind Items Revealed #2

August 13, 2024

The suspended Housewife is about to sue to get her job back or get paid what she was promised.

Kenya Moore

Blind Items Revealed #1

August 12, 2024

This royal went missing in Malibu several months ago. What no one is saying out loud is how he was trying to investigate the death of this A list singer.

Attilio Brillembourg/Chester Bennington

Blind Item #4

The singing princess can look online at social media and see that her boyfriend is hooking up with multiple women south of the border, but she does nothing.

Blind Item #3

It is not like this A list actress to talk so much about her former co-star. She is really into her feelings for him this week and letting the world know.

Blind Item #2

The A- list actress made sure the paps knew she was at the home of the A+ list singer. She loves playing that card so people will leave her alone. It won't help her get another job.

Blind Item #1

This A list north of the border singer who everyone knows is a casual coke user appears to be leaning on it more than usual. It's enough to concern his label who are banking on a big album next quarter.