Blind Item #9

So, do you remember back when the permanent A list actor and the foreign born A list actor who should have been the next Bond were the faces of COVID. They just both happened to be extremely famous and catch it at the onset of the outbreak. Yeah, well this time around, there just so happens to be an A+ list TokTok/YouTube star who live streamed his appointment with doctors who diagnosed him. This time the hearts and minds will be won through Gen A and Z.

Blind Item #8

This foreign born permanent A+/A list singer reached out to the permanent A list "singer" and was told he couldn't speak with her, but that she would text him and then send him a video message the next day. Umm, what?

Blind Item #7

If the former A+ list rapper is awash in a sea of cash as she claims and is in no financial distress whatsoever, then why would you take out a second mortgage on yet another home at nearly credit card rate interest?

Blind Item #6

So, the biggest singer on the planet visited her boyfriend on the set of his new show which will be desperate for publicity, and not one photo was snapped of said visit?

Blind Item #5

Speaking of the alliterate one, a very recent former employee has spoken to two attorneys, each of whom offer employment litigation as part of their services.

Blind Items Revealed #4

August 5, 2024

The alliterate one won't be donating any actual money to her new cause. It is fake just like everything else she does.

Meghan Markle/Parent Network

Blind Items Revealed #3

August 5, 2024

For the first time in a long time, there were a number of people who refused to be a part of what happens on the yacht of the permanent A list director.

Steven Spielberg

Blind Items Revealed #2

August 5, 2024

Our favorite foreign born A- list singer/sometime actress and her director significant other have found yet another actress to be their third. They never like vacationing without a third and it is always an actress.

Rita Ora/Taika Waititi/Jodie Turner-Smith

Blind Items Revealed #1

August 5, 2024

This one named A- list singer has been trying to get the singer/serial woman beater into her cult. She has been offering up women and herself to him. They want his money.

Kehlani/Chris Brown

Blind Item #4

This singer turned reality star turned talk show host turned celebrity needs some medical help. She is self-medicating and that never works out well for her.

Blind Item #3

The foreign born A- list a-hole actor likes lots of photos of women wearing lingerie. If the coffee singer wants the world to keep thinking they are dating, that is fine, but he is off hooking up with women all over the place.

Blind Item #2

An offspring of this former A list everything who is now hiding from the US government on a foreign island, sold off nearly $500K worth of purses she was gifted about a year ago.

Blind Item #1

There is already a plan in place to have a speech taped in advance just in case the A++ lister isn't up for speaking on the night he is scheduled. If they do go with the pre-taped speech, take a close look at the synching, because they were going to use the voice over actor they have previously used.

Friday, August 16, 2024

Blind Item #13 - Revenge Po*n Blind

POLICE are investigating the public disclosure of graphic sexual images featuring a top female celebrity.

A man, aged in his 30s, was arrested by police this morning following a complaint by the woman that she was the victim of so-called revenge porn.

Cops carried out a search of the suspect’s address and seized computer devices for examination.

Police officers took a statement from the woman.

Police said the man was arrested on suspicion of “sharing a film or photograph of a person in an intimate setting, with intent to cause alarm, distress, or humiliation, contrary to the Sexual Offences Act 2003.”

Cops carried out a raid on the suspect’s house as part of their investigation into the high-profile case.

He was taken to a local police station where he was fingerprinted, provided a DNA saliva swab and had his mugshot taken.

The man was then questioned in the presence of a solicitor.

It is understood the complainant has been informed of the development in the case.

A source close to the celebrity said: “She was absolutely mortified to see these pictures shared and took swift action.

Blind Item #12

So, the cousin of the A list actors is also a swinger, or is just caught up in the show about swingers?

Blind Item #11

Apparently, a group of children had been promised they were going to meet James Rodriguez. Instead, they got two people who they had never seen and who didn't speak Spanish and the kids had zero clue who they were.

Blind Item #10

Apparently, the state actress wants to do this whole split thing under her own terms with a cover story. It is really kind of sad.

Blind Item #9

I don't know what is worse at this point. The A list singer's gambling problem or drug problem.

Blind Items Revealed #5

August 4, 2024

Even with fake purchases and an unlimited marketing budget, the shoe collection of the nepo baby is an abject failure.

Sofia Richie

Four For Friday - Soaps

#1 - This A- list actor left his soap because of the affair he had with a co-star that crashed and burned her first marriage. She is still on the soaps, but not the same one.

#2 - This A- list actor should probably be thankful he got fired from his soap for coming in late to work every day and coming to set drunk. It straightened him out and he had a nice steady career including an iconic movie.

#3 - This actress has been a soap regular for the past five years. Three decades ago though, she was forced out of a soap because of her long running feud with a co-star.

#4 - In 20+ years of acting, this actor has worked every year. His longest run of episodes was his first show, which was a soap. He didn't even last ten episodes because a fan magazine writer hated his look and wouldn't stop talking smack about him until he was forced out.

Your Turn

 Do you believe in time travel?

Blind Items Revealed #4

August 4, 2024

Despite all the buzz, neither of the two movies about this alliterate wrestler are going to be made. They need him to die first so they can tell all the juicy stuff.

Hulk Hogan

Blind Items Revealed #3

August 4, 2024

Apparently, the former Disney actor is still using which is why he almost died.

Zac Efron

Blind Items Revealed #2

August 3, 2024

The alliterate one was yelling at a producer after a recent interview.

Meghan Markle (and a week later, the media finally decided to report on it)

Blind Item #8

An ex of a Housewife's significant other has photos and videos of him orally servicing another man. The ex is looking for a big payday.

Blind Item #7

This disease isn't going to get everyone locked down until the day after the election. Just in time for the holidays.

Blind Items Revealed #1

August 3, 2024

Considering the director of the musical turned movie has that project and another next in line, if he is really going to direct the biopic, it is going to be a few years before he can get to it. Plus, the "singer" despite the social media posts has no idea about any of the people involved.

Jon Chu/Wicked/Crazy Rich Asians 2/Britney Spears

Blind Item #6

This former A+ list TikTok star had her future in her hands, but blew it with a bunch of moves and making people angry and now OnlyFans is her only way to keep making money.

Blind Item #5

The alliterate one and her husband are charging so much to news outlets for their photos that the news outlets are losing money. No one wants to pay what they are being forced to pay. One glamour magazine was told they would be allowed to take some of their own photos. They have not been allowed and have been forced to use ones provided by the foundation even though they don't match what is going on in real life.

Blind Item #4

Apparently, the A list actor/sometime director was in no shape to go to the DMA for a family errand. It is also why it was an adult only in person day instead of the kids.

Blind Item #3

If you thought the plantation story was racist, just wait until you hear what else this A- list actress did and why no one ever wants to work with her twice.

Blind Item #2

I told you years ago about this superhero writer/creator sharing nudes with his colleagues. One of them was this foreign born former superhero, using the Signal app. Our writer/creator was also fired from a show because of it, and now we know he kept doing it with the crew from the new show where he was working.

Blind Item #1

 All of a sudden this north of the border actor is paying lip service to a disease and pretending he is champion for discovering a cause. Wasn't this the same guy that let his dad, who died from the disease, suffer on random stranger's sofas until his dad passed away. 

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Blind Item #13

When they start rolling out the vaccine for this new outbreak/virus that is spreading worldwide, just remember that the wealthy farmer has a huge stake in the company that makes it.

Blind Item #12

The owners of this movie house that is now for sale, don't want anyone to know about the hauntings inside it. Specifically there is one room they have not entered in decades.

Blind Item #11

I appreciate how the former child actress turned tween actress turned adult singer is apologizing to those people who crossed her. The thing is though, she isn't being honest at all and never mentions her out of control drug use as a factor in her behavior.

Blind Item #10 - Reader Blind

These two Cali born lovebird rappers who recently got in trouble with the law are not too happy with each other and now one of them is out for blood as he’s been hearing the sweet tea all over LA about how she gets around town. From ‘talking dirty’ to one B-list singer, to flirting with her ex lover/producer, and creeping with a permanent A-list foreign born singer’s baby daddy like a savage, he’s quickly seeing that this icy girl has no specific type and isn’t interesting in being wifey anytime soon.

Blind Item #9

This offspring of a permanent A list actor is also married to an A list actor. She never tells anyone how she is related to the billionaire pedo*hile.

Blind Items Revealed #5

August 2, 2024

The initialed singer needs rehab, but her team doesn't want her to go.

Charli XCX

Today's Blind Items - The Plane - Old Hollywood

This permanent A list actor/entertainer/host had a long time mistress who was not a secret. Everyone in town knew who she was and her duties. She had earlier been a pass around for this permanent A list singer who also was a bad actor. The mistress loved being close to the A list actor/entertainer/host and would do anything to keep her position. Our actor/entertainer made her do an increasingly number of awful things to keep her position, including contests where she had to service as many men as possible on airplanes while our actor/entertainer watched. That led to her drinking and using drugs and having just the worst final years of her life. After escaping the actor/entertainer, she never wanted anything to do with him again. So, when she died a very early death, she must have rolled over in her gave knowing he was one of her pallbearers. 

Your Turn

A food/dish you would not be able to give up.

Blind Items Revealed #4

August 2, 2024

This A+ list singer has already reached out to the former Disney singer to join her on a few dates for the Christmas tour.

Mariah Carey/Olivia Rodrigo

Blind Items Revealed #3

August 2, 2024

This foreign born B+ list singer is doing everything she can to get her much higher on the list significant other to promote her new single, but he has been radio silent.

Suki Waterhouse/Robert Pattinson

Blind Items Revealed #2

August 2, 2024

This foreign born A+ list actress managed to get her way in regards to not having a sequel right away for the doll movie. The director has now moved on to other projects.

Margot Robbie/Barbie/Greta Gerwig

Blind Item #8

I have been telling you for over a decade that the foreign born former A list actress turned judge was up to her eyeballs in cartels. This week she at least admitted her family members were.

Blind Item #7

None of the charges against the people who may be involved with the death of the actor from the iconic role will stick. That wasn't the point. The point was to get a multiple part documentary for the relative to air.

Blind Items Revealed #1

August 2, 2024

The wealthy surfer and his wife are on the rocks.

Mark Zuckerberg/Priscilla Chan

Blind Item #6

That was a very special birthday present given to the A list actor/sometime director from his female COVID buddy. 

Blind Item #5

This youthful southern city rapper/singer can say what she wants, but her goal was to become the kept woman of someone rich and famous. The radio hosts/podcasters were telling no lies. 

Blind Item #4 - Old Hollywood

Everyone assumes this permanent A list actress and this other permanent A list actress with generations of celebrity offspring were at each other's throats because of an actor with whom they were both involved. It isn't true. They both realized how awful he was and bonded over that.

Blind Item #3

The alliterate celebrity offspring already has three or four more procedures she wants to get done to her body. In a decade you won't even recognize her and she will be complaining that no one close to her told her no.

Blind Item #2

The north of the border actor and his wife are trying to get some support from the A+ list singer. Failing that, look for them to show up at a concert this weekend so it looks like the singer is taking their side in the drama.

Blind Item #1

This permanent A list rapper thinks he can pull a Sean Combs and distract people from his horror show of a life, especially as directed towards women, so opened a school.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Blind Item #13

This group named after an airplane really need to make this their real final tour. They actively loathe each other and the only thing they loathe more than each other are the fans. It is awful.

Blind Item #12

This A- list country singer is a Grammy winner/nominee. He is also broke because he spent all of his money trying to impress his wife. Plus, the drugs. 

Blind Item #11

The adjacent royal who is in so much trouble was the result of a hookup the billionaire pedo*hile arranged.

Blind Item #10

Speaking of A- list actresses, the husband of an actress all of you know is cheating on her with someone much younger than our actress.

Blind Item #9

This former A- list actress had her career derailed by a personal decision. She is also a stage mom who wanted her offspring to be an actress even though the actress wants no part of it.

Blind Items Revealed #5

August 1, 2024

The ginger haired one had no idea he was going to get a bill for a private jet flight for the alliterate one. She also took one about four times more expensive than necessary.

Prince Harry/Meghan Markle

Today's Blind Items - The Magazine

Back in the 80's a couple of guys got together and decided they wanted to create a magazine that was as close to nude as possible without actually getting nude. Think of something like Maxim. They specialized in landing actresses or people who had been in scandals and then would throw hem into as little clothing as possible and they generated a lot of sales. They would find background actresses from popular movies and then use the name of the movie to sell the women. It is when they started doing this, they started getting calls and actual letters from all over the world about hiring some of the se actresses/celebrities to appear at parties or as dates. The guys who ran the thing would put people in touch, and only took a very small fee. Later down the road, one said they really missed out on a lot more money because they could have arranged the dates and made a ton. There were millions of dollars exchanged and according to the guys, at least two dozen marriages occurred because of the hookups. The magazine limped through the years after the internet destroyed their business model, but lasted until the early aughts. 

Your Turn

 How long did you stay at your first job?

Blind Items Revealed #4

August 1, 2024

Despite the noise and the large numbers of people, this former A list singer fell asleep in church last night.

Justin Bieber

Blind Items Revealed #3

August 1, 2024

This A list country singer should ask her husband about his burner phone.

Miranda Lambert

Blind Items Revealed #2

August 1, 2024

Speaking of drugs, the permanent A list "singer" is back together with her drug dealer and also pays all his other bills too. 

Britney Spears/Paul Soliz

Blind Item #8

The foreign cult is using many of the same facilities this initialed cult used and even has some of their members doing recruiting. They are easy to spot with their brandings.

Blind Item #7

An assistant of the alliterate one was crying yesterday because she had been ordered to find a certain product and the only place it was available was 120 miles away. She was given a four hour deadline to get it or lose their job.

Blind Items Revealed #1

August 1, 2024

The half dollar rapper loves to pretend he wasn't at any of the parties thrown by the producer/wannabe rapper. There are plenty of photos and videos that say otherwise. Some of those photos and videos he probably doesn't want to see the light of day. 

50 Cent/Sean Combs

Blind Item #6

How desperate are you to get every last penny you can earn if you are selling your used swimsuits? Apparently, the alliterate reality star thinks it is a great idea.

Blind Item #5

The A- list actress married to a controlling a-hole much higher on the list, thought the entire world was going to be on her side in this movie battle. Not so much. And that is with the power of magazines and blogs that would love nothing more than to have her say hi to them.

Blind Item #4

Speaking of lawsuits, this pint sized comic/actor can't even keep his story straight and wants no part of a trial. His friend is going to get a nice big check.

Blind Item #3

The permanent boy bander must be pretty confident that the two people who watched him have sex with the singer/sometimes actress will say there was no assault.

Blind Item #2

It is also because of that same trade magazine and their kneepad story of the three named director, that he managed to land a spot in an important film festival.

Blind Item #1

Apparently this trade magazine has been promised all sorts of exclusives and access because there is no reason for them to go all corporate and defend the guy who is basically Les Moonves Jr.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Blind Item #13

The offspring obviously didn't care that his much higher on the list dad hits on the offspring's significant other all the time.

Blind Item #12

This studio is scared to do the biopic of the chef that includes how he was killed and why. They don't want any trouble with his ex.

Blind Item #11

Speaking of country music, the ex of this A+/A list country singer hates being married to her much younger husband and things didn't work out like she thought they would. It never will work if it is all for content.

Blind Item #10

This A list country singer had a great first album. Since then, it has been straight off a cliff music and lyric wise. What happened? The guy he stole the sings from in the first album died.

Blind Item #9

This foreign born permanent A list soccer player makes his wife exercise two hours a day and she has to log in and out on an app so he can check up on her.

Blind Items Revealed #5

July 31, 2024

The only reason this actress/reality star invited an ex of her former husband to a party/taping is to try and get her to spill about the death of the iconic actor.

Denise Richards/Brooke Mueller/Charlie Sheen/Matthew Perry

Today's Blind Items - The Excuse

This actor is a long long time soap star. A few years back, he finally quit them for good and is struggling to find other work in front of the camera. Sure, he picks up a guest spot here and there, but not much. Our actor is married to a long time girlfriend who knew him from high school. Our actor said he would never go back to the soaps because he was tiring of the storylines. What precipitated his exit was a storyline that would have turned his character bisexual. He said there was no way he would do that. I mean he basically at one point had an incest storyline and he was cool with that because it was heterosexual, but he was a hard no on the bisexual thing. So, he quit. What is crazy is that he has a decades long boyfriend that he hides from the public.

Your Turn

Your favorite black and white movie.

Blind Items Revealed #4

July 31, 2024

What the thirsty TikTokker didn't mention is how the former A/A- list actress paid the vast majority of all the bills/rent for the TikTokker.

Amanda Bynes

Blind Items Revealed #3

July 31, 2024

So, the married one named rapper has yet another woman besides his wife pregnant, or is the woman who was with the dead guy the only one pregnant other than the wife. It all gets so confusing with the number of women he sleeps with and his wife never seems to care. Maybe she will send him to the house that is mortgaged to the hilt and for more than what it is worth.

Offset/Cardi B (and then she announced she was divorcing him)

Blind Items Revealed #2

July 31, 2024

The former Idol contestant is so messed up now that he is taking selfies while sitting on the toilet. 

David Archuleta

Blind Item #8

The A list college athlete/huge moneymaker, is learning the hard way that a huge number of followers doesn't mean that you can get them to click on a product. The deals are going to start drying up.

Blind Item #7

This A+/A list actor turned down a pitch for an interview with his frequent co-star for nearly a year. Then, with his ex making his life miserable he decided to do the feel good piece to try and turn the PR ship around.

Blind Items Revealed #1

July 31, 2024

Eye rolls galore with the announcement of the new Shakespeare season at Drury lane in London theatre group chats this evening. The last production by the director was such a disappointment. Don’t know how he is going to handle using a space a large as Drury lane when his shows are so extremely scaled back.

Jamie Lloyd

Blind Item #6

Perhaps the soon to be announced divorce of the parents of the singing family will set the dominoes in motion for another shaky marriage in the family to also end.

Blind Item #5

The three named actor from the cooking show is back to old tricks of calling the paparazzi when he's  out and about. One has to wonder why he wasn't with the flowery singer. I mean she is his  girlfriend is she not? 

Blind Item #4

This actress refused to sign a bearding contract which then forced an A lister to have a frank discussion with his family.

Blind Item #3

I told you several months ago that the former Disney actress was going to regret being involved with the drug dealer. In the time since, she has been arrested and is also pregnant. Not exactly the yachter lifestyle her mother envisioned for her daughter.

Blind Item #2

The suspended Housewife is about to sue to get her job back or get paid what she was promised.

Blind Item #1

As of late last night, the alliterate one and her husband didn't even have their itinerary finalized for their trip that begins in two days. Also, is the trip to an emerald processing center necessary?

Monday, August 12, 2024

Blind Item #19

This royal went missing in Malibu several months ago. What no one is saying out loud is how he was trying to investigate the death of this A list singer.

Blind Item #18

The ginger haired one could, on his upcoming trip discuss the dangers for children who are enslaved because of the drug business and the trafficking that has its roots in the drug business, but sure, go ahead and talk about cyber bullying. Maybe it is because of how much he loves drugs that he can't say bad things about the industry.

Blind Item #17 - Bowen Yang Blind Item

“This man who—this person, this host—made multiple cast members cry on Wednesday before the table read because he hated the ideas,” 

Blind Item #16

The Halloween named reality star from multiple shows about a family that was a spinoff of another reality show starring the youngest member of the family, doesn't want anyone talking about her new relationship because it started while her marriage was still ongoing.

Blind Item #15

This A list pastor makes sure everyone glosses over the incident with a minor that subsequently caused his divorce. He makes it seem like irreconcilable differences. 

Blind Item #14

This foreign born athlete could have performed the same routine that got her on to the Olympic team, but then she would have been one of many and wouldn't make a blip. So, she went viral on purpose and is now going to make a lot more money than she would have otherwise.

Blind Item #13

The barely there celebrity knows she is going to be doing a lot of press for her new reality show, so got a new breast enlargement. 

Blind Item #12

It turns out that this A list athlete maxed out on his endorsement dollars during the Olympics, so decided not to run an event in which he was scheduled to win another gold.

Blind Item #11

The royal in the tiny country all but admitted he forced his current wife into their relationship.

Blind Item #10

The money must have finally run out for the three named celebrity sibling to advertise herself online like she is a background actor trying to get her first speaking role in a student film.

Blind Item #9

 With the success of a recent movie, all the whispers and NDA's about the relationship of this foreign born A+/A list actor and the director are rising to the top again.

Blind Items Revealed #5

July 30, 2024

At least this time, the near 50 year old former superhero is at least hooking up with someone who can legally drink. Barely. 

Tobey Maguire

Today's Blind Items - Death Becomes Her

I actually thought of entitling this the death family, because there is so much death that was always in the background of everything the family did. It isn't there right now, although, if I were a particular offspring, I probably wouldn't let people know where I was staying. The offspring was in the middle of a death game several years back, but was not the intended target. It was the person who was hosting the offspring. They were the target because of what they knew and the other family member wasn't sure they would stay silent. They did though. Then, the same person in this celebrity family decided the matriarch had to go. This time though, they were helped in their quest by someone close to the matriarch who also decided their time had come. They basically poisoned the matriarch to death. The matriarch had survived several other attempts in life to be killed. Everyone knows this family.

Your Turn

How many times a day do you have something to eat?

Blind Items Revealed #4

July 30, 2024

The foreign born brat summer singer really should try and lay off the coke, at least during performances.

Charli XCX

Blind Items Revealed #3

July 29, 2024

Ever since this political operative got engaged, she sure is taking a lot of private jet flights down to a Caribbean island. What exactly needs to be moved out of the country? Or into it? This is happening at least once or twice a week. No one vacations that much.

Huma Abedin

Blind Items Revealed #2

July 29, 2024

It sure feels like the significant other of this permanent A list musician is much more interested in staying with him than answering questions about a recent death.

Meegan Hodges/Slash/Lucy-Bleu Knight

Blind Item #8

The alliterate one has been calling and emailing and texting nonstop the head of this streamer where she has her projects. She is threatening to pull them because of what the standup comedian/podcast host said about the ginger haired one. The streamer would LOVE for her to pull her projects. She won't though, because no one would take them.

Blind Item #7

The billionaire payment guy wants to track everyone in the world. It makes it much easier to keep us under control.

Blind Items Revealed #1

July 29, 2024

For the first time in her life, this alliterate A- list actress went to this hotel/bar/restaurant and didn't have an alcoholic drink.

Lindsay Lohan/Chateau Marmont

Blind Item #6 - Reader Blind

The sometimes author/ wannabe sidekick to the former A++ lister who is trying again has a son with a name that is the same as another wannabe A++ lister.  They are old friends going back years but there is another reason his son bears his friend's name.  Before he got married, his wife dated the friend/wannabe A++ lister.  They were almost married but his family did not approve.  At one point, she had a pregnancy scare which turned out not be real.  She still has feelings for him as she married the author/sidekick on the rebound and generally thinks he is kind of a dork.

Blind Item #5

The former singer turned reality star turned talk show host turned celebrity is back on drugs again and as usual, it isn't pretty.

Blind Item #4

This tour of former A listers isn't selling well at all. But, you know what? They go out every night on time and perform and put on a great show. There are no complaints. Good for them.

Blind Item #3

Do you suppose the wheelchair actor is one of the main recipients of the social media star's frequent po*n dumps where she gets girls to get naked and then records them without their knowledge. Or, the allegations the social media star has a vast collection of underage girl po*n too. You know that is probably a big favorite of the former wheelchair actor. No wonder the pair are such close friends.

Blind Item #2

It is much easier to have an "injury" when your concert venue is going to be less than half filled.

Blind Item #1

The LA Olympic Committee was really showing off the city last night by highlighting an admitted statutory rap*st and the public face of a celebrity cult that has ruined the lives of tens of thousands of people. Way to go.

Blind Item #8

The paternity result for the three named reality star is going to be crazy.

Blind Item #7

His frequent dog walking COVID partner/actress is back in the life of the A list actor who sometimes directs.

Blind Item #6

The north off the border singer with the new music coming out, has never had a pregnancy scare, except maybe in some kind of drug fueled nightmare.

Blind Item #5

An actress that was recently fired from a famous movie franchise has been in meetings for months with the company that fired her. Them, along with the current leading cast of the film, have been trying to find resolution behind the scenes, even pushing back the filming dates to do this. Apparently they have come to an agreement. The fired actress will return and her salary will be going to an aid organization per her request.

Blind Items Revealed #4

July 29, 2024

If the A+ list YouTuber had spent a few bucks hiring professional reality show producers he would not be facing tens of millions of dollars in lawsuits over his latest venture.

Mr. Beast

Blind Items Revealed #3

July 29, 2024

The alliterate one went scouring for influencers and investors out on the east coast and was rejected almost seventy percent of the time. Her brand is becoming too toxic except for the bottom of the bottom.

Meghan Markle

Blind Items Revealed #2

July 29, 2024

The A list singer/sometime actress didn't get enough publicity back in April when she actually got engaged to her Big Pharma shill, so she made sure people noticed by announcing it again at the Olympics. 

Lady Gaga

Blind Items Revealed #1

July 28, 2024

It wasn't like the billionaire TV/movie guy was going to reveal his biggest secrets, so why even bother publishing his memoir. Wait until he passes away and the crazy books that will be written about him.

Barry Diller

Blind Item #4

 This alliterate A list actress has been trashing the one named actress/co-star, any chance she gets.

Blind Item #3

The former almost A- list actress hasn't been able to make the reality show happen like she wants and now with the drug addict allegations about her foreign boyfriend coming to light, things will even get harder.

Blind Item #2

It does seem odd to use a movie about domestic violence to promote a new line of beauty products.

Blind Item #1

This producer/wannabe rapper has been transferring money to his kids and buying lots of crypto to keep everything hidden.