Blind Item #8

This offspring/nepo baby/nepo relative is pregnant, but no one wants to pay her for her exclusive.

Blind Item #7

This A list singer who got her start acting took many hours to get out of her hotel room because of how scared she is of high security areas.

Blind Item #6

Speaking off really mattering, maybe the A list singer/sometime actress could have actually rehearsed her big worldwide performance. 

Blind Item #5

This former daytime drama actress turned reality star is having trouble getting work so she went north of the border for a little show. They thought so little of her they got her name wrong in the press release for the show. When it was pointed out to them, they asked if it really matters.

Blind Items Revealed #4

July 13, 2024

This former A+ list rapper is quietly trying to sell one of her homes but she is really upside down in it. She may have to let it go to foreclosure because she can't make the payments.

Cardi B

Blind Items Revealed #3

July 12, 2024

This long long time singer/host who started off many decades ago as a child singer is trying to match his sister when it comes to work done to his face.

Donny Osmond/Marie Osmond

Blind Items Revealed #2

July 12, 2024

The widow had a ticket for her never seen in public before boyfriend, but she chickened out at the last minute for the big event last night.

Vanessa Bryant

Blind Items Revealed #1

July 12, 2024

There is a third person other than the husband or the boyfriend that could be the father of the baby of the three named celebrity. It was essentially a one night stand.

Gypsy Rose Blanchard

Blind Item #4

Granted, her license expires next month, but even the real estate agent from the streaming show you might suspect is not licensed, is. Now, do they make any real sales? Not really which is what the other celebrity real estate agent may have been referring to. The former get naked reality star/model was also licensed but never made a sale.

Blind Item #3

I guess the wife o the coach discovered the graduate student the coach was hooking up with from his last job and brought over to his new job.

Blind Item #2

The national honor which was mentioned previously this week still has no plans to replace the creepy perv director with the singer/actress who outlives everyone.

Blind Item #1

The flap between the one named singer and the permanent A list "singer" just shows the permanent A list singer is not in control of anything in her life. Her family and her team still control everything which is why the permanent A list singer had no idea she had given permission for a sample to be used.

Friday, July 26, 2024

Blind Item #13

This groomer/YouTuber has been financing "swimmers tours" for men to fly to Africa and impregnate as many women as possible.

Blind Item #12

This foreign born A+/A list tennis player is involved in a Ponzi scheme and she doesn't even know it. Her name is being used to promote it though.

Blind Item #11

This former A+ list actress is an Oscar winner/nominee and at this point, is just play acting being married. Just divorce already.

Blind Item #10

This foreign born A- list actress who is living with a man, hooked up with a female convention goer.

Blind Item #9

If anything positive can be said about a recent award show appearance, it is that a bipartisan group of politicians want to reopen the case into the death of this former A list athlete.

Blind Items Revealed #5

July 12, 2024

The crazy rich guy who recently got married has hundreds of workers who don't even get paid minimum wage who cater to him and his family's needs. They work 18 hours a day and get fired if they ask for time off.

Anant Ambani

Four For Friday - Author Drama

#1 - This former Housewife still goes on Amazon and writes reviews or her book under a wide variety of pseudonyms. 

#2 - This prolific author also created and wrote several hit television shows. If you wanted to be the lead actress on any of his shows, you were going to have to sleep with him whenever he wanted. He also had a secretary who would perform oral sex on him every few hours while he was writing because he would arouse himself so much.

#3 - This famed children's author loved nothing more than making his paralyzed wife watch him have sex with his mistress.

#4 - This one hit wonder author got away with murder. She refuses to discuss it or how much in bribes she has paid over the years to keep it hidden away.

Your Turn

Earliest scandal you can remember.

Blind Items Revealed #4

July 12, 2024

This one named north of the border singer says her ex has a fascination with making Minority Report real. 

Grimes/Elon Musk

Blind Items Revealed #3

July 11, 2024

The wheelchair actor has been passing around photos of the foreign born alliterate singer that she probably doesn't want passed around.

Drake/Camila Cabello

Blind Items Revealed #2

July 11, 2024

The sibling off the permanent A list "singer" has one goal and that is to get her to perform again with him or his buddy as manager.

Bryan Spears/Britney Spears

Blind Item #8

This network which has been around forever wants to do a reality program that is anything but real. It is nothing but AI generated images and story lines and the audience would participate in a choose your own adventure thing. Its budget would be about 5% of a regular reality show. 

Blind Item #7

An offspring of a billionaire was set up to take the fall for this newspaper that had been around forever. His brother did it.

Blind Items Revealed #1

July 11, 2024

This political power player must be getting some very big money for doing the fake engagement thing. She has never even done more with him than a peck on the cheek.

Huma Abedin/Alex Soros

Blind Item #6 - Reader Blind

The Jehovah Witness pred who makes independent movies recently tried to leak a nasty rumor about the West Coast Hip Hop manager who manages the rapper with the color in his name. The West Coast manager confirmed the allegations about the Pred in an interview after the Pred’s wife came forward. The Pred is out for revenge but should be careful because the manager knows a whole lot more about him and can’t be silenced with a cease and desist.

Blind Item #5

Speaking of the show mentioned in #4, an actor from the show presents a rainbow and unicorns life at home with his wife, but there are a ton of fights between the pair because of her never ending need for social media attention.

Blind Item #4

This former A/A- list primetime actress from a long long long long running show, which is still airing, is living overseas with her "wife."

Blind Item #3

The alliterate one keeps playing up the paranoia card to the point where he actually enquired about uniformed police protection for every time one of them leaves home.

Blind Item #2

The significant other of this permanent A list comedian/sometime actor thinks everyone knows who she is. They don't. She thinks she should be waited on by managers and ushered into private rooms at restaurants because she thinks crowds will mob her. They don't and won't.

Blind Item #1

This former A+/A list singer wasn't planning on releasing a new single or at least another month, but needs to do something to try and bump up the sale of her album. 

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Blind Item #14

Maybe the A++ lister borrowed some extra size lifts from the pint sized actor because he gained a solid three or four inches over the past week or so.

Blind Item #13

This former Idol contestant has been quiet in this space for quite some time. He dropped a new song last week on his ex’s birthday with lyrics about being scared of commitment and avoidant and how his ex made him feel loved but our Idol needed to be on his own. Then he went out that same night celebrating the release all over Instagram and came back to his car windows smashed and a bag with his passport and social security card was stolen. 

Then yesterday some guy leaked his Grindr profile over at the gay forum LPSG. The guy who posted it said our Idol turned him down for having more muscle than him and that he only wants guys with his exact same build for hookups. Got this man’s whole HIV history out here. He said our Idol wasn’t going by his name either so I doubt he wants this out there but thems the breaks being a celeb.

Blind Item #12 - Reader Blind

A British artist with a cockney accent whose name rhymes with Jafar may be caught up in the next round between the wheelchair rapper and the West Coast rapper. The West Coast rapper did not know about the British artist’s allegations before they collaborated but the wheelchair rapper’s people think it could be a good way to hit back and Vent . 

Blind Item #11

Not only did this CEO fly to Europe in first class while his customers and employees have suffered horrendously this past week, he also made sure no one was within two rows of him so he wouldn't have to talk to anyone. That pushed the people he bumped into Business Class or waiting until the next flight.

Blind Item #10 - Reader Blind

There is a festival which takes place on an island on the North African coast every year. Most of its attendees are young people of color from Europe. The organizers have been criticized for not doing enough to stop the sexual assaults which take place every year. They want the one-named singer with the liquid song to perform there next year but she won’t give them an answer until they prove they can keep rapists away.

Blind Item #9

This permanent A list actress/singer/offspring who outlives everyone, really must have rubbed someone in a very wrong way to keep getting passed over for that national cultural honor.

Blind Items Revealed #5

July 11, 2024

Speaking of traffickers, the only thing this sexy industry plant seems to be doing is finding women as pass arounds for higher ups in the industry.

Sexyy Red

Today's Blind Items - The Offspring

The real killer was someone very close to the accused killer according to a book published a few years ago.  This is why the accused killer seemingly was part of so many illogical implausible acts that made him only look guiltier.  He was trying to protect him and took the blame himself.  Yes, the accused killer was called to the sight of the killing by the real killer and it was bloody which explains the presence of evidence introduced during the trial.  The book laid out the case against the real killer from behavior (which includes an arrest and history of violence) to access to the murder weapon to lack of an alibi to motive.  The behavior part of the case which stems from the real killer’s mental illness is about to come up again as the real killer is soon to be sued in court for battery and his past history is sure to be brought up.

Your Turn

Do you think Joe Biden will finish out his term?

Blind Items Revealed #4

July 11, 2024

Speaking of victims who also had a mean side, this permanent A list alliterate singer used to beat women and traffic them just so she wouldn't be subject to the same treatment.

Tina Turner

Blind Items Revealed #3

July 11, 2024

Apparently, this foreign born A- list actress/producer is taking advice from her A/A- list actor abusive boyfriend on how to treat others. She is almost as bad as he is.

Mia Goth/Shia LaBeouf

Blind Items Revealed #2

July 10, 2024

After her last reality show appearance was such a huge success, the Housewives producers should have been falling over themselves to get this alliterate reality star back. They ignored her. Now though, with their season falling apart they are giving her the world and she is taking it.

Phaedra Parks/The Traitors/RHOA

Blind Item #8

The scalpers are going to take a big bath on the espresso singer tickets. The demand is just not there. The bot demand was there, but not the people demand.

Blind Item #7

The lawsuit money is being shunted into the community property money which is why the alliterate one keeps pressing for more and more.

Blind Items Revealed #1

July 10, 2024

Speaking of kids, this horrible mother who has been on reality television on and off since pimping her kid out to beauty pageants, wants the mom less daughter so she can exploit the kid for more money.

Mama June Shannon

Blind Item #6 - Reader Blind

The British female rapper named after the non-stick mobster is known to her make her hair and makeup girls cry. Some of them celebrated when her new album came out and tanked. 

Blind Item #5

The daytime drama actress is learning what a closet case her significant other is. She had no idea prior to now.

Blind Item #4

This record label honcho knows exactly who the producer/wannabe rapper is, but he is going to pretend to do the whole I'm too old to be able to comment on anything about that. Lawsuits.

Blind Item #3

The retired former A+ list NFL player has found yet another yachter to hook up with because it is just so much easier for him.

Blind Item #2

Apparently, the former teen sitcom star from back in the day who appeared on multiple shows in the same universe is the one behind the audio recording scandal.

Blind Item #1

The award thirster is not going to marry the barely there celebrity. 

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Blind Item #13

This seems like an awful idea, but it is being tossed about. An offspring of a former A++ lister and a step offspring of a wannabe A++ lister would join the cast off the network dance show which will be airing right through the election.

Blind Item #12

The full frontal actor has been doing his own thing and that does not really include spending time with the really bad actress.

Blind Item #11 - Reader Blind

The male R&B singer who is currently touring gives a chunk of his royalties to the gangs he uses for protection. This could hurt him if any of that money is used to pay for illegal activity. 

Blind Item #10

This foreign born A- list actress is a yachter. She has been pushed hard by the Svengali this year. She is also being used as a chess piece and will probably end up dead if she keeps hooking up with this money man of really bad men the Svengali owes favors to but is on several hit lists.

Blind Item #9 - Reader Blind

The rapper turned podcaster once said he groped his own dog. (Ew). Anyway, he knows all about the fight between the Nip/Tuck female rapper and the ocean label because the people who work there are his sources. They give him the information because they are mad that they gave her an advance to cover multiple albums . She has only put one out. She has been told that her already shrinking budget will be cut again if the album isn’t out by September.   

They are focused on the “poorly behaved” album by the fancy British singer because of the presidential endorsement so won’t have time for the rapper’s games in quarter 4. Podcaster is nasty for abusing his dog. She is nasty for lying to her fans and wasting their time. And her husband is nasty for cheating on her when he knows how much pressure she is under. Her family wants her to leave him because they are worried he’ll give her a venereal disease because he cheats so much.

Blind Items Revealed #5

July 10, 2024

The former late night actor's people might want to make it seem like it was a year of dating his "girlfriend," but he was dating many others at the same time.

Pete Davidson/Madelyn Cline

Today's Blind Items - Old Hollywood - Kindness

Testimony of a young survivor of this horrific policy describes the day they were liberated.  One of the officers involved, an extremely handsome man with an unflappable demeanor, led a team of men who were there to photographically document what had happened.   He and his team were not from America. The officer personally helped the survivors and made sure many of them got the help they needed not to mention food and other supplies as well as transport to where they needed to go for those well enough to travel.  He was the go to guy for helping all the victims who were kept in this location.  He would receive a number of medals for his overall conduct and service during this huge conflict of the last century.

A few years later, the survivor had immigrated to the home country of the officer and happened to go to a movie.  The star was the officer.  In the years that followed, the survivor followed the officer’s career as he went from teen heartthrob to mature adult making films that would be described as intellectual and arty and somewhat experimental.  He was also known for not making any attempt to hide his sexuality, not out, no one was then, but not in the closet either, as well as his excellent fashion sense and the series of books he wrote later in life (some of which deal with his harrowing war experiences).  He was not as big in the USA as his home country but was deeply respected.

Towards the end of the officer’s life, the survivor was able to meet him and thank him for what he did.  The officer as cool as ever said it was his duty as a human being.

Your Turn

What tv show do you not skip through the opening theme song/credits?

Blind Items Revealed #4

July 9, 2024

This dead recreational singer had rescued multiple kids over the nine months prior to him dying. He also provided a great deal of financial assistance to the safe place. Apparently, his next of kin was not willing to continue financing it or helping it in anyway.

Chester Bennington/Linkin Park

Blind Items Revealed #3

July 9, 2024

No one takes this barely there celebrity offspring seriously, which is why she doesn't get any modeling work. Plus, she doesn't have the look, and unlike the permanent A list singer who trades favors for her kid to get modeling gigs, no one wants to deal with the parents of the barely there celebrity offspring.

Aoki Lee Simmons/Madonna/Lourdes Leon

Blind Items Revealed #2

July 9, 2024

The very very very rich tech guy decided in favor of his son rather than his daughter when it came to a company they both wanted.

Larry Ellison/David Ellison/Megan Ellison/Paramount

Blind Item #8

For those that believe in time travel, they are throwing out the card that the guy who showed up at the shooting last week and then disappeared, appears to be the same guy seen in video in the aftermath of a shooting that killed the dad of a candidate and in a photo (which is much tougher to discern) taken after the shooting of the candidate's uncle.

Blind Item #7

Even if the alliterate one does endorse the current #2, it is completely empty. She doesn't know enough people to host a fundraiser and was trashing her a couple months back while meeting with the state A++ lister.

Blind Items Revealed #1

July 9, 2024

The flowering financial institution is in need of some money in a hurry. She already blew through all of the money the celebrity CEO gave her, but can she go to that well one more time? Does he care about that stuff getting out any longer?

Azealia Banks/Elon Musk

Blind Item #6

This A+/A list actor was recently asked at an event, if his girlfriend was his mom.

Blind Item #5

The frozen flavoring singer would rather throw around a lot of money and pretend she is a baller, rather than actually paying small business owners for work they did for her.

Blind Item #4

The singling off the permanent A list singer has promised certain people she will perform again and he needs the money. He will fail though. She will play along for a few weeks and then go back to doing what she wants.

Blind Item #3

So, the one named singer who was abused gets multiple top 10 spots with her new song while the enabler couldn't even crack the top 60, and will be gone from the charts next week. 

Blind Item #2

The celebrity CEO was never going to follow through on paying that kind of money every month. I am just shocked he actually announced it. I thought he would just stiff the guy. Maybe he decided he doesn't need a pardon as much as he thought he did.

Blind Item #1

It is kind of crazy that while promotion is ongoing for the latest superhero movie starring a certain character, that this weekend, the foreign born former pay cable actor is going to be announced as that character in projects going forward. The S&M book to movie guy is also going to be a announced as a character.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Blind Item #15

This married alliterate former A list NFL player has nearly a dozen kids even though his Wiki only shows three. All of his baby mothers are now getting together to try and make his life miserable and get him to pay support.

Blind Item #14

This serial sexual assaulter/stand up comic has been working again in LA, but at a new comedy club that just wants to get some people in the door no matter what.

Blind Item #13

This permanent A list NFL QB is already talking about an ankle injury he is going to have to give him an extra week off prior to the team's bye week.

Blind Item #12

The Housewife knew where her husband was going to be and what time he was going to arrive. She wanted that story line and sympathy or this season's filming.

Blind Item #11 - Reader Blind

The dancer who resembles Jiminy Cricket was married to an R&B singer who is behind  bars. She would like everyone to think she was a victim but court records prove that she had “threesomes” with her husband and at least one of his actual victims despite knowing what he had done to the poor girl in the past. If you ask her about his most famous victim she will tell you to not to rock the boat and let that one rest. The truth is that she hates talking about the victim because she believes her husband loved the minor (ew) more than he loved their dirty marriage. She may shake her thighs but she will never be able to shake the truth. 

Blind Item #10

No one cares what the former network reality star has to say about his marriage. He was grifting when he married his wife and he is grifting now. 

Blind Item #9 - Reader Blind

Do people believe that her album has sold almost as many copies as the legendary album by the elusive multi-hyphenate star who was in the nun movie? Without the streaming bots the side chick with a ring’s numbers are more on par with the A List everything in her mind. That's why her fans would soil their panties if someone challenged them to upload receipts proving they bought the album they also say is outselling the whistle lady’s music. That’s why she doesn’t do album signings. She would have to invite the bots. 

Blind Items Revealed #5

July 9, 2024

Unless the permanent A list "singer" can find a new drug source in a hurry, she will either get back with her "ex," or be hooking up with a guy to get a source.

Britney Spears/Paul Soliz

Today's Blind Items - One or The Team

This permanent A list actress/singer is an Oscar winner/nominee. Back in the day she was at a crossroads early on in her film career. Her then soon-to-be ex husband, a B-list character actor, was tied up in a breach of contract suit plus was heavily addicted to coke, making him unable to work on any movie set. As a favor to their agent, our actress begrudgingly agreed to do a romantic comedy. She was miserable the entire time (mostly because the now ex-husband knew that she was sleeping with her then A-list leading man, mostly to calm her nerves). She also feuded with her costar, an A-/B+ list comedic actress, whom she accused of upstaging her. Turns out the movie was one of her biggest hits.

Your Turn

Have you tried the weekly weight loss shot?

Blind Items Revealed #4

July 8, 2024

You remember about four years ago the furniture supplier was accused of transporting kids in their products? They have been firing anyone who could actually speak about it and replacing them with AI. Now, they can say things like it is a computer or processing issue.


Blind Items Revealed #3

July 8, 2024

The alliterate one made her husband stay home rather than going out with a group of people to go watch a soccer match. She said they were going to have people come over to the house. They didn't.

Meghan Markle/Prince Harry/Euros Final

Blind Items Revealed #2

July 8, 2024

The foreign born former A+ list rapper just wanted to party and shop so blew off the next concert that was scheduled.

Nicki Minaj/Romania

Blind Item #8

Due to disagreements with the north off the border actor, this foreign born actress was pretty much left out of all press and any events for the new installment of this superhero franchise.

Blind Item #7

Despite which A++ lister prevails, they have both committed to making all youth register for the draft and it is to stop kids from moving out of the country. Except for vacations, they want to make sure a work force is available in the US, so you will not be allowed to be gone for longer than six months until you reach an age that has yet to be determined.

Blind Items Revealed #1

July 8, 2024

The one named aviary producer doesn't seem to be all that worried about anything happening to him. There were not many legal women at the party he hosted this past weekend.


Blind Item #6 - Mr. X

There have been unconfirmed reports that the alliterate former talk show host was attending several concerts at the Montreux Jazz Festival last week, with a group of friends from the rehab facility where she’s staying. The source also said she’s put on quite a bit of weight which means that she doesn’t look like she’s at death’s door.

Blind Item #5

Last I checked, this A+/A list actor who sometimes directs barely spends any time in the US at all. He has discussed giving up his citizenship for tax reasons, but somehow he is the authority everyone looks to for political advice?

Blind Item #4

Don't be shocked if this director of a soon to be season three of the pay cable show just cuts the one named actress entirely from the season after she shoots it. He holds grudges.

Blind Item #3 - Mr. X

Which GOP senator is about to be served with a sexual assault lawsuit by a former male intern?

Blind Item #2

The site that blackmailed the three named now deceased actor into giving his final interview still exists. You probably haven't heard of them though.

Blind Item #1

The producer/wannabe rapper may still yet go down for the murder of the permanent A list rapper/sometime actor.

Monday, July 22, 2024

Blind Item #20

This former Disney actress starves herself to lose weight, so I'm not sure that is better than the weekly weight loss shot she criticized. 

Blind Item #19

This small country royal lives with an ex and just trots out the wife for public functions. It seems to work for them. 

Blind Item #18

This HGTV star was already spotted making out and being groped by a guy while out partying this weekend. I guess he is the next in a very long list of last names she will take.

Blind Item #17

That popular new streaming restaurant show that takes place out of the country selects the winner in advance and then just works around it.

Blind Item #16

The A+ list singer is not thrilled that one of her business partners is hanging out with the foreign born actor who keeps getting caught using drugs.

Blind Item #15

This former A- list actress turned behind the scenes person all of you know, could never get any paps interested n her when she lived in LA. She found one while living out of the country though and tries new looks and ideas every day.

Blind Item #14

The ginger haired one is having a lot off trouble filling the charity position. The whole social media/public talk about the job was to try and find someone who is actually interested in taking the job.

Blind Item #13

One of the mainstays of the site from back in the day is a foreign born alliterate celebrity who peaked at A- list. She is getting marred again, but her soon to be husband is hooking up with someone much younger than our celebrity.

Blind Item #12 - Reader Blind

This Househusband thought that using a different surname would stop viewers from finding out how recent his latest criminal act was. They found it and it proves that he and his wife are liars. They aren’t the only liars though. The producer who told them they had what it takes to replace the table flipping Wife lied to them too. It isn’t a good sign when the show stops doing reunions the year after you join, is it? 

Blind Item #11

This long long long time television actor/sitcom actor says he still does coke to feel young. It makes him look 100.

Blind Item #10 - Reader Blind

This multi platinum ex-Housewife is secretly competitive. Any time she is in a group setting the person who is most known for carrying the group will eventually be fired and made to look crazy. It’s not like she is reliable or entertaining enough to fill their spot, but she hates being overshadowed by people she thinks she is smarter than. 

Pay attention to her career and you’ll see the pattern. It happened to the quotable Housewife before it happened to the group member with the troublesome husband. She always looks cool, and they seem irrational but very few people see what she does behind the scenes. On the tv show her allies were the model and the pageant winner. In the group her allies were the Very Small singer with the SA allegations and a relative of her target. She pays Bills to bloggers who Scrub her dirty work up.  

May be PTSD from when the permanent A list singer with the hair care line received credit and awards for sobs the ex-Housewife wrote. 

Blind Item #9

I guess it isn't shocking that the still married reality star from multiple shows is hooking up with a much much younger yachter. 

Blind Items Revealed #5

July 7, 2024

The alliterate barely there celebrity offspring of a permanent A lister thinks because he is so small time that he can sneak past everyone that he was hooking up with his new girlfriend while he had just been married to his wife for a month or two. He has now publicly dumped the wife.

Sean Stewart/Rod Stewart/Julia Stambler/Jody Weintraub

Today's Blind Items - The Haunting

You can rent the house. It is available to rent from a very public site. They actually make you complete a form before they send you information about the price of the rental. They check to make sure you are not a law enforcement official. Lately, they have also been checking social media accounts to make sure you are not someone who makes a living looking for ghosts and spirits. The house costs about $25-50K per week depending on the season. Back when the house was being designed and built, it was being erected in a community of similar type houses. Prior to that it was just empty land. The region has made a comeback because of a long running series that turned into a movie about an adjacent royal family. 

Everyone knows the area is haunted, but specifically this one house is next level. No one will ever buy it. It should be razed, but instead, the owners try to rent it out hoping no one ever catches on what happened in the fields that make up its back yard. This foreign born former A list model and her boyfriend at the time would find teens who were fans of the couple and would play all kinds off sex games with them. Sometimes, the games got out of hand. The first time, the model freaked out but her boyfriend knew exactly what to do and made the girl disappear. Forever. No one ever found the body and police declared her missing. Our couple got smarter. They then only played rough with girls they knew had limited or no families. If bad things happened, the boyfriend made sure they were never seen again. 

The girls were buried in this area a few hours outside the capitol. This went on for years and also went on after the model and her boyfriend went their separate ways. Then, one day, a development company decided to build some really big mansions on all the land in the area. Our model had no idea where the bodies were buried or if they were buried or burned or whatever became of them. It was only when the model became involved with the development company that her ex got in touch with her and sent her a card in the mail telling her she was now involved in the secret. He didn't say what the secret was to her, but he told others and when the property went through several owners and renters became terrified, the ex boasted even more. 

Your Turn

Worst restaurant food you ever ate.

Blind Items Revealed #4

July 7, 2024

Bookmakers are taking a hard look at a recent tennis match because of some very unusual bets placed within the final two hours prior to the match.

Yulia Putintseva/Iga ĹšwiÄ…tek 

Blind Items Revealed #3

July 7, 2024

The alliterate has already stated to the powers that be that she won't be promoting her new show like everyone else in the world would. No talk shows. No press. She was offered the former reality star turned A list talk show host and the host would travel to the alliterate one, but the alliterate one said no. She thinks the talk show host's audience is not the right market. Late night shows? No. She thinks they will trap her into doing something she doesn't want to do. She is open to Vogue and Town & Country but only if they give her the cover and she gets to pick the writers and photographers. 

Meghan Markle/Kelly Clarkson

Blind Items Revealed #2

July 7, 2024

The three named rapper/singer is trying to get some good attention focused on her which is why she wants the world to think she is dating the A list NBA player who is also an offspring. She isn't.

Megan Thee Stallion/Klay Thompson

Blind Item #8

The foreign born fighter/accused serial ra*ist certainly knows a thing or two about juicing so we should believe him when discussing the celebrity fighter.

Blind Item #7

USOC: So, we have this great human interest piece about a first generation athlete who really embodies the Olympic spirit and family and will give everyone the warm and fuzzies. She should carry the flag for the US at the opening ceremonies.

Nike: We gave you a lot of money and we don't care about that. This permanent A list athlete is carrying the flag because we have an entire marketing campaign coming based off it

USOC: But...

Nike: Great. We are agreed. See you at the Winter Games in a couple of years. Help yourself to some stickers on the way out.

Blind Items Revealed #1

July 7, 2024

In that professional cheerleader show, one off the team had to retire because the mom was so hated and no one wanted her around.

America’s Sweethearts: Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders/Victoria Kalina/Tina Kalina 

Blind Item #6

The wealthy farmer is a huge contributor to a fund that ultimately pays for European men to impregnate women in Africa. 

Blind Item #5

This streaming actor getting set for another go round says he is in an open marriage. His wife would probably say he is, but she is not allowed to be.

Blind Item #4

Get this once married former pay cable actress drunk and she will tell you all about the time the ginger haired one spent hours trying to convince her to sleep with him.

Blind Item #3

Apparently the former wheelchair actor is still going bareback all the time and still picking up STD's right and left.

Blind Item #2

The church/music publishing singer is talking about quitting music but she would owe so much money to her label that she can't quit. They won't let her.

Blind Item #1

Besides being a quarter of a century too late, the other reason this sequel to the wives movie will not be made are the asking salaries which are out of whack by a ton. These are no longer A list actresses, but want to be paid like A+++ listers.

Blind Item #8

This A list actor is headed to Broadway and wants to be the highest paid actor ever. Accordingly, ticket prices will be three or four times the normal cost of a Broadway show.

Blind Item #7

The former A list showrunner is trying to sell a behind the scenes documentary. It is the only reason anyone would suggest who he did to run for the A++ list job.

Blind Item #6 - Reader Blind

A secret meeting about the Nip/Tuck female rapper’s album took place this week and her bosses don’t think her fans are motivated enough to keep it on the charts. All of the following things have happened since she made her first single and album. One Trump presidency. One election. One Biden presidency. Another election. Covid 19. Ice Spice graduated from high school. Three Doja Cat albums. The start and end of Tekashi 69’s career. Two Rihanna babies. Two Dua Lipa albums. The start and end of Marvel Phase 4. Four Janet Jackson tours. The end of Game of Thrones. Five BeyoncĂ© albums. Tory Lanez’ trial, imprisonment and court toupee. Two Bad Boys movies.  Daniel Caesar’s cancellation. Donald Trump’s assassination attempt. Five seasons of Baddies. One Royal Wedding. The death of OJ Simpson, 10 Taylor Swift albums and re-releases, Club Shay Shay, six seasons of Power, Seven super bowls, Angel Reese’s high school graduation, one Pink Pantheress, and 14 Tyler Perry movies. The people who signed her are embarrassed and the moles are talking. That’s why she was so rattled this week. A publicity stunt is scheduled for the first week of August.

Blind Item #5

Could it be a coincidence? Sure. It would just be one of the biggest coincidences ever that the hooker this casino mass shooter slept with for three nights consecutively two weeks prior to the event also slept with an offspring of an A++ lister.

Blind Items Revealed #4

July 7, 2024

The foreign born comic/actor ex of the small country royal has already said he wants wife number four to be the A list mostly movie actress he is dating.

Gad Elmaleh/Princess Charlotte/Monaco/Natalie Portman 

Blind Items Revealed #3

July 6, 2024

You know the foreign born yachter who showed up in some photos with the wealthy farmer over the past year? Wait until you see the photos of her with a new guy in power. 

Mila Antonova/Bill Gates/Keir Starmer

Blind Items Revealed #2

July 6, 2024

How thirsty do you have to be to spend your entire honeymoon responding to people on social media who have thoughts about what you wore to your wedding.

Olivia Culpo

Blind Items Revealed #1

July 5, 2024

The one named comic is realizing that low ticket sales are not just for bands, but for comics too, especially very polarizing comics like herself.


Blind Item #4

Speaking of private jets, this A- list actor starred in an iconic television role, and is being accused off sexually assaulting a flight attendant on a private jet flight.

Blind Item #3

 The alliterate one was barred from using one friend's private jet because she was treating it like her own rather than asking if she could use it.

Blind Item #2

So far, the feds have been unable to have a sit down with this A list actress/singer about her long ago ex. They have a lot of questions.

Blind Item #1

The art guy marrying a yachter seems about on par. What he doesn't know about are her connections to the maia.