Tuesday, July 02, 2024

Blind Item #13

This foreign born A- list actress has assumed the leadership position of The Club. She is tired of people being wishy washy. 

Blind Item #12

Most of the time the producer/wannabe rapper has the mark hidden beneath a watch or bracelet. Three very tiny dots that form the shape of a triangle. You could see it in the photos from his vacation. You would be surprised at how many people have the three dots. 

Blind Item #11

Continuing with the tennis theme, this top 20 male player has been hooking up with female tennis players who want to play with him in mixed doubles. I'm sure his girlfriend loves that.

Blind Item #10

Speaking of tennis, the Spaniard didn't want anyone to know she was going out with the Greek because she knew he would cheat on her and he is already doing so.

Blind Item #9

This foreign born A- list actress was really upset she got shunted to the back row of the celebrity box at this tennis event.

Blind Items Revealed #5

June 20, 2024

This foreign born alliterate A- list singer tried to get the guy she is seeing to pose with her in bed, but he refused.

Camila Cabello/Austin Kevitch 

Today's Blind Items - The Meeting

For the first time in a very long time, there is new information on the death off this alliterate A list singer. Shortly prior to soundcheck, our musician was introduced to a man by the singer from the opening act. The man had been desperate for a meeting. The man was told to wait through soundcheck. Immediately after soundcheck, our A list singer met with the man. This man has now given an interview to an author of a book and said he handed our singer a SD card with several hundred photos on it which had been taken by a private investigator. The investigator couldn't get through security that day because they had been told to watch for him and not let him through. So, he passed it off to our man who was kind of a groupie/gofer for the opening act. The singer was seen putting the SD card into his front pocket. He then thanked the man and went his way after not even a 30 second meeting. That SD card was not in the possessions listed of the musician. The investigator had been hired by the singer. Why was he barred from the show that night?

Your Turn

Waffles, pancakes or French Toast?

Blind Items Revealed #4

June 20, 2024

After getting the rug pulled out from under him the first time around, this sports organization is going to have to pay a coach double what they would have had to pay him when they were first courting him to take over.

JJ Redick/Los Angeles Lakers

Blind Items Revealed #3

June 20, 2024

This former radio and network television personality is headed to rehab if his family can convince him to go.

John “Stuttering John” Melendez

Blind Items Revealed #2

June 20, 2024

Once again, this foreign born fighter decided he would rather go home with someone else other than his significant other. She looked barely legal.

Conor McGregor

Blind Item #8

The alliterate one plans on wearing items that once belonged to her deceased mother-in-law at the award show. The tabloids have already been alerted. She can't let her husband have all the attention.

Blind Item #7

Apparently, what caused the former A++ lister to break off his relationship with the billionaire ped*phile was when the billionaire started making comments to a friend about the daughter of the former A++ lister and it got back to the former A++ lister.

Blind Items Revealed #1

June 20, 2024

The lawyer for the recently arrested singer is making this all about himself. He seems pretty thirsty.

Edward Burke Jr./Justin Timberlake

Blind Item #6

The significant other of the former A+ list rapper can use a spokesperson for now, but at some point will have to talk under oath and her answers will be completely different.

Blind Item #5

Just because you are an A+ lister on TikTok doesn't mean this actress who is an Oscar winner/nominee is going to know who you are.

Blind Item #4

The alliterate foreign born A- list singer has admitted in the past she used many racial epithets and apologized for using them. She even went to counseling for it. So, it is strange that the social media platform with the new name says that she never has made racist remarks.

Blind Item #3

The permanent A list actress has always been rumored to enjoy swinging with her significant other. Apparently, she has designs on the football player.

Blind Item #2

A decade ago this A list actor/comic/singer fired one of his friends who gave him some "medicine." Funny how the same thing recently happened again.

Blind Item #1

This foreign born A- list actor who recently went on an interesting date, was spotted sniffing something up at that foreign music festival. Tsk tsk.

Monday, July 01, 2024

Blind Item #14

A former girlfriend of this A+/A list celebrity chef with a lot of shows, says he told her a story that happened several years back. A woman was throwing herself at him every chance she got. The woman knew people in PR and was getting invited to the same events as the chef. She made it perfectly clear she was open to whatever he wanted. It is unknown if the chef hooked up with the woman, but when he rejected her, she moved on immediately to the actor to whom she is now married and has a million kids. The actor said yes on day one of the hitting on.

Blind Item #13

For years, the powers that be were worried someone with a phone would sneak in and record the ceremony where it appears someone is being sacrificed. This year, the powers that be are not just reinstating that ritual but several others and have replaced the vast majority of day workers bused in, to instead using several hundred refugees from this ongoing war. They are all going to be forced to wear matching uniforms and this includes the women and children. There are no men because those have all been drafted. There are a couple of dozen 15-16 year old male teens that will do the work normally assigned to the college students.

Blind Item #12

This former A+ list singer is scared to stop taking the weekly shot, but she is going to completely disappear if she doesn't.

Blind Item #11

It was more stage fright than anything for this one named former one-fifth that caused her to cancel.

Blind Item #10

This A list mostly movie actress had too many hoops for this A- list actor to jump through to date the actress, so he moved on to the bestie of an A+ list singer who also might have contributed a few song lyrics here and there.

Blind Item #9

This alliterate foreign born actor has just been outed in a song.

Blind Items Revealed #5

June 19, 2024

This long time NFL QB not named Aaron, thinks he is underpaid. He isn't. He knows if he gets hurt, he will get zero dollars. He wants to get paid the full amount of his salary even if he gets injured, which is pretty likely.

Matthew Stafford

Today's Blind Items - The Payoff

In anticipation of the call coming, the state A++ lister (#1) has involved the wealthy family (#2) to help finance what needs to be done. He also has called in someone who once was the right hand person to this former city A++ lister (#3) who has a lot of experience hiding things and keeping people bought and paid for and quiet like the next in line (#4) to the current A++ lister (#5). At issue are a couple of things. There are of courser the threesomes with the former news anchor (#6) but she will keep quiet out of self interest. The tapes that have long been sought are still held by the former A- list actor (#7) as his permanent get out of jail free card from both parties. The current significant other (#8) of #1 has their own sordid past, but everyone thinks that is on lockdown. They would be wrong. There are men and women waiting in the wings to share all kinds of stories, including some associates of the imprisoned producer (#9) who wants to trade the information for whatever kind of pardon he can get in the state of #1. With what happened in the other state, it could see him a free man. He is desperate. Then, we can't forget about what happened when #1 was a city A++ lister and the multiple women who have been paid for years. There is the one couple (#10) though who have not gone quietly and will have plenty to say. There is also the waitress (#11) who works at a very high end restaurant who has so far stayed quiet about the parent of her baby.

Your Turn

How many drinks is too many for you?

Blind Items Revealed #4

June 19, 2024

Not only did the foreign born permanent A list singer in a group skip the screening of a movie, but the A list co-star of the state actress didn't say two words to the actress girlfriend of the singer unless he was forced to.

Chris Martin/Coldplay/Sean Penn/Dakota Johnson/Daddio

Blind Items Revealed #3

June 19, 2024

The sisters who always seem to be waffling between choosing sides in the family squabble have come down firmly on the side of the heir. They made that plain to see for the public today.

Princess Beatrice and Princess Eugenie/Prince William

Blind Items Revealed #2

June 19, 2024

While he was sleeping with her every night, this actor/reality star/porn star/pimp kept trying to get this celebrity to let him film here but she is too worried about her kid seeing it.

Ray J/Amber Rose

Blind Item #8

According to an offspring, the significant other of this A++ lister doesn't want to take care of the A++ lister and will be out the door the second he isn't an A++ lister any longer.

Blind Item #7

Did the alliterate one refer to her husband as a little b**ch? It sounded like that to someone who was perhaps ten feet away from a conversation the alliterate one was having with a friend.

Blind Items Revealed #1

June 19, 2024

Apparently, the former A list "singer" turned reality judge found out what she was earning in relation to everyone else on the tour and is bailing unless her demands are met. Umm, wait until she learns about breach of contract.

Paula Abdul/New Kids On The Block Tour

Blind Item #6

Speaking of reality stars, this former tween reality star turned adult celebrity isn't doing a very good job of having people sign NDAs before she starts messing with them. I smell lawsuits in her future.

Blind Item #5

This alliterate reality star let it slip that the permanent A list "singer" has fired her manager. The reality star could blame it on being drunk, but even when she says she is drunk, she isn't. She just thinks it makes her more relatable. 

Blind Item #4

The significant other of the new NBA player is now telling him to go overseas to try and make more money. She didn't work this hard to get a second round paycheck.

Blind Item #3

The slightly older and still married woman wants to be the one the north of the border is identified with as a girlfriend, but the decades older woman still controls his life and his connections with the cult.

Blind Item #2

Forget the yachter from last month that our favorite foreign born closeted actor hired.  Not even real womanizers have as many (fake) girlfriends as our actor does! There's a new 'girlfriend' every few weeks.

Our actor showed off a new one this weekend and his team made it very obvious they wanted the world to know he was with her.  

Blind Item #1

With all of the social media dancing, this foreign born A list tennis player seems totally unbothered by her ex killing himself because of what happened in their relationship.

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Your Turn - Sponsored By Dial Up Internet

Have at it.

Blind Item #8

The state A++ lister is trying to clear his schedule for the next two weeks. Apparently, he thinks it is go time.

Blind Item #7

This former Housewife thinks this celebrity offspring/reality star has more money than he does. He will be happy to hook up, but is not going to be the bank she thinks he is.

Blind Item #6

Everyone at this foreign festival was very happy to see the north o the border singer leave after her show. She terrorized the staff by thinking she was A+ list when she clearly is not.

Blind Item #5

This three named actress and her significant other sure did look like they were going to partner swap with the celebrity offspring and her significant other while all out of the country together.

Blind Items Revealed #4

June 19, 2024

Death has been resurrected and is leaving the comfort of her new home to work for the first time in a very long time. She needs the work and actually living in her new home has taken away most of her deathly pallor. 

Amber Heard

Blind Items Revealed #3

June 19, 2024

The permanent A list director has himself in first position to get paid back for what will be a flop of his movie. Anyone else doesn't stand a chance of getting paid.

Francis Ford Coppola/Megalopolis

Blind Items Revealed #2

June 19, 2024

The question to ask the A list singer is who he was drinking with and what he was doing with said person and why he was in such a hurry to get out of there prior to being spotted. I know there are all kinds of rumors about drugs in his system but it is too early for those kinds of results.

Justin Timberlake

Blind Items Revealed #1

June 18, 2024

The former superhero turned future television director counseled against the cannibal actor addressing the whole cannibal thing or even doing a podcast.

Robert Downey Jr./Armie Hammer

Blind Item #4

Apparently, when it comes to his adult entertainment business, the former A+ list rapper and his significant other are very lax when it comes to record keeping things like checking the i.d. of performers. That is going to come out in the new lawsuit.

Blind Item #3

In the world of do they really have kids, this A+/A list mostly movie actor/sometime director and his wife have the most missing of missing kids.

Blind Item #2

The late night talk show host says he regrets asking the one named permanent A list celebrity whether she is in the closet, but he would never dare ask the guys he knows are in the closet.

Blind Item #1

Considering her past support for several predators, it is very hypocritical off the A list singer/sometime actress to decide the producer/wannabe rapper is her go too far line.


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