Blind Item #8

Unlike this cooking foreign born celebrity (#1) or this married foreign born A-/B+ list actress (#2) or this married A- list actress who quit acting for a while (#3) or this now divorced A- list actor (#4) and hundreds more, at least this initialed A list singer/rapper (#5) admitted she was a long term sugarbaby.

Blind Item #7

I thought this A- list celebrity everyone hates unless they need a favor from her like the alliterate one, quit drinking. Judging by those recent events, it doesn't look like it.

Blind Item #6

There has been enough buzz and talk about the old relationship that the family of this dead woman want the police to reopen the investigation into her death and speak to the producer/wannabe rapper.

Blind Item #5

This on again off again Teen Mom has been seeing a guy for about two weeks and is already trying to get pregnant.

Blind Items Revealed #4

May 9, 2024

The three named reality star/celebrity is actually going to do what was teased last month. Start an OnlyFans.

Gypsy Rose Blanchard

Blind Items Revealed #3

May 9, 2024

The former sugarbaby thought she was going to get her own spinoff on the network to discuss her life event. She isn't. Her Q ratings are not good enough.

Lauren From Utah/Bravo

Blind Items Revealed #2

May 9, 2024

If there is another season of the bar show, and that looks very doubtful right now, the aggrieved one who thinks she is now a superstar wants at least double what the next highest cast member makes.

Vanderpump Rules/Ariana Maddix

Blind Items Revealed #1

May 9, 2024

It is a good thing this Housewife already finished filming her latest season. Next year, she won't have any money. That was part of the deal her boyfriend made with the feds. There is going to be some heavy restitution. 

Jennifer Pedranti/RHOC/Ryan Boyajian

Blind Item #4 - 90's Limo Driver

The driver picked up the former female talk show host/comedian and her partner, and two or three adopted kids at a home in Beverly Hills and was to take them to LAX. It was the usual hectic start to a trip with young children, strapping them in, getting all the luggage situated, etc. The former talk show host (recently in the news) was nice enough to the driver, unlike the other former female gay talk show host, who was beyond condescending when he drove her. Once on the road, the driver noticed the former talk show host cussed like a sailor in front of the children. The former talk show host got on a phone call to one of her associates, and every syllable out of her mouth dripped with venom and sarcasm. This toxic conversation went on all the way to LAX. Once she hung up, she launched into a profanity driven diatribe to her partner. When the driver dropped them off at the terminal, the former talk show host tipped him a twenty, which in those days was enough to buy two packs of Parliament Lights, a twelve pack of Budweiser, and a Whopper combo. Better than a sharp stick in the eye, and the driver was very glad he didn’t get on her wrong side.

Blind Item #3

This American sports media mogul is racking up millions in sports gambling debt. Typically in the media business the advertiser pays the media outlet, not the other way around. 

Blind Item #2

Nobody believes the hateful political podcaster’s claim that his stream was hacked by a foreign government’s elite unit.

Blind Item #1

This permanent A list female rapper always puts on a great show. But when you haven’t had a hit in two decades, you can’t expect to fill an arena with Taylor Swift-level ticket prices. Expect some date cancellations or ticket deals on Groupon. 

Friday, May 17, 2024

Blind Item #13

This on again off again national news anchor/host is already cheating on their brand new significant other.

Blind Item #12

Apparently, the reason the wife of this elected official to a national office filed for divorce so quickly is because she was sent a few recordings of an intimate nature. No one is sure why they were sent or by whom. The mistress?

Blind Item #11

This A list mostly movie actress is an Oscar winner and is set to say some not very nice things about a former co-star who bullied her.

Blind Item #10

It was not the alliterate "boyfriend" she was holding on to like he was her savior while at this festival. The A- list singer/actress seemed much more happy and relaxed with the guy overseas.

Blind Item #9

The first word on the cooking project is that it isn't good. The alliterate one is not as bad as the celebrity offspring, but it was described as robotic and fake.

Blind Items Revealed #5

May 9, 2024

This A- list Oscar winner didn't exactly refute the charges made against him in a recent lawsuit.

Cuba Gooding Jr.

Four For Friday -Ditched At The Altar (Or Really Close)

#1 - This prolific baby making actor from an acting family left this former A list television actress just before they were to be married. The actress has not had much of a career since her very hit show went off the air.

#2 - This at the time A- list actor got a very big check to walk away from at the time this A- list actress right before they were set to marry.

#3 - This actress was A- list and headed to A list with her own show at one point. She walked away from a guy who was going to out  her and steal all her money if they got married.

#4 - If you listen to this former franchise movie actress which she had when she was much younger and who had a career resurgence over the past year or two tell it, she and the former A+ list mostly movie actor were going to get married in Vegas, but the line to get the marriage license was too long. Then, the next day he broke it off with her.

Your Turn

 Do you want to see Megalopolis?

Blind Items Revealed #4

May 9, 2024

The mother of the permanent A list "singer" spoke to the singer's brother this past week about a conservatorship.

Lynne Spears/Britney Spears/Brian Spears

Blind Items Revealed #3

May 8, 2024

This A list athlete got his recent acting gig thanks to the recommendation of this A list alliterate reality star/actress/producer who is best buddies with the producer of the show. That is a very interesting turn of events.

Travis Kelce/Grotesquerie/Kim Kardashian/Ryan Murphy

Blind Items Revealed #2

May 8, 2024

Was the A- list singer solo and in a group really sick or did he have a deadline to start filming his project that he was going to miss? 

Nick Jonas

Blind Item #8

This former Disney actor turned A/A- list adult actor has been spending his time at a film festival hooking up with a former co-star.

Blind Item #7

This A list female country singer brought her secret girlfriend to town with her, but not to the actual award show. 

Blind Items Revealed #1

May 8, 2024

In light of their mission, I'm not sure firing someone for not moving people to empty seats is the way this athletic organization really should be going.

Invictus Games

Blind Item #6

Speaking of drunk singers, this foreign born A+/A list singer said a drunk singer was super aggressive and rude in hitting on her last night but doesn't want to tell his name.

Blind Item #5

Apparently this A+ list country singer hasn't learned his lesson. He was hammered last night.

Blind Item #4

This married permanent A list actor from a Hollywood family brought two of his female "employees" with him overseas. 

Blind Item #3

This A-list actor is an Oscar winner/nominee and is back to booze and coke big time and he looks rough.

Blind Item #2

Apparently, if you are the three named singing muse you grew up poor if you were taking private plane flights and your dad made millions. When exactly was she poor and why does she go after fans who call her out about it?

Blind Item #1

It is no coincidence that this sports league made sure one if it's teams would be playing really close to a stadium where this A+ list singer would be performing. 

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Blind Item #13

This foreign born permanent A list model who uses ONE name used to love posing nude and having kids in the background of her photos.

Blind Item #12

This stand up comic has more underage women coming for him than the magician. 

Blind Item #11

There is apparently video of what went down after the alliterate one and the pro golfer got wet for charity/social media likes back in the day.

Blind Item #10

This foreign born barely hanging on to A- list actress is using a rental property for her social media photos of her own home.

Blind Item #9

Wait. The pro athlete who has taken all the heat this week isn't even the father of the kids he is always posing with?

Blind Items Revealed #5

May 8, 2024

It is hard to believe the bloated drugged out mess of today was once an A+ list mostly movie action actor.

Steven Seagal 

Today's Blind Items - He Quit

This former wrestler/football player (#1) was hated by everyone he worked with and this blind is another of those reasons. He did a lot of coke at the height of his fame. This now dead alliterate wrestler (#2) and his then girlfriend (#3) also did a lot of coke. They once ran through their cash but were desperate for coke. They asked #1for an eight ball on credit. He laughed and said, "I don't believe in credit. But we can barter." #2 asked what he wanted and #1 said he wanted #3. #2 offered her up and said not to hurt her. Twenty minutes later #1 finishes with #3 and she leaves his room with the tiny, paper envelope. Instead of going back and using it with #2, she did the coke with this A+ list wrestler (#4) and spent the night in his room. A few hours later #2 starts banging on the door of #1 looking for #3 and can't find her and #1 says he has no idea where # is. The next morning #2 still hasn't seen #3 so he goes to the front desk where he runs into #4. #4 walks up to #2 and pushes a nostril close, sniffs, and says, "Thanks for the bump." #2 gets into a huge argument with #3 and then goes to the higher ups at wrestling and quits on the spot and ended his wrestling career. 

Your Turn

How much did your first job pay hourly?

Blind Items Revealed #4

May 8, 2024

No matter what you may see "leaked," the alliterate rapper who does not speak English as a first language wants nothing more to do with the reality family and their games. 

Bad Bunny/Kendall Jenner/Kardashians

Blind Items Revealed #3

May 7, 2024

The rumors swirling around the suspicious nature of the pastors wife’s death are very true. He’s been hiding a very dark, dangerous secret that he doesn’t want to be exposed. Unfortunately he won’t be able to hide it for much longer. 

John-Paul Miller/Mica Miller

Blind Items Revealed #2

May 7, 2024

Met Gala

When you are one of the hosts, you really are expected to understand the assignment. The editor is exempt from that rule, but she likes to enforce it on the hosts and the actress/singer already mentioned, displeased the editor with their effort.

Anna Wintour/Jennifer Lopez

Blind Item #8

This married A list mostly movie actor has multiple franchises and is hooking up with the daughter of one of his co-stars.

Blind Item #7

Considering the history of this network and the anchors that have hosted their nightly news over the years, but this eye network is seriously contemplating dropping their nightly news broadcast.

Blind Items Revealed #1

May 7, 2024

Met Gala

This foreign born A list actor and his wife won't be invited back. They wore what they would wear to any event to which they are invited.

Chris Hemsworth/Elsa Pataky

Blind Item #6

In the span of his two week leave three months ago, this A+ list K-pop star got at least three women in the Philippines pregnant. The record label is trying to pay all of them off now.

Blind Item #5

This former Disney actress is being investigated for money laundering and drug trafficking. 

Blind Item #4

This former A+ list rapper who might not ever release another record again, was cheated on by her husband multiple times in the past year, so of course it makes sense for them to have another baby together. 

Blind Item #3

The only time this A- list singer/actress is nice to her boyfriend is when it is for the cameras.

Blind Item #2

Speaking of A listers, this A+ list actor has been trying to make plans to see his kids for Father's Day next month and they have all said no.

Blind Item #1

This A list mostly television actress who can seemingly do any type role is cheating on her significant other with a much much younger person.

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Blind Item #14

This A list comic/podcaster is about to be sued for sexual assault/harassment. The wrestler co-host will also be sued as a part of it.

Blind Item #13

Instead of being with someone who he will always think has other motives, this A+/A list NBA player pays two women to alternate weeks with him and pays them each several hundred thousand dollars a year to be with him. If they get clingy or ask him for anything, he replaces them. 

Blind Item #12

The amount of anger directed towards the producers that gave this A list actor his big break on their television show is crazy. He told them there will be no cameos and no participation at all from him in the new version of the show.

Blind Item #11

The head of this foreign charity that is under fire, tried multiple times without success to get a meeting with the ginger haired one to discuss what steps should be taken. The ginger haired one has washed his hands of the whole thing and pretends he was never a part of it.

Blind Item #10

 Over the course of the next several years, this music conglomerate will have a new label that is filled with nothing but AI music. So far, with the limited amounts they have done, they are making a fortune. No artist to pay. No royalties to pay. Plus, they are teaming up with satellite radio to provide them with many channels of music that will have a flat rate of royalties  paid to the label that is a fraction of what the satellite radio pays now. 

Blind Item #9

The bodyguard of this A- list actress beat up her most recent boyfriend.

Blind Items Revealed #5

May 7, 2024

Met Gala

How do you get the world to stop talking about you being lustily booed for a solid minute on live television that was then shared worldwide? You tell everyone you are wearing the sweater of your boyfriend. Didn't you just "break up" with the last guy a few days ago? Plus, if it is your boyfriend's sweater, than he is a tiny human.

Kim Kardashian

Today's Blind Items - You Should Pay

The story for public consumption, if you can even find it anywhere at this point, was that this foreign born A list actress had a very wealthy man supporting her and backing/financing her when she first started out here. It was in much the same vein as the permanent A list actress who is an Oscar winner/nominee. The thing is though, the guy who gave the latter money actually sued her for it later in life. If you tried that with the former, you would have ended up dead. Apparently, all of the goodies and luxuries our foreign born actress acquired was just really money laundering for drug money. Yes, she did have a guy that took care of her, but that just led to her former friends and acquaintances to see a good place and idea to hide cash and soon not only did our actress have multiple properties in her name, but there were other aspiring artists who also had multiple properties and lots of jewels. At least one of those artists ended up dead when they tried to sell one of the properties and not share the profit with her "lender."

Your Turn

Did you get involved in the meme stock thing this time or last or both or never?

Blind Items Revealed #4

May 7, 2024

Met Gala

Even last month, you just knew this foreign born one named permanent A list singer was going to skip the event. She didn't want to discuss it in interviews and just wanted a break from it. Her "flu" was a classic music flu used for many a cancelation of concerts over the years.


Blind Items Revealed #3

May 7, 2024

Met Gala

This beach actor was leaving his tan stains everywhere he went last night

Chase Stokes/Outer Banks

Blind Items Revealed #2

May 7, 2024

Met Gala

Speaking of the how many hours did it take to make your dress, this former A+ list actress knows how the game is played and always makes sure to be a winner by throwing out some insane number of hours that isn't true, but knows will be more hours by a factor of ten than anyone else's number.

Demi Moore

Blind Item #8

I told you two months ago and a month ago and even last week and now the always second place wannabe A++ lister is finally forcing her donors out into the light in hopes of attracting more. There is still no shot at winning. It kind of feels griftish. 

Blind Item #7

The word is out and it is going to be much more difficult this year for the sports guy to get people to accept invitations to his annual party.

Blind Items Revealed #1

May 7, 2024

Met Gala

Speaking of Disney, this former actress turned singer who started off as a kid, looked super happy to be in attendance and even played the how many hours did it take to make your dress game and in the past would have had a break down being in the same frame as the A- list reality star with a side job, but our actress turned singer took it in stride. It is good to see her doing better.

Demi Lovato/Kylie Jenner

Blind Item #6

This franchise had to fire three Housewives to afford one returned one who won't even have a decent story line this year.

Blind Item #5

The girlfriend of this Formula 1 driver slept a couple of times with one of his arch rivals until he kicked her out after a few nights together.

Blind Item #4

If you think what this permanent A list did to women on the set of his most recent movie, you should hear about what happened on that movie he filmed in the jungle. 

Blind Item #3

The host and singer finally confirmed what we all knew - she used medication help to lose 60 pounds, not walking and cutting out refined sugar.  In her announcement she stressed that she didn't use Ozempic because she just signed a major money, multi-platform deal to serve as the launch spokesperson for newly FDA approved weight loss shot Zepbound (Mounjaro for diabetes patients).  Zepbound does the two things Ozempic does plus burns fat. The commercials will begin during the summer when Eli Lilly manufacturing catches up with demand and in September product integration will start on her show.  Amazing how a multi-million-dollar deal is the catalyst to honesty for some people.

Blind Item #2

No matter what city she is in, the A list everything in her mind celebrity loves looking at places to live. She likes the attention and fawning over her. All it does though is convince everyone she is getting divorced sooner rather than later.

Blind Item #1

The only reason this former A/A- list mostly television actress can't talk about a death that happened thirty years ago is if she knew for sure who gave the person the drink that killed him. That person is still alive.

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Blind Item #13

I'm confused. If the alliterate one really thinks of the country she just visited as home, then why not use the title they gave her rather than the one she says she hates. Oh, she really doesn't hate it does she? Oh, and was that one of her assistants who is now the owner of the traditional outfit that was gifted to her. Regifting already? 

Blind Item #12 - Reader Blind

The Teflon female rapper slept with the foreign born wheelchair rapper for a verse. She took the verse to a label and used it to get a deal worth half a million dollars but then found out that the wheelchair rapper wouldn’t give her clearance to use it. Nasty work. He never respected her family and gossips about them relentlessly which is how tea mongers over here heard about them. But, the family knows a lot about him. Maybe it was a coincidence that the Dutch rapper’s DMs were leaked in the same month his EP dropped. You know, the EP the Dutch rapper told the wheelchair rapper he wanted him to promote as a favor for a favor. What was the favor? And how did whoever hacked his pages know what they would find in there? Maybe you could ask the non-Homophobic British rapper whose face you Cee when you search for the Dutch rapper on the picture app. Or ask the Attached British singer whose name sounds like a European fashion brand how old she was when the Dutch rapper went after her. Or you could just ask the butch Taz man-lady or the Zulu Nation pred from the Bronx? Oh they don’t know the Dutch rapper, but maybe they can tell him how to stay out of jail after being accused of Elvis Presley / Ian Watkins crimes. They have gone years without being investigated by the authorities. Or have they? Tick Tock. 

Blind Item #11

This A list reality star who now acts and produces says she was given one of her vehicles by the company of the celebrity CEO. She would never have bought herself.

Blind Item #10 - Reader Blind

If the foreign born replay singer is really friends with The Elevator Couple why is she also best friends with the Unlocked blogger who has been threatening to expose something embarrassing about them? Maybe she feels bad about what went down with the singer with No Daddy and secretly hates the Elevator couple. Maybe. 

Blind Item #9

This talk show host is not the best at what they do. They know it. They also feel stuck doing it and are going to find a way to walk away from it in the next few months for an acting role.

Blind Items Revealed #5

May 7, 2024


This A- list reality star was incensed with her personal pap that he was five minutes late to take her photos. She had changed outfits for the third time and the pap thought they were finished. Apparently, they weren't and told them to come and meet her outside right then. It took the pap five minutes which was too long and got them a side of the reality star normally reserved for servers and such.

Kendall Jenner

Today's Blind Items - The Big Loss

Even to this day, you can tell this former A list singer is still really upset with went on back in the day with her at the time A list mostly movie actor husband. Our singer wanted kids. That was her thing. The thing she wanted most in any relationship. She didn't want to have then outside of marriage. She already had a traumatic experience a decade prior when her boyfriend at the time made her get an abortion. There was going to be no more of that. She gets married and gets pregnant to our actor and our actor immediately is angry all the time and is threatening a divorce and wants her to get an abortion and is just making her life miserable. Day in and day out her life is awful. Then one day, she loses the baby and within a week our actor files for divorce. Our singer then went on a very long binge of self medication and to this day has a very hard time discussing her past and what happened in that relationship.

Your Turn

Which Grand Slam tennis event would you most like to attend?

Blind Items Revealed #4

May 5, 2024

As much as the online tabloid tried to help the former wheelchair actor, it didn't stop anyone from believing there is a secret kid or that he really blurs the 17/18 year old line a lot.


Blind Items Revealed #3

May 3, 2024

This one named A list actress got all the publicity and all the marketing and a lot of buzz and multiple sex scenes but still no one wanted to see the movie. She needs a winner with her name above everyone else. The only time she has succeeded is in an ensemble cast. 


Blind Items Revealed #2

May 1, 2024

Speaking of the A list producer/wannabe rapper, he used the the three decades younger celebrity offspring when they were together to help him find women in the age bracket of the celebrity offspring.

Sean Combs/Lori Harvey

Blind Item #8

It wasn't that the late night host was cropped out of a photo, it was that it was the paper of record and they cropped out 90% of him from the photo at the big event last week, but the 10% left was enough to identify him. He thinks it was done on purpose to humiliate him.

Blind Item #7 - Reader Blind

Why have the foreign blogs in the tea and crumpet country gone radio silent about the allegations their rappers are battling ? They are afraid they could be injured if they speak out because they know how violent they are. That is why victims are speaking to people in other countries to be heard. So, here’s a list of people who may or may not want to tread carefully if they don’t want end up like the Porta Papi. The Halo artist whose name may or not may not rhyme with Jafar. The handsome Praise rapper whose friends beat, kidnap and torture women. These friends envy his looks and he ignores their crimes. Any rapper using music as a front for county lines and “Street Profit”. The “Opposite of Fast Asian Country” rapper who is in a relationship with the Alarm singer. And the female rapper who may or may not know that the deceased Pop rapper was with her sister who was underage at the time. Ew. 

Blind Items Revealed #1

May 6, 2024

Despite her online protestations and a plastic surgeon she brought in to defend her, this foreign born A- list actress has had multiple procedures done to her body and face.

Kate Beckinsale

Blind Item #6

Speaking of things getting to their head, this A list director made sure she was front and center for the press photos and questions at this annual festival. She was taking the spotlight. 

Blind Item #5

This letting it get to her head A list celebrity chef is hooking up with lots of people who are not her significant other.

Blind Item #4

The flowering financial institution has made herself clear. Adults in their 40's are allowed to be with 16 and 17 year old. She said she did it and it is fine. 

Blind Item #3

The former Disney actress turned singer thinks her new relationship is rainbows and unicorns. She should talk to his ex and ask her about the all the times he got wasted and came after her.

Blind Item #2

Speaking of offspring, this barely there offspring who used to be higher on the list and is one of the lower on the list in her family had been out of the religion before they forced her back in, so it isn't shocking she is openly rebelling against them now.

Blind Item #1

This barely there celebrity had her friend take the photo of her kissing the A list actor/probable Emmy nominee.

Monday, May 13, 2024

Blind Item #13

 Seems the Doctor and the Doctor's Daughter aren't as lovey as they used to be. 

Blind Item #12 - Reader Blind

The Canadian rapper’s label want the beef to end because their internal data will show that he is losing fans to the Butterfly rapper. Do you know who else wishes he could use a neuralizer on the public ? The Jehovah Witness pred. Someone should ask him why he sends cease and desist letters to journalists but never follows through with a lawsuit. Three words. The Streisand Effect. That’s why he didn’t sue the Pink lady for what she said about him in her Flames song. The zinger comes in at 1 minute 46. Or why he is too afraid to go after the Bad Boy South rapper for what he said in his Lookin song. That zinger comes in at 1 minute 40 in the video. Both are “defamatory”. Right?

Blind Item #11

This foreign born A/A- list actor intended to bring a very very recent girlfriend as his date to the BAFTA's last night. On the way to the event he asked her to perform oral sex on him. She told him she could barely even move in the dress she was wearing and there was a driver two feet away. Our actor asked the driver to pull over and made the woman leave. He then attended last night solo.

Blind Item #10 - Reader Blind

Did the British West DJ really try to silence a vlogger for reporting on his crimes ? Silly silly nasty rabbit. There is a mole in team who secretly works for the corporation he was fired from. They are monitoring him. The corporation is embarrassed that they have at least two predators on their books now. The other one died in 2011. If he sues anyone for reporting on his sex crimes the defendant could ask the corporation to turn the results of their investigation into a court. They don’t want that to happen. The DJ could also be forced to turn his own phone records in for discovery. He doesn’t want that to happen. Not only because of what may be in his gallery (ew) but because it would reveal which artists he is still in contact with. You’d be surprised by how many black men still talk to a colonizer who hunted girls who are the same age as their own children. There is a reason some artists over here call artists over there s*uts. They’ll do anything for money. 

Blind Item #9

I'm not sure there is any coke left in the UK after this hot as fire right now actor who is probably a one hit wonder, went through a ton last night at after party.

Blind Items Revealed #5

May 6, 2024

Speaking of being manipulated, this A list everything in her mind celebrity has been planting stories all weekend about how perfect she is and how perfect her relationship is and just going over the top. She wants to be the breakout star tonight and thinks she will be, but in reality, will not be.

Jennifer Lopez/Met Gala

Today's Blind Items - She's Back

This foreign born celebrity used to be A list. Then, she got greedy and tried to do twofers by sending her underage female recruits all over the world to wealthy businessman, while also using the girls to smuggle coke. Many of her recruits were also the ones who would show up at "modeling competitions" which were nothing more than auction markets for the wealthy. She is back now and has been supplying only female recruits this time and no drugs that I know of, but her recruits are transported to areas used as rest and recreation for troops fighting in wars and other conflicts. Often times she is actually paid by the specific governments themselves which should also give her more protection against arrest. There are recruits who are legal but there are just as many who are not but have been given fake papers or the arriving countries just forget to look at the age in the passports.

Your Turn

 Greatest daytime soap of all time.

Blind Items Revealed #4

May 6, 2024

This A/A- rapper and his producer friend are struggling to sell tickets for their arena tour. Expect another diss track or three to try and boost sales. 

Future/Metro Boomin

Blind Items Revealed #3

May 6, 2024

The stripper actor is making sure the press sees another side of him rather than the reality his ex has put in front of everyone. This is why you keep seeing the stories about his current actress girlfriend and their happy relationship and him doing good dad things.

Channing Tatum/Jenna Dewan/Zoë Kravitz 

Blind Items Revealed #2

May 6, 2024

Speaking of drinking, this alliterate reality star dumped out half a glass of champagne into her water glass to make it look like she had been drinking when she hadn't had any champagne at all.

Kim Kardashian/Tom Brady Roast

Blind Item #8

Three years ago the loud feline did save two companies from extinction. One probably for a good long time, and wanted to give the other one a fighting chance and to make some money for himself too. So, he came back to do just that.

Blind Item #7 - Reader Blind

Thousands of predators live on the service which was founded in March 2013. These predators share illegal images with each other and had a hand in having educational predator hunter videos removed from YouTube. They didn’t want potential victims to watch them and recognize if they were being groomed. These predators also want the average person to think that they are untouchable and cannot be charged if they did not meet the minors they groom. That is  a lie. Just ask the Preds who were caught by the LC Predator Catcher, Prevent a Predator and People V Preds. The Kung Fu rapper makes secret donations to them to keep kids safe. 

Blind Items Revealed #1

May 5, 2024

Speaking of the former wheelchair actor, apparently he has a track about the message board founder and the alliterate one.

Drake/Alexis Ohanian/Reddit/Meghan Markle

Blind Item #6

People left the foreign born former A+ list rapper's concert in droves when it got to the three hour late point and there was no sign she was going to show up.

Blind Item #5

The lead singer of this band that has quite the resurgence over the past year thanks to a baseball team, got a taste of the good life once again and wanted out of his marriage. He is playing the victim though.

Blind Item #4

The taking a leave of absence pastor is hoping none of the threesome women are going to come forward to tell their stories.

Blind Item #3

It feels like he has been around forever but this A- list rapper is just in his mid twenties. He was passed around by everyone in the industry and is now telling all to the FBI.

Blind Item #2

Keeping with the alliterate theme, this foreign born singer was a mess this weekend when she visited a series of bars to try and get people excited about her new single.

Blind Item #1

Of course she wants people to start thinking she is pregnant again. It gives the alliterate one a lot of attention. Plus, it will be great cover for when she gets the new breasts she wants.

Blind Item #8

One way to get people to stop talking about you and the alliterate celebrity and how underage she was when you were sleeping with her is to have people start speculating your legal age rapper girlfriend is pregnant.

Blind Item #7

Her first book has been a massive success. Nearly two years on the best seller list. Her publisher wants the former teen actress to come out with another, but they are arguing about how salacious it needs to be.

Blind Item #6

Speaking of concerts being canceled, this permanent A list singer who can often be late for shows, didn't even bother coming into town before she canceled her show last night.

Blind Item #5

The A list everything in her mind celebrity still might end up canceling more of her tour dates to make it "more special" and "exclusive."

Blind Items Revealed #4

May 4, 2024

The former Bachelorette has a trick up her sleeve that will get her ex to stay super quiet and go meekly into that good night. She is tired of him playing the victim.

Rachel Lindsay

Blind Items Revealed #3

May 4, 2024

The significant other of the permanent A list mostly movie actor keeps calling the paps to catch her with her boyfriend. She gets the photos in the tabloids but wants her business mentioned and goes after editors who don't mention it.

Ines de Ramon/Brad Pitt

Blind Items Revealed #2

May 4, 2024

There is just nothing that is not forced in the relationship between the former boy bander and the model/actress. Every tabloid was basically force fed relationship stories about the pair just three days before the Met Gala. There is nothing real about the relationship.

Harry Styles/Taylor Russell

Blind Items Revealed #1

May 3, 2024

Apparently, the very first question this church leader is going to get asked under oath during his deposition is the whereabouts of his wife. 

David Miscavige/Scientology

Blind Item #4

Speaking of desperate, the frozen flavoring can't get any kind of traction on her most recent release which is really bad. And just like that, her career may be over.

Blind Item #3

No matter how much they tried, the studio couldn't get anyone to go watch the tennis movie, so they are sending it to streaming now to try and get it some more buzz. Prior to its release they were thinking Oscars. Nope.

Blind Item #2

Speaking of Housewives, this east coast Housewife could have just gone on Cameo like everyone else rather than the whole Zoom scam like thing she is pulling. 

Blind Item #1

Instead of taking shots at the snack Housewife, perhaps the recently dismissed Housewife will come clean on the origin story of how she met her husband.