Blind Item #8

This sometime wrestling promoter used to try and pay wrestlers with hundreds of homemade po*n DVD's. 

Blind Item #7

This former southeast Housewife has a new project she is fired up about and thinks will make her millions. It won't. She also thinks it will get her back on the show. It won't. If she dishes who paid for her to do the project, that would definitely get her back on the show. 1000000%.

Blind Item #6

Would it shock you that the former A+ list athlete didn't get a jar of jelly?

Blind Item #5

This married former A+ list front man just can't stop using and when he can't stop using then he ends up in the arms of various groupies.

Blind Items Revealed #4

May 3, 2024

This permanent A list actress who doesn't act much any longer, but could if she wanted to, has been talking a lot of dirt to an author about her most recent husband.

Demi Moore/Ashton Kutcher

Blind Items Revealed #3

May 3, 2024

This bar star was bragging that her stylist gets her one of a kind pieces. Umm, the piece you wore to your birthday had already been worn years ago by this A- list reality star who might be the only in the family who hasn't had work done.

Lauren From Utah/Vanderpump Rules/Kendall Jenner

Blind Items Revealed #2

May 3, 2024

The frozen flavoring is trying to get the fans of this A+ list singer to try and drown out the fact she has been beating her boyfriend fairly regularly. 

Ice Spice/Taylor Swift

Blind Items Revealed #1

May 3, 2024

If it was just a matter of a couple of million dollars, this permanent A list athlete would have already been on his way. There is much more to this than money.

Floyd Mayweather/United Arab Emirates

Blind Item #4

Speaking of the former wheelchair actor, what he claims were things to set up his rival are actually from a sting complete with footage of some very bad things the former actor did. It feels like he is going to have to write a very big check to someone to make it all go away.

Blind Item #3

Apparently the trip on the yacht back in the day with the former wheelchair actor and the barely a teen actress was not parentally supervised. 

Blind Item #2

The snack Housewife should have been caught out on a date with the realtor and not her husband on the night of a split announcement. It reeks of setting up a storyline, but everyone wants the former and not the latter.

Blind Item #1

The A list producer/wannabe rapper wants his former girlfriend who is an offspring of a do everything celebrity to come back into his life and do damage control by being his girlfriend again. All that will remind people of is how young she was the first time around.

Friday, May 10, 2024

Blind Item #13

The lucky she is not in jail model is doing a solid for her offspring which I love, but the offspring was not set up. She was trying to get back at her parents for not giving her enough money and attention.

Blind Item #12

This former A+ list rapper is personally auditioning potential po*n actresses for his studio. It is taking up most of his time.

Blind Item #11

This former reality star from multiple shows has been trying the whole Christian grift thing but no one will give/loan her any money to start a church and she refuses to put any of her own money into it. That should tell you something right there.

Blind Item #10

This A+/A list mostly movie actor is taking shots at his A list ex. He must really think she won't use the really bad stuff about him. He would be wrong.

Blind Item #9

If you ask the former wheelchair actor about what the very young at the time foreign born actress was doing on his yacht with him and then ask her, you will get completely different answers.

Blind Items Revealed #5

May 3, 2024

This foreign born former A++ lister of a large country, killed the much much much much younger woman he was set to marry because she slept with another man while engaged to the former A++ lister. He has been married multiple times. He also has more kids than you can count on two hands.

Jacob Zuma/South Africa

Four For Friday - Bad Model Behavior

 #1 - This former A+ list model had to spend a solid year doing threesomes with her future husband's ex before he would finally agree to be serious about the model. It was then that she got so addicted to drugs.

#2 - This former Victoria's Secret model auctioned off her virginity for seven figures. The guy who paid was none the wiser that she had been sleeping with her boyfriend for two years.

#3 - This eastern European model used to be A+ list. She also used to schedule shootings so she could get her heroin fix right before and right after shoots. She hated doing fashion week shows because she would need to find a place out of sight to shoot up multiple times a day.

#4 - This north of the border former A list model, could have been A+ list and could have been one of the biggest models ever but because of her addictions would never show up on time and frequently wouldn't show up at all.

Your Turn

Do you like energy drinks? Do you drink them?

Blind Items Revealed #4

May 3, 2024

Apparently, if you try and leave the employ of the flowering financial institution, she has been known to threaten you with a machete.

Azealia Banks

Blind Items Revealed #3

May 2, 2024

It took an astonishing amount of money (compared to her normal fee) to get this A- list actress who is an Oscar winner/nominee to do another vampire movie. The producers think fans want it enough to justify the price tag.

Kristen Stewart

Blind Items Revealed #2

May 2, 2024

We’re almost half way through the year and the Bacardi rapper still hasn’t released her new album. Someone who was in junior high when her first one came out is finishing college now. That’s how long it has been. She is fighting for more marketing spend but the label is focused on the British dance crying singer’s new album because the dance crying singer’s fans buy her music. 

Cardi B/Dua Lipa

Blind Item #8

This number rapper who barely managed to beat immigration court is now being called out for being one of the many rappers who was with this alliterate celebrity long before she got out of high school. The age gap is not as bad as the rapper who watched people die or the one named after something you play, but still. 

Blind Item #7

It looked as if this foreign born A- list actor who stars opposite actresses who also have other jobs was going to finally come out of the closet. His team decided he should wait.

Blind Items Revealed #1

May 2, 2024

This former reality star is about to be back on television again and hates what she looks like, but thinks the weight loss shot will take too long. I hope she doesn't do the meth thing again.

Jenelle Evans

Blind Item #6

Just because this barely there celebrity offspring and an A+/A list mostly movie actor are in the same airport doesn't mean they are on the same flight. 

Blind Item #5

This A list singer/radio channel host always seems his most happy around the talk show host/producer/radio host so it seems strange he is trying to discount their relationship.

Blind Item #4

All told there are just five hours of activities spread over the time period the alliterate one and her husband will be in country. What really is the point? Oh yeah, the locally "sourced" coffee that will soon be in a gift basket headed to people who really don't want it.

Blind Item #3

The former singer turned A- list actress couldn't even let the A- list celebrity even have an afternoon of attention focused on her without the actress wanting to steal some of the spotlight.

Blind Item #2

If the current schedule holds true, the offspring of this actress and her singer husband will only have one parent for the next several months. If the rumors of the split are true, that would obviously seem to be extended.

Blind Item #1

What wasn't seen in the strangest of strange encounters at a private club were the two Russian hookers that the pair of men left inside.

Thursday, May 09, 2024

Blind Item #13

The three named reality star/celebrity is actually going to do what was teased last month. Start an OnlyFans.

Blind Item #12

This former wrestling valet used to have to sit at bars alone until men would approach her. Then, her wrestler boyfriend would appear and scare the guy off. She hated this little game and one night walked out with the guy who picked her up at the bar.

Blind Item #11

The former sugarbaby thought she was going to get her own spinoff on the network to discuss her life event. She isn't. Her Q ratings are not good enough.

Blind Item #10

On that same network, this former southern star has been raiding the bank accounts of a guy she met at a casino.

Blind Item #9

If there is another season of the bar show, and that looks very doubtful right now, the aggrieved one who thinks she is now a superstar wants at least double what the next highest cast member makes.

Blind Items Revealed #5

May 1, 2024

They have worked together several times, but so far, this foreign born A+/A list mostly movie actress has been unwilling to come to the defense of this A+ list actor/former athlete.

Dwayne Johnson/Emily Blunt

Today's Blind Items - Small Town - Part Two

You can find the first part here

The woman in the original blind moved to that tiny town to be with him. She reportedly sold everything she owns and left her kids with relatives. She apparently has big money from a settlement after her husband died in some kind of accident. The reality star has been accused of several sexual assaults in the past and is rumored to have convinced her to buy him a house. This is also being discussed on Reddit.

The reality star is lying to his followers on Instagram currently claiming he's up in the mountains camping. He's not. He's helping his new sugar mama unpack at her new house. He can't let his followers know this though, because the women will unfollow in droves and it will also disrupt his narrative.

Our reality star has been stringing along multiple women and has manipulated the latest one into paying his bills. There are also rumors he's not sober even though he claims to be.

People have reached out to the woman's family members. They are very, very upset about what is going on but can't do anything.

Your Turn

A place you thought you would love, but hated.

Blind Items Revealed #4

May 1, 2024

It is interesting that this alliterate A- list actress has a brand new project being released at the same time the permanent A list singer/actress/director mentioned the alliterate actress which will bring the actress extra attention while promoting her project. It is almost as if it were planned.

Melissa McCarthy/Unfrosted/Barbra Streisand

Blind Items Revealed #3

May 1, 2024

This foreign born A list director wants to start a new throuple that doesn't contain his significant other.

Taika Waititi/Rita Ora

Blind Items Revealed #2

May 1, 2024

The permanent A list "singer" is back on the pipe. That was her downfall before.

Britney Spears

Blind Item #8

It is a good thing this Housewife already finished filming her latest season. Next year, she won't have any money. That was part of the deal her boyfriend made with the feds. There is going to be some heavy restitution. 

Blind Item #7

This A- list Oscar winner didn't exactly refute the charges made against him in a recent lawsuit.

Blind Items Revealed #1

May 1, 2024

This do nothing rapper while people were killed, has talked about a tribute of play things he had to offer up to this A list producer/wannabe rapper as a sort of initiation fee.

Travis Scott/Sean Combs

Blind Item #6

This long time permanent A list mostly television actor almost let it slip this week that he is gay.

Blind Item #5

This red headed newlywed was disappointed that her A list actor husband didn’t attend the Met Gala. She was hoping to use the event for more self-promotion as she has done the entire time since they have been dating. 

Blind Item #4

The rebooted dog and cat cartoon is awful. None of the original writers were allowed to be involved because the network wanted something very politically correct.

Blind Item #3

The mother of the permanent A list "singer" spoke to the singer's brother this past week about a conservatorship.

Blind Item #2

Speaking of the roast, this 1.0 version of the one who dates the A+ list singer barely used the teleprompter and improvised most of his roast.

Blind Item #1

The roaster who has been accused of underage sexual relationships gave some of his surplus jokes to another roaster.

Wednesday, May 08, 2024

Blind Item #13

Speaking of producers, the last time I checked, this creepy producer/director was actually owed money by the former bar star and not the other way around.

Blind Item #12

This A list athlete got his recent acting gig thanks to the recommendation of this A list alliterate reality star/actress/producer who is best buddies with the producer of the who. That is a very interesting turn of events.

Blind Item #11

This A- list actor who is an offspring is not currently living with his wife.

Blind Item #10

There was a lot of tension at a very very recent movie premiere because several of the stars have a long running feud.

Blind Item #9

Was the A- list singer solo and in a group really sick or did he have a deadline to start filming his project that he was going to miss? 

Blind Items Revealed #5

April 19, 2024

This fortunate spice is married. Her family is very big into a sport played on huge open fields. One of her female friends is seemingly always in the same place as this foreign born A+ list celebrity. 

Ginger Luckey/Polo/Prince Harry

Today's Blind Items - The Step Mom

Over the past decade or so, this heir to a peerage has had 24 hour security and has a food taster. It seems strange for someone who who is not actually a peer. yes, the family has a great deal of money, but for the most part, the family is unknown. Oh sure, there was the relative who was married to the super model for a bit. Anyway, the reason this heir takes all these precautions is because his stepmother would love nothing more than for the heir to die so her oldest child would then be the heir. When our heir was younger, there were any number of close calls with "accidents" that could have caused death. There was the robbery gone wrong where he might have been injured or killed, but the robber went to the wrong house. Our heir says he has had food poisoning dozens of times in his life, including since he moved out a decade ago. He is always on guard and paranoid and it has affected how he lives each day. he is constantly paranoid about being killed. If he was, then the billion or so dollars would also not have to be divided in as many different ways. 

Your Turn

Have you ever beat a video game?

Blind Items Revealed #4

April 19, 2024

So, the former co-star gets a birthday present every year, but the estranged daughter doesn't?

Tom Cruise/Kirsten Dunst/Suri Cruise

Blind Items Revealed #3

April 22, 2024

At this dinner between two former castmates from an iconic show, neither really ate much because they couldn't actually get their mouths open enough to eat any big pieces of anything.

Jennifer Aniston/Courteney Cox/Friends

Blind Items Revealed #2

April 22, 2024

A few weeks ago I told you that this alliterate news anchor was in talks to get his old job back. His old employer needs a boost for the fall. Now, the news has started to leak in the mainstream media so he can up the amount of money he is paid.

Chris Cuomo/CNN

Blind Item #8

In light of their mission, I'm not sure firing someone for not moving people to empty seats is the way this athletic organization really should be going.

Blind Item #7

Even though this former state A++ lister is out on the trail pulling very large numbers, some other wannabe alternatives want to push her out of the way and cash in themselves.

Blind Items Revealed #1

April 30, 2024

This foreign born one named singer who has crashed and burned despite big label backing, is now in a war with people on social media and her time in the spotlight is going to be very short.


Blind Item #6

This former model turned trophy wife, sculpted to perfection (or at least her surgeon's best effort), dined at a celeb hotspot in Miami a few nights ago with her husband, a retired baseball legend turned announcer whose smile seemed to have retired along with his bat. They had more chemistry in those commercials they appear in. 

Blind Item #5

As I have told you many times, for years and years, the celebrity CEO has committed massive, criminal level fraud, in multiple aspects of his business.  Today, it was revealed that the Feds have an extensive criminal investigation into the celebrity CEO's years of flagrant lies about the extra feature he sells for an additional price on his cars.  

The reporters who broke this story were awarded a Pulitzer only last week for their coverage of the celebrity CEO, and their sourcing on this is rock-solid. The wheels of justice move slowly, but when you're responsible for the deaths of hundreds of people, they move eventually.

Blind Item #4

It is hard to believe the bloated drugged out mess of today was once an A+ list mostly movie action actor. 

Blind Item #3

Because of all the rumors about him, the former wheelchair actor has been banned from the largest music festival in South America. 

Blind Item #2

No matter what you may see "leaked," the alliterate rapper who does not speak English as a first language wants nothing more to do with the reality family and their games. 

Blind Item #1

When you are this three named actress trying to get people to buy your new book, you generally should not be yelling and arguing with people just trying to do their job. 

Tuesday, May 07, 2024

Blind Item #20

This A+/A list mostly movie actor insisted his new release play in big theatres. It was part of his deal. The thing is though, it is an art house type movie and also not his normal fare. Most showings had zero in attendance. It is embarrassing, but he doesn't care. He got his movie in the big theatres and that is all that mattered.

Blind Item #19 - Reader Blind

There is a video on YouTube which exposed the leaked DMs of the Dutch rapper. The video is on a channel called Rap No Cap. Pause that video at 4 minute 56 seconds and look at the third message. It’s from his sister . Her name is Baddest Gyal. She joked that he didn’t want to show his face on camera because Mr. FreakOff was in the room. A very specific joke about a very specific person. Don’t take anyone’s word for it. See for yourself. He really should have left the teenage girls alone. 

Blind Item #18

The rumors swirling around the suspicious nature of the pastors wife’s death are very true. He’s been hiding a very dark, dangerous secret that he doesn’t want to be exposed. Unfortunately he won’t be able to hide it for much longer. 

Blind Item #17 - Met Gala

This A- list reality star was incensed with her personal pap that he was five minutes late to take her photos. She had changed outfits for the third time and the pap thought they were finished. Apparently, they weren't and told them to come and meet her outside right then. It took the pap five minutes which was too long and got them a side of the reality star normally reserved for servers and such.

Blind Item #16 - Reader Blind

The R&B Groceries singer with the cute Japanese name wants to stay out of the beef between the Canadian rapper and the Butterfly MC. People are already doing deep dives into their associates because of the disses. She told the both of them about the ring that hurt her, her sister, the dollar sign rapper with the green eyes, the Romeo and Juliet child actor/singer and the boy band.                                                The ring is still led by the Jehovah Witness pred with the thin beard and the butch Taz man-lady. The poor R&B singer has Stockholm Syndrome and is still being controlled them.                                                        She is worried about what her abusers will do to her if anything she told the rappers is even alluded to in the beef. The Butterfly MC hates her abusers because she wasn’t the only one they hurt. Look into their history with the musician he made the Tinted music. This musician is one half of the Silk duo. 

Blind Item #15

The meth has messed up the teeth of the permanent A list "singer" but this time there is no one to order her to go to a dentist and get them fixed.

Blind Item #14 - Reader Blind

The Canadian rapper does not let his children listen to the Seductive Color. The elevator couple don’t either . Neither does the Bacardi rapper. They know who is behind her and how they want her to influence children. In fact, one of them joked that people who do let their kids play her music are irresponsible. 

Blind Item #13 - Met Gala

While his supposed actress girlfriend was at the Gala, this foreign born actor was very much into one of the many choices on offering at the chain of clubs/hotels that attracts yachters from all over.

Blind Item #12 - Met Gala

Even last month, you just knew this foreign born one named permanent A list singer was going to skip the event. She didn't want to discuss it in interviews and just wanted a break from it. Her "flu" was a classic music flu used for many a cancelation of concerts over the years.

Blind Item #11 - Met Gala

Speaking of the how many hours did it take to make your dress, this former A+ list actress knows how the game is played and always makes sure to be a winner by throwing out some insane number of hours that isn't true, but knows will be more hours by a factor of ten than anyone else's number.

Blind Item #10 - Met Gala

Speaking of Disney, this former actress turned singer who started off as a kid, looked super happy to be in attendance and even played the how many hours did it take to make your dress game and in the past would have had a break down being in the same frame as the A- list reality star with a side job, but our actress turned singer took it in stride. It is good to see her doing better.

Blind Item #9 - Met Gala

This Disney actress is trying to convince the world she is pregnant. She isn't. Her singer boyfriend did get someone pregnant though.

Blind Items Revealed #5

April 30, 2024

The permanent A list "singer" was trying to bring drugs with her the last time she left the country. The pilot of the plane told her he would not take off unless she got rid of them prior to takeoff. She complied.

Britney Spears

Today's Blind Items - The Outfit

It was just a few years ago that this foreign born A list model wore one of the most iconic looks ever at the Met Gala. Even though it feels like our model has been around forever, because she has, she is still very young because she started out at a very young age. She wasn't even old enough to drive when she was discovered and everyone thought her career was going to explode. It did, but it also looked like it might be cut short just as quickly. When she was discovered, her boyfriend was a solid decade older than our model and was one of the biggest drug dealers in her home country. He also had a temper and was very jealous of all the attention his girlfriend was now receiving. He also didn't like her traveling all over, so from time to time he would hit her so she would be unable to model. After that happened a few times, bookers were hesitant to hire her because they didn't know if she would be able to show up. Her management team knew an intervention wouldn't work to get her to leave her boyfriend, so they would take turns calling in leads and tips to try and get him arrested. It worked and out model was freed of his clutches. 

Your Turn

 What was your curfew when you were in high school?

Blind Items Revealed #4

April 29, 2024

It was the controversial comedian/host who started the rumors in the first place about her joining a west coast franchise. That would never have happened. 

Chelsea Handler/RHOBH

Blind Items Revealed #3

April 29, 2024

Someone should ask the permanent A list foreign born model about the little beach town in Kenya where she owns multiple villas and their huge underage sex tourism issue. The people who own the villas in the town are some of the same ones who contributed to her do nothing charity. Fees?

Naomi Campbell/Malindi, Kenya

Blind Items Revealed #2

April 29, 2024

Speaking of permanent A list athletes, perhaps next time he visits this particular country, and he promises one of the leaders a certain amount of money after what he did to a woman in the country, he would be well advised to pay the money. 

Floyd Mayweather/United Arab Emirates

Blind Item #8 - Met Gala

This beach actor was leaving his tan stains everywhere he went last night.

Blind Item #7 - Met Gala

This A- list singer and this A- list actor/offspring could not keep their hands off each other. The two guys were definitely going to be in hookup mode after the party.

Blind Items Revealed #1

April 29, 2024

This celebrity offspring who is a B+ list celebrity in her own right, has not denied the relationship with the actor or that her mom stole him. She just took a shot at someone who brought it up on social media.

Noah Cyrus/Dominic Purcell/Tish Cyrus

Blind Item #6 - Met Gala

This foreign born A list actor and his wife won't be invited back. They wore what they would wear to any event to which they are invited.

Blind Item #5 - Met Gala

How do you get the world to stop talking about you being lustily booed for a solid minute on live television that was then shared worldwide? You tell everyone you are wearing the sweater of your boyfriend. Didn't you just "break up" with the last guy a few days ago? Plus, if it is your boyfriend's sweater, than he is a tiny human. 

Blind Item #4 - Met Gala

This one named foreign born singer not only got her label to pay for her ticket, she also grabbed on to a Chinese billionaire and didn't let go of him the entire night.

Blind Item #3 - Met Gala

When you are one of the hosts, you really are expected to understand the assignment. The editor is exempt from that rule, but she likes to enforce it on the hosts and the actress/singer already mentioned, displeased the editor with their effort.

Blind Item #2 - Met Gala

It looked like the A list everything in her mind celebrity and her husband must have got a two fer when it came to Botox and fillers. Much like her husband the night before at an event, our A lister in her mind could not make any facial expressions last night.

Blind Item #1 - Met Gala

The ban was lifted for this A list celebrity after several years. A few years back he was drunk and coked out of his mind. He still got drunk this year though.

Monday, May 06, 2024

Blind Item #15 - Reader Blind

Yes. The Kung Fu rapper is a big fan of Mrs. Predator which is why he has been using her animated flow to get at the Canadian rapper. Mrs. Predator knows she cannot really trust the Canadian rapper because he bitches about her to her ops whenever they fight. Kung Fu knows this so using her flow and rhyme schemes is completely intentional. 

Blind Item #14

This A list singer/judge didn't even hide the fact she is MK Ultra. She put it out there front and center on social media. Maybe because she is leaving?

Blind Item #13

The throuple going on between these two foreign born A- list actors and the girlfriend of one of the actors who is adjacent to an earlier blind item, is the talk of their country.

Blind Item #12 - Reader Blind

Oops. Did Mr. Steal Yo Coochie think no one would notice that he settled out of court with another accuser this month? His manager will do anything to avoid a deposition because his accusers’ lawyers might ask if Steal Yo Coochie’s behavior was caused by what happened to him. Just ask the jailed Pied Piper, the butch Taz lady who manages the Aiko singer and his mom who wants him to get help before he is sent to jail. Do you remember the Virginity song from the short lived girl group? The butch Taz lady was behind it . This kind of stuff damaged Steal Yo Coochie’s mind because he was around at the time. Oh, the press is paying attention to every cease and desist sent by the Taz lady’s camp. They’ll be used in future docs about she and her boss.

Blind Item #11

A rejected advance from another guy is the leading theory of how this teen ended up dead at a party last year.

Blind Item #10 - Reader Blind

The Canadian rapper may have nasty nasty friends but he isn’t the only one. Just ask the British rapper who made the Praise song with the Umbrella lady’s husband and the Good Morning remix with FreakOff. One of his friends was a Solo rapper who is currently doing time in an UK jail for Jeffrey Dahmer crimes. This Solo rapper had a side hustle as a male escort who would make it clap for depraved racist men in the music industry. It’s how he paid for his Lions video. Part of this extreme mental illness is a repulsive slavery fetish which was discussed in his court case. What does any of this have to do with the Canadian rapper? The Solo rapper has been gossiping about the Canadian rapper and the Praise rapper behind bars. He thinks they should be in there with him but wants their help to get out. It will never happen. The Canadian rapper can’t afford to be connected to any more preds now the Kung Fu rapper is going after him.

Blind Item #9

Despite her online protestations and a plastic surgeon she brought in to defend her, this foreign born A- list actress has had multiple procedures done to her body and face.

Blind Items Revealed #5

April 28, 2024

It wasn't really the look this cable network was going for when the face of it was partying with the racist/accused sexual assaulter/revenge po*n king.

Food Network/Guy Fieri/Diplo

Today's Blind Items - The Back Story

This foreign born one named permanent A list model got discovered because she was attractive and was willing to sleep with the photographer that made her famous. She just wanted to be famous and would say or do anything to get famous. She had worked her way up through photographers and scouts and agents until she was finally introduced to the photographer who could make her dreams come true. He did make them come true. To make her stand out from the million other models who were just as attractive as our one named model, they created an entire fictional background and history for her and how she was discovered and why and she has tried to stay true to that legend all these years later. 

Your Turn

Favorite museum you have been to.

Blind Items Revealed #4

April 28, 2024

This celebrity sibling of an A lister went absolutely bonkers with fillers prior to her set this weekend.

Brandi Cyrus/Miley Cyrus/Stagecoach

Blind Items Revealed #3

April 28, 2024

This A list mostly movie actor from one of the biggest franchises ever refused to do a voice over gig for a movie a couple of years ago because he thought it was beneath him. What is being the voice of a delivery app commercial.

Adam Driver/Star Wars/Instacart

Blind Items Revealed #2

April 28, 2024

This foreign born permanent A list model was using her charity to enable money laundering for others.

Naomi Campbell

Blind Item #8

The notorious closeted neo-Nazi Internet talk show host was restored again to the former bird app.  A couple hours into his first, much hyped public live space following his account’s restoration, a former disgraced congressmen asked if he was also gay - which he refused to answer and left the space.

Blind Item #7

This A/A- rapper and his producer friend are struggling to sell tickets for their arena tour. Expect another diss track or three to try and boost sales. 

Blind Items Revealed #1

April 27, 2024

From what I understand, at least two of the fifty had their labels fall off which is why they couldn't post anything to social media. At least one of the fifty was returned because they didn't want to post anything and were not asked in advance and were being pressured to post about something they didn't want to do. They tried to get an address to return it to and no one was getting back to them or taking their call, so they just sent it to the agent's office where it sat on some rando's desk for several days.

Meghan Markle/American Riviera Orchard

Blind Item #6

Speaking of being manipulated, this A list everything in her mind celebrity has been planting stories all weekend about how perfect she is and how perfect her relationship is and just going over the top. She wants to be the breakout star tonight and thinks she will be, but in reality, will not be.

Blind Item #5

The stripper actor is making sure the press sees another side of him rather than the reality his ex has put in front of everyone. This is why you keep seeing the stories about his current actress girlfriend and their happy relationship and him doing good dad things.

Blind Item #4

This three named celebrity/former prisoner makes her ex watch her have sex with other men.

Blind Item #3

This pint sized comedian was really interested in what this waitress was doing after the big event last night. I wonder what his wife would have thought.

Blind Item #2

Speaking of drinking, this alliterate reality star dumped out half a glass of champagne into her water glass to make it look like she had been drinking when she hadn't had any champagne at all.

Blind Item #1

It was pretty obvious the A list actor/sometime director was drinking again and acting like it.

Blind Item #8

This mostly retired former Mexican luchador who was big here and in his home country made far more money selling drugs to everyone on wrestling circuits than he made wrestling. 

Blind Item #7 - Reader Blind

In England the use of young people to transport drugs is called “county lines”. The drug barons there use kids who were neglected by their parents to move drugs out of big cities into smaller towns. From New York to Patterson for example. Anyway, Epstein men and women use the same network to traffic teens to other predators. The teens think they’re going into a house to sell drugs and don’t know that they’ve been pimped out to a sex predator by a drugs predator. This week a rapper in England was convicted for “county lines”. One of his songs is called “Street Profit”. The authorities are now interested in at least five other rappers making the same “Street Profit”. One of them had a side Gig just like this. Some say Mr. FreakOff was one of his biggest customers. 

Blind Item #6

This very recently dismissed Housewife is set to split with their significant other.

Blind Item #5 - Reader Blind

The Pink female rapper is married to a predator so her name in this space is Mrs. Predator. She isn’t upset over the leaked texts with Frozen Flavoring rapper because she knows it was a conversation about business. You know who she is upset with though ? The Unlocked blogger and the Bacardi rapper who helped the blogs get a hold of the text. Big mistake. Mrs. Predator is very friendly with someone at Bacardi rapper’s label who told her that she has to take regular STI tests because her husband is always cheating on her. She also knows that the marketing budget for her album has been cut again because her fans aren’t doing Enough to keep her new single in the top 80 of the Hot 100. Mrs. Predator knows when the album is coming out and is very Petty. Just ask the one she calls Big Foot what happened with the mixtape two years ago

Blind Items Revealed #4

April 27, 2024

In the same genre, there was a big grift back in the day after one of the family members from a legendary family died. Two or three people would sit around and autograph photos of the dead family member which were then sold as a limited edition batch. They did this for a solid year. They sold thousands of them.

Von Erich family

Blind Items Revealed #3

April 27, 2024

The singer turned Disney princess should just walk away from her relationship with the initialed rapper right now. I don't think he could make it any more clear that he is using her and doing whatever he wants.

Halle Bailey/DDG

Blind Items Revealed #2

April 27, 2024

The former one-fifth thought this whole dropping a single thing would be like back in the day when people remembered who she was and no promotion was necessary. That was a long time ago. To have your lead single not debut on any chart in any country shows the album that everyone has been waiting for is going to be dead on arrival.

Normani/Fifth Harmony

Blind Items Revealed #1

April 27, 2024

This permanent A list actress who has directed in the past wants to do another installment or two of her biggest franchise so she can make enough money to walk away from acting forever.

Angelina Jolie/Maleficent

Blind Item #4 - Reader Blind

The rapper who is in the middle of a messy divorce battle is worried that his ex will remind the world of what he did to his son. The story goes that he had his bodyguard blocked his child from escaping the room so he could punch him repeatedly as he threatened to kill him. It will be a clean KO if the ex’s lawyers present this to the courts. This is the same weirdo ex who said she loves “dark meat”. She knew what he did to his son before they got married and didn’t care. She does now though.

Blind Item #3

The A list athlete seemed very smitten with the offspring who only is seen publicly once a year. 

Blind Item #2

Speaking of the former wheelchair actor, apparently he has a track about the message board founder and the alliterate one.

Blind Item #1

As much as the online tabloid tried to help the former wheelchair actor, it didn't stop anyone from believing there is a secret kid or that he really blurs the 17/18 year old line a lot.