Friday, December 27, 2024

Four For Friday - Random Unused Tips

#1 - July 2017 - This A list singer tried to get drag queens to spend two 12 hour days filming a music video but wanted them to do it for free.

#2 - July 2017 - This woman's skiing GOAT did everything but give this permanent A list NFL player a naked lap dance to get him interested in her. Then she figured out why he wasn't interested. It all clicked for her.

#3 - July 2017 - To her face, this child/tween/teen turned adult singer/actress was begging her higher on the list former co-star to promote a new song. Behind her back, she was shading her to everyone who would listen and complaining that she robbed our backstabbing singer of a career.

#4 - July 2017 - This foreign born A- list actor who used to be in the military was auditioning new beards because his foreign born model/television host had enough of the game. As a side note, this model/television host hasn't been with any other men since, so maybe wanted to play her own version of the game. 

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