Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Today's Blind Items - Tours & Drugs

This foreign born singer (#1) is A- list. She should be at her peak right now and selling lots of tickets on her tour. The sales are low though and her label is getting ticked off. They tell her everyday to post to her social media about the tour, but she can't be bothered because she is partying too much. Her touring partner is also foreign born (#2) His label doesn't contribute at all to his tour, so he doesn't really care about sales, He is just happy to be on the road and hitting Grindr at every stop. If the ticket sales don't increase, the label is likely to pull the plug. There is one last trick up their sleeve. #1 is going to release a remix to one of her songs that will feature this foreign born A+/A list singer (#3). The question is whether #1 wants to party or tour. She doesn't seem to be able to do both. 

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