Friday, September 13, 2024

Four For Friday - North Of The Border Shenanigans

 #1 - Everyone has heard of this long-dead North of the border A++ lister's deeply weird personal life. What not many people know is that he was probably a closet case who never got over the heroic, tragic death of his (likely) boyfriend.

#2 - This former wannabe A++ lister from North of the border is probably about B- list in politics right now. He got ousted from his old job by SA allegations and later made a comeback of sorts. He's always had a reputation as a total sleazebag everywhere he's gone. For example: he married his intern.

One of his best friends lost his job due to a very, VERY violent and disturbing SA allegation around the same time as he did.

It's said that they were quite close back in the day before all this went down and supposedly once took a three-week trip to Thailand together. No one knows what they got up to over there. For all we know nothing happened but in hindsight it looks really sketchy.

#3 - This North of the border politician recently got elected to an important job, despite having some widely reported personal failings in public view. He's doing a phenomenal job so far and seems like a changed man. It's a shame he hasn't taken full accountability for what he is alleged to have done all those years ago.

#4 - This North of the border politician is A+ list in his province and had a close family member who was globally notrious for a short time and who died young. He's kept a comparatively low profile but is probably never going to get voted out of his job at the rate things are going. Anyway, he supposedly kept a mistress for a time, and put her up at a swank penthouse that was way above her pay grade. The kicker is that she allegedly later wound up playing an important role in his government. Allegedly. 

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