Sunday, September 01, 2024

Blind Item #8 - Reader Blind

This influencer lied about her husband’s finances because she is obsessed with class and ashamed that people know ratchet she and her family really are. Ask her to tell you about what happened when her insecure father found out that his wife had groomed and molested his  teenage son. Her father kicked the poor boy out because his ego was bruised and stayed with the predator step mother who is the influencer’s biological mother. He refused to let the teenager come back home because he was jealous of him and wanted to stay with the predator and by the time he was ready to let the victim come home it was too late because he was shot and killed on the streets. That is why the influencer hates men from her own culture . She is secretly mad at her ratchet dad. The only people who find her aspirational are just as dysfunctional as she is. 

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