Friday, August 16, 2024

Four For Friday - Soaps

#1 - This A- list actor left his soap because of the affair he had with a co-star that crashed and burned her first marriage. She is still on the soaps, but not the same one.

#2 - This A- list actor should probably be thankful he got fired from his soap for coming in late to work every day and coming to set drunk. It straightened him out and he had a nice steady career including an iconic movie.

#3 - This actress has been a soap regular for the past five years. Three decades ago though, she was forced out of a soap because of her long running feud with a co-star.

#4 - In 20+ years of acting, this actor has worked every year. His longest run of episodes was his first show, which was a soap. He didn't even last ten episodes because a fan magazine writer hated his look and wouldn't stop talking smack about him until he was forced out.

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