Friday, July 12, 2024

Four For Friday - Older Stuff

2014 VMA

#1 - Which A++ list power couple who were all smiles and compliments during the ceremony left separately? He went into a limo with one of his mistresses while she took another limo with her family members/friends.

#2 - What almost A-list former tweener was a holy terror on the red carpet? She demanded that she be able to cut the press line (because she said she was "the biggest star performing" that night) and threw an f-bomb explosion in front of her horrified family member who acted as a date.

#3 - What same celebrity from the previous blind item was denied a picture from this A+ list pop diva because singer #1's PR team, posed as her fans, sent death threats to singer #2's fans and PR people.

#4 - What reality star from that long-running cable hit barely mentioned her husband on the red carpet and among the other guests?  The rumors about her marriage imploding might be true after all. 

#5 - Which B-list comedienne was gunning for the hosting gig at this year's VMAs but was denied by MTV brass because they don't want any more scuffles with the FCC? Surrre...

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