Wednesday, July 03, 2024

Blind Items Revealed #15 - Old Hollywood - Reader Blind

March 26, 2023

Many, many years ago, in the early days of this TV show wherein a group of famous people make fun of one of their own, these two comics had a dispute backstage before a show.  One was known for one liners and playing a musical instrument in between jokes, the other was a pioneering female comic.  They both often made fun of spouses and the male comic thought the female comic had stolen a marriage related joke.  They were separated as the argument grew heated.  However, right before airtime, the male comic snuck into her dressing room and defecated in the female comic’s wig which was large and towering.  She did not notice this and wore it onstage.  The show’s host, a permanent A+ performer who often pretended to be in a different state of mind, smelled this and proceeded to joke about it.  All the other performers started commenting on the stench in their bits as well.  

Roasts, Henny Youngman, Phyllis Diller, Dean Martin     

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