Wednesday, June 05, 2024

Today's Blind Items - Things Never Change

This A+ list athlete has five condos he owns. He has a woman installed in each of them. He  spends one day at each of them and then gives himself two days off a week to be with a girlfriend he is considering making public. She has never been in one of the condos. He considers the women in the condos to be nothing more than hookups and constantly tells people they are worthless. He doesn't pay for anything other than the condo. Most of them have jobs at a restaurant he owns part of and they are given days off according to the schedule they are supposed to see him. Although he can see however many women he wants to see, they are not allowed to date anyone else. He wants them to be pure for him. If they break his rule, they are evicted, and fired form the job. By evicted, I mean a handful of guys come over in the middle of the night and throw things into some boxes and then dump it all outside. They come in the middle of the night because they like to scare the woman and also hope to catch her naked. Our athlete often comes over drunk or on drugs. There have been rumors for the past two months that one woman installed a video camera in an electrical outlet and has a bunch of stuff filmed. She then moved out on her own and is trying to sell the video. The waitresses and staff at the restaurant talk about this stuff all the time, but the video stuff might just be all talk.

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