Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Today's Blind Items - The Runaway

 This film is a classic. It won a ton of Academy Awards and took forever to film. It was filmed overseas. There were multiple A list actors in the film, some of whom are still alive. It was directed by a permanent A list director. One of the stars of the movie was a permanent A list actor who had a thing for underage girls. One day, one wandered on to the film set and he immediately pounced. Our actor chose not to film for two days and instead spent time in his room with the young girl. Stating he was finished with her, he was ready to get back to work. Meanwhile, his co-star went to check on the girl and he found her in really bad shape. He helped her out and over the next couple of weeks took her in and took care of her. That was really nice of him until it was discovered that he too began sleeping with her. It turns out she got pregnant by the actor who took her in. The girl ended up pregnant, but by the time anyone in her family discovered it, the filming had completed and everyone was back in the US. The woman gave birth and tried to make the actor take responsibility for what he did. He always ignored her pleas. The first actor who had started the whole thing actually reached out to the girl and provided for her financially. Fast forward a few decades and the offspring of the girl was now in her early twenties and our actor decided he should be rewarded for taking care of the girl financially for all those years. He brought the offspring over to the US where he proceeded to have sex with her and kept her basically locked up in his house. That girl became pregnant and our actor raised the child. 

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