Saturday, May 18, 2024

Blind Item #4 - 90's Limo Driver

The driver picked up the former female talk show host/comedian and her partner, and two or three adopted kids at a home in Beverly Hills and was to take them to LAX. It was the usual hectic start to a trip with young children, strapping them in, getting all the luggage situated, etc. The former talk show host (recently in the news) was nice enough to the driver, unlike the other former female gay talk show host, who was beyond condescending when he drove her. Once on the road, the driver noticed the former talk show host cussed like a sailor in front of the children. The former talk show host got on a phone call to one of her associates, and every syllable out of her mouth dripped with venom and sarcasm. This toxic conversation went on all the way to LAX. Once she hung up, she launched into a profanity driven diatribe to her partner. When the driver dropped them off at the terminal, the former talk show host tipped him a twenty, which in those days was enough to buy two packs of Parliament Lights, a twelve pack of Budweiser, and a Whopper combo. Better than a sharp stick in the eye, and the driver was very glad he didn’t get on her wrong side.

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