Monday, March 04, 2024

Today's Blind Items - The Traveling Pimp

Back in the day, this foreign born jeweler comic who was actually good at his job, unlike the comic in this spot last week, traveled the country every week. He was more of an adult themed comic. He could play PG, but R rated was his sweet spot. That also meant that he played a lot of clubs that also offered other entertainment, primarily strippers or burlesque dancers. These dancers would generally be under the wing of some semi-famous dancer who maybe had once been in a movie or television show but now was running the women every week. More often than not though, it would just be one woman as the eye candy for the week and to get more men into the club. It was those kind of women that our comic decided to "protect." He started pimping out the women and he would bring them along with him from town to town. Usually it was some woman who hadn't made it big, but had Hollywood beauty and wouldn't that guy in town like to tell his friends he had sex with a Hollywood actress. That was usually the spiel. Our comic had one famous dancer who he also managed, and she probably became A-/B+ list as a novelty act on the road. There are very few photos of her that exist. Most of the time the photos attributed to her are other models that also traveled with her and the comic.

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