Blind Item #8
Speaking of out of the closet, this A list country singer is going to be exposed very soon for something that happened with a boyfriend/hookup.
Speaking of out of the closet, this A list country singer is going to be exposed very soon for something that happened with a boyfriend/hookup.
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:45 AM
Labels: blind item
The lawyer for the Prime Minister is working overtime for him and also made sure she got a credit card and a hefty deposit. There will be no repeat of the Housewife disaster.
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:30 AM
Labels: blind item
I'm not sure why this former A+/A list NFL player doesn't just come completely out of the closet. We all know he wants to.
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:15 AM
Labels: blind item
The not quite a lottery winner rapper just can't get enough attention for her music, so she tried the fake gun thing and now she is trying to go after other rappers by calling them out in verses for attention. It is pathetic which is probably why the blackjack winner rapper is going to dump her.
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:00 AM
Labels: blind item
The celebrity CEO is like a puppy dog trying to get the attention of his one named ex. She is making him work for it, but they are going to end up back together.
Elon Musk/Grimes
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:45 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
The barely there celebrity offspring who has more money than sense sometimes, was a huge star f**ker which is how she ended up with the criminal. The cause of the breakup was not her cheating on him, but him cheating on her with the string of escorts he was running and sleeping with, one of whom killed a guy.
Chloe Green/Jeremy Meeks
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:31 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
This former Disney actress turned host who does a little bit of everything, thought she would land a ghost hunters type show super easy, but she is discovering not everyone is a fan. Apparently there was some behind the scenes drama from an executive's wife who holds a grudge against the actress for something that happened years ago.
Vanessa Hudgens
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:15 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
The Svengali got a power of attorney over this pay cable cable actor to act in his best interest. Uh huh.
Sam Lutfi/Angus Cloud
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:00 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
If you get a chance this weekend, look out for a short film that is being released. It is all about the cult that uses a temporary work agency to recruit members. Yes, it is the same cult that the A list actor's wife and mother-in-law belong to. Everyone should ask him about it and if he has seen the short film.
Posted by
ent lawyer
8:45 AM
Labels: blind item
The child killer must have a lot of customers willing to pay for her services to afford all the plastic surgery she had in the past year and the vacations and the new car she has too.
Posted by
ent lawyer
8:30 AM
Labels: blind item
Whatever this A- list actress continues to go through with her on again off again horrible boyfriend, she still has the bodyguard living at her house. That should show everyone the relationship with the rocker is more for sex and publicity than anything permanent.
Posted by
ent lawyer
8:15 AM
Labels: blind item
I love how the wife of the permanent A- list rock star a-hole makes it seem like the one named permanent A+ lister just randomly decided to feature the product the wife sells. The reason why it was featured was because of the well into six figures ad buy the wife did.
Posted by
ent lawyer
8:00 AM
Labels: blind item
This foreign born A list director told his celebrity significant other if she didn't get a breast lift and go up a size, he would leave her. So, she did.
Posted by
ent lawyer
11:45 AM
Labels: blind item
This B+ list actress I used to refer to as also having A+ list name recognition. That just isn't true any longer which is why she is throwing a whole bunch of money into rounds of publicity this month. She is getting the love and attention, but it remains to be seen if it leads to anything.
Posted by
ent lawyer
11:30 AM
Labels: blind item
I suppose this rapper turned A- list actress will go to her grave without ever coming out.
Posted by
ent lawyer
11:15 AM
Labels: blind item
This foreign born former A+ list comic actor has been hitting really hard on this Disney actress/singer who is legal but is almost two decades younger than his youngest kid.
Posted by
ent lawyer
11:00 AM
Labels: blind item
I really like this barely there celebrity offspring of a permanent A lister a lot. Still though, someone should have told her you don't get your lips filled for the very first time, right before a life event and lots of photos.
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:45 AM
Labels: blind item
Whether or not the story making the rounds about the rapist soccer player hiding money from his ex-wife is true, the ex-wife has almost as much money as the rapist soccer player. If he is hiding money, it is because he doesn't want his rape victims to be able to sue him and get money.
Achraf Hakimi/Hiba Abouk
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:30 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
As one of the greatest celebrity thieves, it is fitting that any discussion of other celebrity thieves have them competing for the Lindsay Lohan award.
#1 - This actress was probably A- list at her peak. She then married a director and rarely worked again. If you are a designer and lend her a dress, you will never get it back. The designers know this going in, but are afraid to say no to her.
#2 - This three named actor (not named Billy Bob Thornton) is probably still A- list, although he seems to be fading. His game involves going to gold dealers, usually at conventions, not at stores, and asking to see lots of different gold coins at once. Normally, they would be more careful, but they all know his face, and for some reason trust him. He is rarely caught, and when he is, the dealers are afraid to say anything, because of who he is.
#3 - I am on the fence about whether this constitutes theft or just a strange fetish, but this married A list mostly movie actor who is an Oscar winner/nominee always steals bras and panties from his actress co-stars. I have zero idea what he does with them, but everyone knows he is going to do it. After word got around, actresses usually just leave a set out so he doesn't go digging through all their stuff.
#4 - Back in the day I wrote about this now A+ list actress and her stealing shoes scam. It operated in a very similar fashion to the gold coins one above. There is an actress who has improved upon the grift and is a master at her craft. She is someone all of you know and has multiple children. When each child is looking and trying on several pairs of shoes, there is no one that can keep up with that. Throw in some bodyguards and often customers trying to take a look, and several empty shopping bags with the names of other stores, and the store is robbed blind. Again, no one ever says anything. They just all think it will not be worth their while.
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:10 AM
Labels: blind item , Four For Friday
All politics aside, what is the worst light beer?
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:00 AM
Labels: Your Turn
The alliterate actress from the national park show should know that her significant other who she hooked up with while married, is talking and texting to another woman.
Hassie Harrison/Yellowstone/Ryan Bingham
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:40 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
This one named foreign born permanent A list singer not named Rihanna, literally FaceTime's her significant other every 15-20 minutes when he is not with her, just so she can check on his location. The calls only last 20 seconds, but they are never ending.
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:20 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
The son of the Pawn Stars royal, looks a lot like the heir as a child. Maybe that is why the son of the Pawn Stars royal is involved in the whole coronation thing.
Marchioness of Cholmondeley(pronounced Chumley)/Prince William
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:00 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
Have plans for running for statewide office? Want an inside track to winning your primary which will get you the election? Make some donors happy and make sure all those criminal charges go away. Voila, all the charges go away. Back in the day when the billionaire was living in the state, he had enough power to not even have the charges filed in the first place.
Posted by
ent lawyer
8:45 AM
Labels: blind item
You might not be able to take pictures inside this private club in LA. However, that doesn't mean people don't talk and this barely there celebrity offspring of a permanent A lister was making out with her sometime girlfriend who is an A list actress. The boyfriend of the barely there celebrity doesn't mind at all, but her parents do.
Posted by
ent lawyer
8:30 AM
Labels: blind item
She moved overseas for the foreign born former boy bander, and he is still cheating on his girlfriend. He is lucky that it is not the actress version, because she would have destroyed him for doing that to her.
Kate Cassidy/Liam Payne/Katie Cassidy
Posted by
ent lawyer
8:15 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
This foreign born B+ list actress has a personal photographer and a dozen changes of clothes for everyday she is with her much much higher on the list singer significant other. She tries and makes as much content with him as possible to boost her career. It has to be exhausting.
Posted by
ent lawyer
8:00 AM
Labels: blind item
The bar star with the new boyfriend? Go ask the boyfriend, not the girlfriend, when they first started hooking up and hanging out. Everyone was in on the coverup.
Posted by
ent lawyer
7:45 AM
Labels: blind item
This A list model/host/producer/everything else, was unlike most reality show producers. She wanted the most unstable contestants to return time and time again because she thought it made for better television.
Posted by
ent lawyer
7:30 AM
Labels: blind item
Apparently this foreign born B- list actor had some very strict prohibitions on what he could and could not do in his last relationship. With those out of the way, he got hammered drunk with friends at a bar, which was not allowed before.
Posted by
ent lawyer
7:00 AM
Labels: blind item
This misspelled helper in a gym A/A- list singer sold her soul for a career. She works with the business manager who ruins lives. As a condition of working with the business manager, the singer can never say an unkind word about her business manager or anything the business manager has ever done. That can make for some very awkward interviews when old clients of the business manager are brought up and you say you can't talk about things like you have a top secret security clearance and someone asked you about nuclear secrets. Instead, you are a singer who sings some really forgettable songs and wants to be much more famous and important than you ever will be.
Posted by
ent lawyer
6:45 AM
Labels: blind item
This former late night actress has been in this space before for her hijacking of comedy rooms. Last Saturday she just showed up without alerting anyone beforehand she was coming. She did 45 minutes in BOTH The Main Room and Original Room and just casually goes by the booker and says “sorry I went long” and then orders the parking lot guy to get her car like he’s her servant.
Posted by
ent lawyer
6:30 AM
Labels: blind item
Speaking of stylists, this female stylist is sleeping with a member of an all female A list K-pop group.
Posted by
ent lawyer
11:45 AM
Labels: blind item
This A- list actress comes from an acting family, but she will never be the biggest name in the family. She yelled at her stylist on the phone with language one wouldn't expect from someone who was sitting next to people she didn't even know. The stylist is apparently an idiot and lucky to have a job.
Posted by
ent lawyer
11:30 AM
Labels: blind item
The meme actor was across the country from this reality star and doing what he always does. Partying and find a one night hookup. Sounds just like the ex of the reality star, so the meme actor will fit right in.
Posted by
ent lawyer
11:15 AM
Labels: blind item
This B- list former streaming reality star tried to kill himself. He wanted to do it while live streaming but forgot to turn on the camera.
Posted by
ent lawyer
11:00 AM
Labels: blind item
The singer had a week to figure out how to perform on his "broken" bone. Many options were offered and all would have kept him off his bone. He chose not to.
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:45 AM
Labels: blind item
You are a former A list teen actor/musician who was headed to big things until you weren't. You thought you were a huge star and acted like it, so no one wanted to work with you. You then got busted for having sex with minors, but nothing happened. You got away with it, so you did it some more. You are addicted to duster because you can't afford much more than that. How do you get people to notice you and give you magazine covers and guest spots on shows? Hello DWTS. You go "missing" and then are found right away, but get to have that redemption story you don't deserve.
Drake Bell
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:30 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
This long time reality star once killed a guy who was trying to rob him. That is the version of the reality star. he said he was acting in self defense. If he was acting in self defense, why didn't he go to police and report it? He will tell you because it was a drug deal gone bad and he didn't think the police would believe him. They would believe him. They always cover for him until everything goes really bad and things get out of hand. Even recently, if you look at the actual document, nothing really happened to him. That was very much intentional on the part of those who have known him the longest.
What really happened when he killed the guy was he wanted to see what it was like. He had come close several times before, but wanted to see what happened. Was it different than when he killed animals up close? He just wanted to see. When he got away with it and no one came looking at him for the killing, he decided not to press his luck and try again. Even he is not that dumb. That being said, could he kill again? Yes. I think there are certain people he would love to kill.
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:10 AM
Labels: blind item
It is 4/20. Do you think marijuana should be legal everywhere for recreational use?
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:00 AM
Labels: Your Turn
The tech guy who killed his higher on the list "lover" had a six figure deposit put into his bank account two days prior to the killing. Pay off? Buy off? Extortion?
Nima Momeni/Bob Lee
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:40 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
There might be new music from this foreign born permanent A list singer, but there doesn't mean there will be a tour. Ever.
Celine Dion
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:20 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
Even this foreign A++ list tyrant got tired of the antics of this foreign born former A- list actor here, and permanently A list in his home country. It is why the actor had to go back to being a predator in his own country. The actor had previously enjoyed the protection of the A++ lister, but the list of abused girls became way too long to cover for any longer.
Vladimir Putin/Gérard Depardieu
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:00 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
This disgraced cable host who had to move to a new channel says the woman he hooks up with once a week at her place is much better in bed than his wife.
Posted by
ent lawyer
8:45 AM
Labels: blind item
This celebrity chef who is not on Food Network, but is on a "free" channel has a coke problem that is out of control.
Posted by
ent lawyer
8:30 AM
Labels: blind item
This foreign born A- list actor has been most recently seen in a universe streaming series that has been renewed. He has a long celebrity girlfriend born in the same country as our actor. That was not stopping him from enjoying the women of this not a state, but not a country this past week, while wasted out of his mind. He did not limit himself to just one woman.
Tom Sturridge/The Sandman/Alexa Chung/England/Puerto Rico
Posted by
ent lawyer
8:15 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
The corrupt award organization who managed to make it back on television this year because they said they have changed. Umm, then why the big birthday tribute to the serial rapist actor from an acting family? Isn't that what got you thrown off the air in the first place?
Posted by
ent lawyer
8:00 AM
Labels: blind item
In a pairing I did not see happening, this A list music manager all of you know has been hooking up with this much much younger singer offspring of at least one A lister.
Posted by
ent lawyer
7:45 AM
Labels: blind item
Is it any shocker that the child p**n enabling A- list actress supports the accused serial abuser prime minister actor.
Posted by
ent lawyer
7:30 AM
Labels: blind item
This former cable actress turned take whatever project she can regardless of whether it is even watchable, is staying sober. Who knows, maybe being with the biggest jerk of '07 is turning out better than anyone thought it would.
Posted by
ent lawyer
7:00 AM
Labels: blind item
I am grateful there are very few stans of the north of the border former A list singer and the foreign born alliterate singer. No one buys it as real and there are no paps who care enough to follow them around. But hey, if you have a new song to promote, than you do it. Do either of them have a new song to promote? Oh, look, yes there is.
Posted by
ent lawyer
6:45 AM
Labels: blind item
What better way to pay for your wrongful death settlements and legal bills, than a reality show to make money and exploit the deaths. The wife of the killer actor is living her best life. Wait until she goes and promotes the it all and we get to hear the Spanish accent every day.
Posted by
ent lawyer
6:30 AM
Labels: blind item
Speaking of crazy sex, this former southern reality star on a show that manages to exist without her, says the owner of a defense contracting company in her west coast town likes to be whipped, especially on his genital area. She has done it to him and several other women have too. Is this something an owner of a huge defense contractor should be doing? Does it make him susceptible to extortion?
Posted by
ent lawyer
11:45 AM
Labels: blind item
The most recent life event of this married A- list actress was the result of a hookup with her lover. Her cuck husband was not present, but he usually is.
Posted by
ent lawyer
11:30 AM
Labels: blind item
This permanent A list model/reality star/host slept with the heir apparent to a massive fortune which was built on the timeshare model. She managed to get a massive payday/new job as a result of the liaison.
Posted by
ent lawyer
11:15 AM
Labels: blind item
Apparently the bar stars who share the same first name have been involved in multiple threesomes. Yes, including the girlfriend who has been in the news a lot as of late.
Posted by
ent lawyer
11:00 AM
Labels: blind item
This morning show duo are sending out press leaks by the dozen to try and change the narrative about their hosting skills. Probably not thinking through any end game, they have now made it so when there is a firing, it will be both of them, rather than just one.
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:45 AM
Labels: blind item
I'm glad the trade magazine wrote the 50,000 word article taking apart the charity of the A+/A list actor. That being said, the good deed the actor did for the 100+ year old guy was talked about much more this week than the charity story will be. Our actor always gets a free pass.
The Hollywood Reporter/Brad Pitt
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:30 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
This A list actress is an Oscar winner/nominee. She is also trying to game play a way to an EGOT within the next few years. She is also the actress with the most alt accounts that she uses to troll people she doesn't like and to boost her own projects. By some estimations, she has about 10-15 alt accounts on each social media platform. She has developed back stories for each account and has names and histories for each of the accounts. These are not just nameless and faceless one time troll accounts. These are fully developed characters. Just to make sure she doesn't actually forget to sign out of an account, there are different phones assigned to each account. Just like the characters, each phone is different. Some are Android and some are iPhones. She even has one phone that is a flip phone that has internet access. She even goes so far as to give them different cases and downloads different apps on each. The only thing that makes them similar is they all have a sticker on the back with the name of the person on it. The only reason the stickers are on the phone is because her assistants don't know them all by heart. Our actress knows them all without stickers. Maybe this is why she is such a great actress?
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:10 AM
Labels: blind item
Other than in an office, when is the last time you used a landline phone?
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:00 AM
Labels: Your Turn
It is not solely that this former A+ list singer recognized that a breakup song about the A+ list singer might be pushing things too far, it is that he knew she had just split with her boyfriend. It was not even two hours after the split, that he was talking about it on stage. He definitely keeps track of her life.
John Mayer/Paper Doll/Taylor Swift/Joe Alwyn
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:40 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
Apparently, if you want to get away with a murder, go south of the border with a dozen or more of your friends. In front of every one of those friends, kill one of the people and then flee back to the US before the police south of the border know what is going on. Then, here, the US will pass on prosecuting the killer or any other charges, and that is how you get away with murder. I guess that could be another season of the show.
Murder of Shanquella Robinson
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:20 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
It was obviously a horrific accident, but nowhere has an actor had a bigger 180 from hated a-hole who no one can stand and a very very messy personal life, to an actor basking in the public's love that he is still alive.
Jeremy Renner
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:00 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
This pro sports league wants no part of a bid presented for the purchase of the team. They know the money is coming from the government of a country as they try and get a foothold in another professional sport.
Posted by
ent lawyer
8:45 AM
Labels: blind item
This movie studio is also photoshopping photos of the A list singer turned actress to make her appear larger in publicity stills from the set of the movie she is filming.
Posted by
ent lawyer
8:30 AM
Labels: blind item
Obviously the questions from the interview that aired yesterday between the foreign born comic/multiple host and the bar star were prepared in advance by those closest to the bar star, which is why it is shocking it still didn't go better for him. He even had input on what he wanted asked and how the question should be framed. Not the brightest tool in the shed.
Howie Mandel/Tom Sandoval
Posted by
ent lawyer
8:15 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
The amount of money this Housewife is getting for her new gig is minimal and was the result of her benefactor who I have spoken about here before. She is hoping to make lots of money by selling meet and greet packages. If she can get a few suckers each night she can double or triple what the place is paying her.
Posted by
ent lawyer
8:00 AM
Labels: blind item
This former actor turned B+ list singer pimps out his wife to pay the bills every month.
Posted by
ent lawyer
7:45 AM
Labels: blind item
This A- list actress who was recently dumped from a superhero franchise is the mistress of a married billionaire.
Posted by
ent lawyer
7:30 AM
Labels: blind item
So, what the autopsy report basically says is that the manager of the now dead singer was the one who was pill shopping for the singer and then supplying the singer with the drugs that killed him. Criminal charges anyone? Some for the one doctor who couldn't write enough prescriptions.
Posted by
ent lawyer
7:00 AM
Labels: blind item
Somewhere out there, the alliterate talk show host is having a great laugh. Her serial cheating/serial stealing ex broke up with his mistress. She was spending too much of his ill gotten gains.
Posted by
ent lawyer
6:45 AM
Labels: blind item
This state A++ lister was invited to the birthday party of a preschooler. I guess when you are the alliterate one though and think there might be an appointment coming your way, you do such a thing.
Posted by
ent lawyer
6:30 AM
Labels: blind item
This former Supernatural actor, who has never been a blind, which is shocking, considering everything in past, is cheating on his long time wife.
Posted by
ent lawyer
11:45 AM
Labels: blind item
This A+ list TikTok star convinced all of her followers she was at Coachella, but she was just at parties in the desert. She actually couldn't afford the VIP ticket prices. When her fans started asking her to prove she was there, she ended up sleeping with a guy and the last day had a VIP bracelet he gave her before he headed out of town.
Posted by
ent lawyer
11:30 AM
Labels: blind item
With the new gig of this former A+ list actor, hookers in town have big paydays headed their way. Also, the former actress turned reality star doesn't have to worry about heading back to Housewives.
Posted by
ent lawyer
11:15 AM
Labels: blind item
This teenage Grammy winning/nominated former Disney star and this K-pop girl group member who is going to be in streaming show, were seen dancing very close to each other at an after party. There were even reports they were making out.
Posted by
ent lawyer
11:00 AM
Labels: blind item
This one happened in the early 2000’s. The driver was assigned to drive the mother of the permanent A-list basketball star to his wedding at the Beverly Hills Hotel. Since he was driving the star’s mother, he got to park in the coveted spot closest to the entrance. The driver waited there and watched the scores of celebrities from the sports and entertainment world arriving. The big controversy was that the other permanent A-list teammate (now deceased) was not invited. That wasn’t the only controversy. A dark blue vintage Rolls Royce arrived. Three women dressed in long black dresses and head scarves were inside the car along with the notorious A-list religious figure from Chicago. He was there to perform the ceremony. He exited the Rolls and was dressed in a tux with tails and a top hat. He even had a cane with a diamond studded handle. The preacher pranced into the hotel like a peacock.
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:45 AM
Labels: blind item
This A- celeb was supposed to be in his hometown for a speaking engagement. It was reported as being canceled due to a scheduling conflict. The real reason is that his fiancé doesn’t want him seeing his family since they have become estranged since their relationship started. She is afraid they will do something to convince him not to marry her.
Jon Hamm
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:30 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
This actor has been A+ list. All of you know who he is. The whole world knows who he is. He has had difficulties over the years, but nothing compares to the storm that is emerging behind the scenes. No one, including the actor knows for sure if he ever was involved with this murdered teen. However, he was around enough of other teens at the same time the murdered teen was there. Our actor was having sex with these teens and women in their early 20's. Our actor was a huge supporter of this massive untaxed organization, not named Scientology. He had just reached A list status and was just on fire career wise. The leader of the organization invited him to a special audience. Afterwards, and whenever the actor returned over the next couple of years, he would partake in what were known as purity parties. It was a way for the leaders of the organization to appear pure to the world, while having their sexual needs and wants and fetishes fulfilled. Women of the organization were forced to participate. Sometimes things got out of hand and accidents happened. One of those is in the news a lot over the past two weeks. Our actor had no involvement in that accident, but no one wants him associated with being there at that time and are hoping this all stays completely secret, so he can continue to pretend he was never present at any of the purity parties.
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:10 AM
Labels: blind item
A television show everyone tells you to watch, or should watch, but you know you never will.
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:00 AM
Labels: Your Turn
This love her or hate her A- list celebrity actually had a shirt on for her most recent thirst trap photo, but decided it was not thirst trap sufficient and took off the top to pose in her bra. That is the one she posted.
Chrissy Teigen
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:40 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
This alliterate crossover reality star was groping someone at a bar who is definitely not the woman he is supposedly dating.
Craig Conover
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:20 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
The A+ list singer did some striking back of her own by throwing the foreign born actor under the bus about his lack of career. Will she go really deep and talk about the cheating or save it for new music?
Taylor Swift/Joe Alwyn
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:00 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
Speaking of strange, this A list director who is supposedly on a farewell tour, recently partied like he was still working at a video store in the 90's. Instead it was a theatre dressing room and it looked like a bomb went off with the liquor bottles and vomit and various party residue that needed a professional cleaning crew.
Posted by
ent lawyer
8:47 AM
Labels: blind item
The powers that be at a beauty company, have been editing all the videos starring the A list singer/soon to be big time movie actress. They are editing the videos to make it appear she is bigger. It gives the video a very strange feel. They should just deep fake the whole thing or even use a different model, because right now it is just strange.
Posted by
ent lawyer
8:30 AM
Labels: blind item
If you are a brand, this former A+ list rapper, will be ride or die if you pay her. The way she blocks people right and left who call out her support of the child p**n enabling fashion brand is next level. She earns that paycheck, even if it means supporting awful companies.
Cardi B/Balenciaga
Posted by
ent lawyer
8:15 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
The almost lottery winner rapper knows she can't draw a decent crowd, which is why she is an opening act. I'm not sure she is doing herself any favors by making it look like she had a huge crowd in social media photos. Anyone who was there in person, knew she didn't.
Posted by
ent lawyer
8:00 AM
Labels: blind item
This foreign born alliterate A- list actor all of you love because of an old television show on which he starred, admitted he cheated on his wife and the long time ex-girlfriend before his wife.
Posted by
ent lawyer
7:45 AM
Labels: blind item
The prime minister actor has more, even more serious accusations headed his way. He is probably going to end up on a several year time out because of all of this.
Posted by
ent lawyer
7:30 AM
Labels: blind item
A documentary was being made at the desert festival, by one of the headliners. He apparently wants to make it look like everything that happened was the organization's fault and not his own, to show how big business never sees an artist's true vision.
Posted by
ent lawyer
7:00 AM
Labels: blind item
If anyone blinks first, it is not going to be the movie about the doll. The studio thinks it will beat its competition by about a factor of four and will make no less and no more even if the other movie being released that day, stays in place.
Posted by
ent lawyer
6:45 AM
Labels: blind item
The benefactor of this cold flavor rapper is the reason she is getting a piece of paper. No one at the organization where she is getting the piece of paper has even heard of her. It was a very large donation.
Posted by
ent lawyer
6:30 AM
Labels: blind item
The wealthy farmer has some explaining to do with the latest revelation of where he donated $80M to and how he didn't have anything to do with the dead billionaire pedophile.
Posted by
ent lawyer
11:45 AM
Labels: blind item
Speaking of hosts/reality stars who are married, this particular host/reality star got his start in the business in an entirely different way. He has hooked up with multiple participants of the show he hosts.
Posted by
ent lawyer
11:30 AM
Labels: blind item
This dancing reality star/host has a great sob story. Apparently she was cheating on her beloved significant other though.
Posted by
ent lawyer
11:15 AM
Labels: blind item
The permanent A list legendary singer is off to a rocky start on her tour and is going to smaller venues for later dates, in an attempt to get more sellouts.
Posted by
ent lawyer
11:00 AM
Labels: blind item
The marijuana feline had been doing so much better, but she is fully back mixing coke and pills and booze and is out of control.
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:45 AM
Labels: blind item
The serial cheating alliterate basketball player is living with the alliterate reality star. This should turn out well.
Tristan Thompson/Khloe Kardashian
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:30 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
If you are 16-25 on the clock app and are female, and do dance videos and have a decent following, chances are one of three women have reached out to you to discuss partnerships and the opportunity to make millions. The three women each have close to or more than 1M followers on the app and always look so happy in their videos. They have this perfect life and are always traveling and have lots of people they partner with for each video.
It all looks so perfect and amazing and the newcomer thinks this will be their life too. Plus, to do what they want and live their dreams? Priceless. The reality is far different from the dream. Once signing on, they are forced to work 12 hours every day either rehearsing or creating content. They are assigned boyfriends because couples sell better they are told. The travel is just to places in a van or car and staying in motel rooms with three others. You are under constant pressure to sleep with the more famous members and if you don't, then you don't get to appear in videos and no one will do partner videos with you. The money? You are lucky to get $200 a week because of all the expenses taken out of any money you earned. Meanwhile, the big names and the leaders of this cult live in mansions and drive expensive cars. If you complain too much, you are fired. Thinking you can do your own thing again, you realize the power this cult has with the clock app. They report every video you make with the goal of getting you permanently banned. Pictures and videos of you in compromising positions or naked or having sex, show up in your email.
Most of the victims come back and then give in and do what they are told and then become recruiters themselves. The more victims you get, the more money you make. It is a pyramid scheme of victims.
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:10 AM
Labels: blind item
Worst concert you have attended.
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:00 AM
Labels: Your Turn
This writer/showrunner of multiple shows, finally figured out the free money was going to dry up if he did another season of his high budgeted show and never brought in more than 350K viewers for any episode. So, he is getting many of the gang back together and throwing in a reality star everyone hates, but will probably watch because they will want her killed.
Ryan Murphy/American Horror Story/Emma Roberts/Kim Kardashian
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:40 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
Remember when the initialed cult that branded people first got their start, how they used to molest children and tweens? It was around that time that the religious leader for a large group of people and his assistant were spending so much time with the group. I guess we now know why.
NXIVM/Dalai Lama
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:20 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
Of course the mogul; knew what he was getting into with his new husband. That is why the potential payouts I discussed a few weeks ago were so low. The mogul loves that everyone is talking about him which has not happened for years. Who do you think leaked the background report of his husband he had prepared, to the press?
David Geffen/Donovan Michaels
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:00 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
This foreign born former A list rapper who loves killers/rapist and pedophiles in equal parts, can say whatever she wants, but she didn't get a dime when her catalog was sold.
Posted by
ent lawyer
8:45 AM
Labels: blind item
This married business reality star has been hooking up with a flight attendant he employs.
Posted by
ent lawyer
8:30 AM
Labels: blind item
The former wheelchair actor paid a whole lot of money to make sure his mediocre song made it to the top of the charts.
Drake/Search & Rescue
Posted by
ent lawyer
8:15 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
The middle of the week streaming actress pushed her way to the front of a line of 100 people at the music festival this weekend. She essentially said she was too famous to stand in lines.
Posted by
ent lawyer
8:00 AM
Labels: blind item
After settling a lawsuit for almost no actual money, and a bunch of promises that will never happen, the killer actor thought he could do the same thing with other family members. They are not biting though and our actor is going to pay out more money he will never get back.
Posted by
ent lawyer
7:45 AM
Labels: blind item
This foreign born A- list actor from an acting family that all of you know, says he once was at a party with this married A list political person from a family of rich behind the scenes players/former convicts the whole world knows. This person was showing him a video of the political person whipping a male escort.
Posted by
ent lawyer
7:30 AM
Labels: blind item
The tabloids might want this A+/A list actor to be with a foreign born A- list model, but she has a child so that is a big no. Plus, he hooked up with a 22 year old host all weekend from the Revolve House.
Posted by
ent lawyer
7:00 AM
Labels: blind item
This A list host/producer who recently left a gig, was texting friends all morning sharing clips of how bad his replacement is.
Posted by
ent lawyer
6:45 AM
Labels: blind item
This foreign born A- list actress had a huge movie franchise that made her famous. Most of her on set experiences since, have been awful. She is about to come forward and accuse a former co-star who is an A list actor of sexually assaulting her.
Posted by
ent lawyer
6:30 AM
Labels: blind item
This closeted foreign born permanent A list athlete hooked up with someone from Grindr Friday night after getting wasted at a Coachella party. He didn't think the hookup recognized him. He was wrong.
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:45 AM
Labels: blind item
The actress best friend of Coke Mom is sleeping with a married NFL coach.
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:30 AM
Labels: blind item
This A- list actress and this A list actor are both from the same country. Everyone always wanted them to end up together. They are both with other people, but that was them being very touchy feely at a lunch earlier this week.
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:15 AM
Labels: blind item
This alliterate bar star stayed about five minutes at a Coachella party before demanding she be paid for being there. When she wasn't paid, she walked out. Everyone was glad to see her leave.
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:00 AM
Labels: blind item
This A- list celebrity offspring of a barely there actor lost out on an acting role, and she blames her biggest rival.
Hailey Baldwin Bieber/Selena Gomez
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:45 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
Continuing the awful people theme, this A- list pro wrestler got divorced last year because his wife discovered he sexually assaulted a barely barely barely legal teen.
Matt Riddle
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:30 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
This A- list actress who stars on a hit streaming show after starring on multiple hit other shows, one of which also turned into a movie and is iconic, got dumped. So, she doesn't want to be on his show any longer.
Gillian Anderson/The Crown/The X-Files
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:15 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
A Polaroid has turned up that was long thought missing. It is from a college party and shows this A list royal who is not alliterate, lifting up a sweater and flashing for the camera. It is for sale. The person who took the photo and owns the copyright is doing the selling.
Kate Middleton
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:00 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
This B+ list actress still has A list name recognition and all of you know her. After decades of bad men in her life, she is now living with a woman.
Posted by
ent lawyer
8:45 AM
Labels: blind item
This foreign born A list tennis player doesn't want to play tennis any longer, but still wants all that endorsement money she owed. So, she found out another way to keep getting paid and drag out her return to the game for at least two years. By then, she hopes she will have made enough endorsement money to last her life.
Posted by
ent lawyer
8:30 AM
Labels: blind item
This used to be a "couple" needed to get wasted out of their minds to even attempt a kiss that looked very uncomfortable and forced. It got people talking though, and that is always the idea with this pair.
Posted by
ent lawyer
8:15 AM
Labels: blind item
Following up on a blind from yesterday, it turns out that the one named north of the border singer who would like to permanently end a race through genocide, is actually living in a home owned by the celebrity CEO and she has allowed him to start staying over when he wants.
Posted by
ent lawyer
8:00 AM
Labels: blind item