Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Today's Blind Items - The Spender

If you ask someone right now, which Hollywood star has spent the most on paying for sex, you might guess Charlie Sheen. What if you changed star to producer though? An A+ list producer. A producer who has some of the biggest hits to his name. A producer who lived a Hollywood life like it was a movie about Hollywood with drugs and sex and hookers and parties. This producer spent millions of dollars a year on hookers. He liked them young and pale and they would leave bruised and battered. He enjoyed roughing them up. The problem was that he needed a new hooker every day and because of his requirements, it became harder and harder to find ones that were not already bruised by him or ones who had been and wanted to see him again. So, the prices went up and he had to pay sometimes as much as ten times the going rate because women would be flown in from other cities. This went on for years until he promised to tone down the bruising and beating. That caused him to ramp up his drug use and drinking which were already legendary.

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