Thursday, August 31, 2023

Today's Blind Items - Not A Nice Guy

Without even knowing anything about him, people have been calling the boyfriend of this bar star a sweetheart, a gentleman and such a nice guy. He is not. He has a huge history of sleeping with women and playing them. He would see multiple women at the same time without them knowing about it and playing them to fall for him. As soon as they fell for him and validated his existence he moved to a new victim. The prettier and the more popular woman the better. He is extremely insecure about himself and his body. Getting beautiful and successful women to sleep with him validates his ego. He got a job at the bar so he can sleep with more women. He used to have a girlfriend in Las Vegas who he broke up with because he got scared of her moving in with him. He used to fly out to see her for a weekend and just like for his current girlfriend bought her $1000+ dinners. He uses women for sex and his ego and then moves on to new ones. He has never had a healthy long lasting relationship. He is climbing the social ladder to being well liked and popular through his current girlfriend.

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