Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Today's Blind Items - The Fight

The fiancée (#1) of the wealthy bookseller (#2) was once a sports and news reporter in Los Angeles. At the time, she was still young and vivacious and had a lot of hookups including with a number of very high-profile athletes she was reporting on.

Anyway, the long running network morning show/gabfest (#3) needed to replace one of their hosts (#4), so they began auditioning replacements. #1 auditioned and did well. So well in fact they kept bringing her back for appearances. She was easily the front runner and was on the verge of landing this prized gig. 

In the middle of a week-long stint, this twinkle member of the show’s panel (#4) invited her to sit courtside at an NBA game. Along for the ride was a B+ actress (#5) known for both TV and film, including the A list director’s (#6) kung fu epic. That’s when the fun started.

The game was between the city’s favorite NBA team (#7) and one of their most bitter rivals (#8). The game was heated and included a brawl which spilled off the court. There is actually video of #1 and #4 scurrying to get out of the way.

The real fun, though, was postgame. #4 and #1 went back to the tunnel by the locker rooms. #1 was quite well known to the rival team. She’d been involved with their star player (#9), a guy who often taunted opponents and who’d hooked up with #1 along with making many clutch shots in his Hall of Fame career.  

#1 caused quite a stir, as players from both teams went crazy when she made her postgame appearance. Guys were falling all over each other trying to get at her. Meanwhile, #4 was ignored.

The next day, #4 went to the show’s founder and grand dame (#10) with an ultimatum. If #1 was hired, #4 would quit the show. So the gabfest ended up hiring another woman (#11), who would later move on to the 24 news network (#12). 

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