Monday, July 03, 2023

Today's Blind Items - Fan Mail

I left this in the words of the tipster. Just added the stuff to make it blind.

Back when this A list mostly movie actress who is an Oscar winner/nominee was doing this A+ list franchise, I was in high school. I am 3 years younger than her. It was the days of ICQ and MSN. Anyway, I saw her in one of the franchise films and that made me a huge fan. I managed to track down her real name and email address from a fan website and emailed her. Being a 15 year old, I didn't realize how creepy that was (I am a woman, so coming off as creepy does not naturally enter my mind when I do things LOL).  At the time, her 18th birthday had just passed and there were photos of her birthday party where she was wearing a NesQuick t-shirt. In my email I said that I enjoyed the movie and was a huge fan, and that I saw some photos of her wearing a NesQuick t-shirt and I asked her where she got it from.

She actually responded, saying she wasn't the actress and that fans have been emailing her thinking she's the actress, and she's sorry to disappoint. I responded back, explaining why I'm sure the email address I had was correct. Lo and behold, she responds back, admitting that she was indeed the actress but that her "bonehead fans need to get a life and stop bothering [her] (no offence)." That was the end of it, and I didn't respond. I think my 15 year old self was pretty shocked. 

Anyway, a few months later, she was featured on Mademoiselle magazine (at least I think it was that article, it could have been a different magazine) and in the article she said this:

“I had gone to my best friend’s house an hour before the party to choose outfits,” she recalls. “We went into her eight-year-old brother’s room and found that Nesquik T-shirt in a drawer. Then, all the magazines had my photo, with articles about how the cool new thing was to wear logo T-shirts. He was appalled. ‘Yuck, girls’ magazines have my T-shirt in!’ he cried.”

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