Tuesday, July 04, 2023

Blind Items Revealed #5

January 23, 2023

This actor has been acting since his tween/teen years. He definitely has had his ups and downs. You would think this would be one of his up periods. He has not caught any flack for quite some time and seems to be in a happy, committed relationship. With his significant other out of town, our actor decided to take some time for himself. Apparently that means ordering strippers who used to be former wrestlers and then having them wrestle each other in winner take all matches. The winner got $25K, while the loser got to experience one of the actor's favorite things to do - give a golden shower. Apparently there were a lot of drugs at this party and our actor also hooked up with other strippers brought in who were not wrestlers. He didn't find the wrestling strippers sexually attractive. The good news in all of this is that he didn't hit anyone, didn't yell at anyone and apparently was a very very good tipper. Will this night set him on a course of destruction again though?

Shia LaBeouf

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