Tuesday, July 04, 2023

Blind Items Revealed #3

January 12, 2023

Two years ago we were talking about the husband of this debilitated celebrity chef and how he was living with an escort while his wife was dying in the next room in the house. It was very Farrah Fawcett/Ryan O' Neal/Alana Stewart vibes. 

Now, the chef is dead and the husband, who took out lines of credit in his wife's name when she was unable to give consent, is trying to pay those off. He is doing so by selling off his wife's possessions, which are not really his to sell off. Meanwhile, there was the escort who used the wife's cash for purchases and also sold off things belonging to the wife while the wife was alive.  The escort was confronted and ran off because of her past history with the law. She had been arrested multiple times and was used as a honeypot for the federal government multiple times to entrap spies. The pressure made her run, and the husband then moved on to strippers and others who sucked out all of the money from the bank account. Everyone knows he is hard up for cash so all the places he is hitting up are refusing to sell his stuff unless they get an outrageous deal to their benefit.

Dan Gasby/B. Smith/Alex Lerner

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