Tuesday, July 04, 2023

Blind Items Revealed #1

January 17, 2023

Thoughts and opinion from a victim.

"What if I told you our jury foreman lied during voir dire so he could be seated on our jury? What if I told you our jury foreman has a son who was convicted of heinous sex crimes against children? What if I told you our jury foreman’s grandson (child of his pedo son) is trying to make it as an actor in Hollywood? What if I told you that our jury foreman reached out to the defense right after the trial? What if I told you our jury foreman then reached out to some unknown former Scientologist YouTuber and offered to give an interview so he could put out the defense’s narrative meanwhile making serious mistakes like mentioning evidence that was never presented at trial nor testified to? What if I told you the jury foreman then gave a sworn affidavit to the defense to try to get the judge to dismiss our case? What if I told you the defense then used the jury foreman interview and only the interview to file a motion to have the judge dismiss our case?"

Earl/ First Danny Masterson Rape Trial 

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