Friday, June 09, 2023

Four For Friday - Classic Tennis

As Reveal Day approaches, it is time yet again for Reader Photos. Beginning Monday, and continuing until Reveal Day on July 4th, I will be posting Random Photos, and will include Reader Photos each day. If you would like to be included, email your photo to

#1 - This foreign player was at the top of the sport for one season but throughout his career was often overshadowed by a couple more successful players.  He did win several big titles in his life.  The decade where he was primarily active was a wild one and the player really enjoyed hooking up with women at events the younger, the better.  He especially liked underage virgins.  The access to young girls and teens his fame granted him is why he played long past his prime.  

#2 - This burly foreign player who was very briefly ranked as the best in the world always had a reputation as a fanatic and deeply disciplined.  His comeback from a potentially career ending accident , the steps he did to recover, are legendary.  Once while running at night in a foreign city he was confronted by a mugger armed with a knife.   He put the mugger in the hospital.  

#3 - This foreign player from a country that has produced a few great champions won a number of big titles over a number of years and had one year in particular where he was best in the world.   He is still visible in the sport.  He has been open in the past in interviews that he and his beautiful wife are swingers and non-monogamous.  In the past, he used sport events to recruit men to have sex with his wife while he watched.  

#4 - This flamboyant player was A list in his prime and had relationships with at least three other A listers including one still going on now.  At his peak, he traveled with a large entourage.  Among them was one whose job included waxing the body of the hirsute player including his genitals and his butt.  

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