Sunday, June 04, 2023

Blind Item #6 - Reader Blind

This foreign performer is A list in his own country both with the defunct group that launched him and by himself (which he has been for a much longer period).  In recent years, his mouth has often gotten him into trouble.  Over the years since he made it big, he has always been generous with a childhood friend giving him monthly payments.  This friend has had some brushes with success too being part of two different groups, acting in films and TV in a few supporting roles, and writing a book.  Publicly, he has also been very flattering and defensive regarding the A lister praising him in his book and defending him in the press regarding an unauthorized biopic that came out but the reason he gives him money is a little deeper than that.  The friend has photos of both himself and the A lister in very early stardom days with male fans.  These photos are surprisingly explicit and involve the A Lister bottoming.  Some fans are bigger than others.  

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