Today's Blind Items - The Screenplay
This writer is probably A- list. He has written books and articles and screenplays, at least one of which most of you have seen. He is an offspring of someone who was much more famous, but generally in the same occupation. That parental unit had a best friend who was an A++ lister. Going through some of his father's old things, he came across some documents that have kept him busy for nearly a decade. A decade in which he has not written any other screenplays. His father was a drug addict and was addicted to the same drugs that the A++ lister was and they got them from the same doctor. The father also got his secretary addicted to the same drugs and then sent her off to a mental hospital to get clean. That is how the story goes. Our screenwriter thinks that she was sent off to stay quiet about the death of the A++ lister and that the screenwriter's dad and the crazy doctor were heavily involved. The father had a long collaboration with the mob and even married the daughter of a mafia kingpin.