Tuesday, May 09, 2023

Today's Blind Items - Only After Death

One of the best stories to never be revealed publicly was supposed to be revealed once the subject died. However, his wife has insisted she would also like to be dead before the story is told. I suppose after she dies, her celebrity offspring all of you know, will have no such qualms.

The subject of our story was A+ list. He was definitely one of the more powerful entertainment moguls ever. He had so many hit shows, it is hard to even list them all. He earned a ton of money and was not one to just throw it all away. Yes, he liked nice things, but everything was spending under control. He had one expense that was out of control, but he insisted he would never give it up. Over the decades he had three or four professionals who he paid. Each one lasted about a decade and they have nice houses and retirement and health insurance. He really took good care of them. That story would be fine coming out if that was the whole story. It isn't the whole story though. 

He liked to pretend he was a dog and be treated like one and liked to be made to eat dog food and he would drink from the toilet. I mean this was full on immersion. He had a house he bought just for this purpose and it essentially became a "dog house." He sold the house a few years before he died when he stopped indulging in the fetish. he had the house completely remodeled before selling it, but the new owners still razed it and built a new house on the property. 

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