Thursday, May 25, 2023

Today's Blind Items - The Link

Back in the day, the tween/teen movies made were super realistic. There was also something about them that made them more dark then they really needed to be. In this case of one particular movie, the darkness was really bad. All of the stars of the movie were between 11-13. The lead actor was 12 and still in elementary school when he was cast to play the lead. All the young boys cast and there were several all ended up being molested by the director and all of the producers. The director has had a very long career and those boys who played along nicely got to appear in his long running franchise. The only requirement was they could never mention what happened on the films and they had to find new young boys for roles that always made their way into the franchise. The lead actor did the one movie and was so scarred for life, he never did anything after. No one exactly knows what happened to him.

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