Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Today's Blind Items - Full Court Press

In the past week, we heard from the former singing actress for the first time in forever. Literally it came out of nowhere or perhaps she was taking advantage of the lull between boyfriends of the A+ lister and knew her Google search numbers would be high, so why not make them higher. Now, to add on to that, we have an interview with the boyfriend of the actress who no one has mentioned in at least two years. Two years incidentally is the time he says the pair have been together. It could all of course be a remarkable coincidence that the A+ list singer splits from the long time boyfriend and then the subject of many fan rumors has a big magazine interview and the boyfriend too, all in the same week. Oh, and the boyfriend forgot to mention the whole thing about him leaving his former gallery because the son of the owner of the former place was sleeping with the actress. 

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