Monday, May 22, 2023

Today's Blind Items - The Battle

I was going to give descriptors for all the initials, but I think you can get them all.

AA's decision to double down on her controversial relationship with AB is due to a number of reasons, both petty and competitive: Keeping AA's name circulating in the press, AC's upcoming album release and the overall threat she poses to AA's position in the music industry and her success.

Both AC's album and lead single will be announced in the coming weeks, and AA is fiercely competitive and territorial over her top position in the music industry - especially when it comes to AC.

Since AD (who also has an album coming out this year), AC has been the only artist who has ever truly challenged AA and her success. AC played by AA's rules at first, but when she began to break records, ones previously held by AA herself, all bets were off - AC was no longer considered an ally to AA, she became a threat and AA had to act accordingly.

Do we dare mention how AA and her legal team retroactively hounded and threatened AC for bogus writing credits on her hit song AE? Or how she persuaded AF to follow suit in pursuit of obtaining their own writing credits for AC's massive hit AG? Thankfully, AC's team revealed this online before it hit the news, letting everyone know that this was no mistake, but instead an absolute mean girl move on AA's end. 

Do not underestimate AA's fear of becoming old news or second best. She won't hesitate to resort to desperate and cheap tactics so long as it keeps her at the top. As long as her name remains a trending topic while she's stuck on tour the rest of the year, while her top competitor is about to release new music, she will absolutely break up with her boring boyfriend, manufacture a blurry timeline alluding to infidelity, and date one of the most provocative males in the industry and bring him on tour - because she knows it will be a success.

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