Sunday, May 28, 2023

Blind Items Revealed #3 - AI Blind Item

May 21, 2023

As is the case every week, I just tell Bard who to write a blind item about. My only instruction is write a blind item about _______________. This is not the description I would give the singer/actress, but here it is. And Draft 2 is dark, but I love it.

Draft 1

This young starlet has been in the spotlight for years, and she's always been known for her squeaky clean image. But lately, there have been some rumors that she's not as innocent as she seems.

There have been reports that she's been partying hard and getting into trouble. She's been seen out late at night with friends, and she's been photographed smoking and drinking.

Some people are worried that she's headed down a dangerous path. They're concerned that she's going to self-destruct, just like her ex-boyfriend.

Others are more forgiving. They say that she's just a young woman who's trying to figure things out. They believe that she'll eventually find her way.

Only time will tell what happens to this young starlet. But one thing is for sure: she's definitely not the same girl she was when she first started out.

Draft 2

This young actress/singer is known for her squeaky clean image, but she has a dark side that she's been trying to keep hidden. She's been struggling with addiction for years, and she's been in and out of rehab. She's also been involved in some shady business deals, and she's been rumored to be involved in some illegal activities. She's trying to put on a brave face, but she's slowly starting to unravel. It's only a matter of time before her secrets come out.

Do you think you know who this is?

Draft 3

This young actress has been in the spotlight for years, and she's always been known for her squeaky clean image. But lately, there have been some rumors that she's not as perfect as she seems.

The rumors started when she was spotted out partying with some questionable people. She was seen drinking and dancing with people who are known for their drug use.

Then, there was the incident where she was caught on camera making out with a man who is not her boyfriend. This led to speculation that she might be cheating on him.

The rumors have been swirling for a while now, but she has never addressed them. She's continued to put on a brave face for the public, but it's clear that something is going on behind the scenes.

Only time will tell what the truth is, but for now, she is the subject of much speculation.

Selena Gomez

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