Sunday, May 28, 2023

Blind Item #5 - AI Blind Item

As is the case every week, I just tell Bard who to write a blind item about. My only instruction is write a blind item about _______________. In this case, I took out descriptors. Sometimes Bard is good about them and sometimes it leaves in names of significant others or other big clues. It is still learning. 

Draft #1

There's a famous actress who married into the a famous family. She was once beloved by the public, but now she's seen as a diva and a troublemaker.

She's been accused of being difficult to work with, and she's been criticized for her expensive taste. She's also been accused of being manipulative and controlling.

Her husband has been accused of being under her spell, and he's been criticized for his decision to step back from his job.

The couple have been trying to build a new life for themselves. But it's been hard for them to escape the negative attention.

It's unclear what the future holds, but one thing is for sure: they're not going to be able to please everyone.

Draft #2

There's a famous person who is struggling to adjust to her new life. She's been in the public eye for years, but she's never had to deal with the level of scrutiny that she's facing now.

She's been criticized for everything from her clothes to her parenting style. She's been accused of being manipulative and attention-seeking.

It's been hard for her to cope with the pressure, and she's been feeling isolated and alone. She's been having trouble sleeping, and she's been feeling anxious and depressed.

She's been seeking help from a therapist, but she's still struggling. She's not sure if she can handle the pressure.

(Note: This is a blind item, so I can't say for sure who I'm talking about. But I think it's safe to say that this is a story that many people can relate to.)

Draft #3

There's a famous actress who married into a famous family. She was once beloved by the public, but now she's seen as a diva and a troublemaker.

She's been accused of being difficult to work with, and she's been criticized for her lavish lifestyle. She's also been accused of being manipulative and controlling.

Her husband has been accused of being under her spell, and he's been criticized for distancing himself from his family.

The couple has recently stepped back from their jobs, and they're now living in California. It's unclear what the future holds for them, but it's clear that they're no longer the darlings of the public.

(Note: This is a blind item, so I can't say for sure who I'm talking about. But I think it's safe to say that this is a story that many people can relate to.)

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