Tuesday, April 04, 2023

Today's Blind Items - The Recruiter

Considering this foreign born A- list celebrity in her own country, grew up in a cult, it wasn't that hard to convince her to join another in her country. In this cult though, she would be a leader and help set the rules to whatever she wanted. There was only one thing she needed to do in return. She needed to recruit young women. If young women were recruited, then it was much easier to attract men to the cult and keep them. Our celebrity had the right set of contacts and began recruiting young women who would DM her on social media or like her TikTok videos. She was a recruiting machine. What she didn't know is that leaders of the cult, were shipping these women across the country to different chapters of the cult. They were being sent thousands of miles from their homes to places they didn't know. This of course made them more reliant on the cult for everything they needed. It isolated them. The cult is isolating enough as it is. Throw what happened into the mix and it just got worse. Through secret financial transactions, the women were married off to the highest bidders and encouraged to have as many children as possible. Our celebrity has tried to separate herself from all of this, but she can't say anything because she was recorded agreeing to recruit the women, so it will make her look awful.


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