Monday, April 17, 2023

Today's Blind Items - Banned

If you are 16-25 on the clock app and are female, and do dance videos and have a decent following, chances are one of three women have reached out to you to discuss partnerships and the opportunity to make millions. The three women each have close to or more than 1M followers on the app and always look so happy in their videos. They have this perfect life and are always traveling and have lots of people they partner with for each video. 

It all looks so perfect and amazing and the newcomer thinks this will be their life too. Plus, to do what they want and live their dreams? Priceless. The reality is far different from the dream. Once signing on, they are forced to work 12 hours every day either rehearsing or creating content. They are assigned boyfriends because couples sell better they are told. The travel is just to places in a van or car and staying in motel rooms with three others. You are under constant pressure to sleep with the more famous members and if you don't, then you don't get to appear in videos and no one will do partner videos with you. The money? You are lucky to get $200 a week because of all the expenses taken out of any money you earned. Meanwhile, the big names and the leaders of this cult live in mansions and drive expensive cars. If you complain too much, you are fired. Thinking you can do your own thing again, you realize the power this cult has with the clock app. They report every video you make with the goal of getting you permanently banned. Pictures and videos of you in compromising positions or naked or having sex, show up in your email. 

Most of the victims come back and then give in and do what they are told and then become recruiters themselves. The more victims you get, the more money you make. It is a pyramid scheme of victims.

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