Friday, April 21, 2023

Four For Friday - Lindsay Lohan Award Nominees

As one of the greatest celebrity thieves, it is fitting that any discussion of other celebrity thieves have them competing for the Lindsay Lohan award.

#1 - This actress was probably A- list at her peak. She then married a director and rarely worked again. If you are a designer and lend her a dress, you will never get it back. The designers know this going in, but are afraid to say no to her.

#2 - This three named actor (not named Billy Bob Thornton) is probably still A- list, although he seems to be fading. His game involves going to gold dealers, usually at conventions, not at stores, and asking to see lots of different gold coins at once. Normally, they would be more careful, but they all know his face, and for some reason trust him. He is rarely caught, and when he is, the dealers are afraid to say anything, because of who he is.

#3 - I am on the fence about whether this constitutes theft or just a strange fetish, but this married A list mostly movie actor who is an Oscar winner/nominee always steals bras and panties from his actress co-stars. I have zero idea what he does with them, but everyone knows he is going to do it. After word got around, actresses usually just leave a set out so he doesn't go digging through all their stuff.

#4 - Back in the day I wrote about this now A+ list actress and her stealing shoes scam. It operated in a very similar fashion to the gold coins one above. There is an actress who has improved upon the grift and is a master at her craft. She is someone all of you know and has multiple children. When each child is looking and trying on several pairs of shoes, there is no one that can keep up with that. Throw in some bodyguards and often customers trying to take a look, and several empty shopping bags with the names of other stores, and the store is robbed blind. Again, no one ever says anything. They just all think it will not be worth their while.

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