Saturday, June 25, 2022

Blind Item #8

With every new project a bigger bomb than the last, this former A list teen actor wants the women in his life to start an OnlyFans page to support his lifestyle.

Blind Item #7

Prior to getting married, perhaps this Housewife should ask herself this question. If my soon to be husband is willing to chastise me and lecture me at a restaurant about what I should eat and that you have been gaining weight which makes HIM look bad, imagine what the marriage will be like.

Blind Item #6

This A- list actress who comes from an acting family and is not the highest on the list and is not named Dakota Johnson, is being cheated on by her significant other.

Blind Item #5

 This foreign born A- list comic actress was on a tour with other people. They came to an Instagram spot, and the actress had her assistant move everyone out of the way so the actress could get a solo photo.

Blind Items Revealed #4

 June 18, 2022

The convicted reality couple are trying to gain any sympathy they can and if they need to tell the world mom is dying, then they will do it. It is interesting they waited until after they were convicted, to tell anyone.

Todd & Julie Chrisley

Blind Items Revealed #2

June 16, 2022

This A list actor is being offered $50M by a group if he will run for a political office and divide the votes.

Matthew McConaughey

Blind Items Revealed #1

June 16, 2022

This A- list actress/director just bought herself a six figure engagement ring.

Olivia Wilde

Blind Item #4

The actor/host/producer wants to have two more women pregnant by the end of the year. He is kind of doing a reverse Duggar thing here.

Blind Item #3

This three named A list rapper/singer got a taste of what happens when you make the wrong people angry. No payola means your new song flops hard.

Blind Item #2

Through procedures and hair style and color, this HGTV star is trying to remake his wife into his former wife.

Blind Item #1

This permanent A list three named singer in a group was spotted canoodling with a woman who is not his wife and also was not sober any longer.

Friday, June 24, 2022

Random Photos Part One - With Reader Photos

Cara Delevingne back to doing what she does best, hitting the runway and then hitting on all the models after. If you would like to join Cara in the photos, you have just five more days to be included. Email your photo to

If you have a chance to put Danny Trejo in the photos, you have to do it.
Eminem waves to Stan.
Yes, that is Andrew Garfield.
Kehlani making the big bucks with Grey Goose.
Kit Harrington and Rose Leslie at Glastonbury for the photo op. 
Katie Price did not go to jail today. She got lucky. She needs to rid herself of the boyfriend before it is too late.
Reader Photo #1
Reader Photo #2
Reader Photo #3
Reader Photo #4
Reader Photo #5
Sofia Carson in a rare red carpet appearance.


Blind Item #13

 You know those cows that died last week? When reporters went to interview some of the ranchers, two interviewees mentioned black helicopters. Now, were they reviving things that happened a long time ago? Would they even know about that? One of the remarks made it air, and the other had the person on, but not that particular line. 

Blind Item #12

 The vast majority of the Marvel universe of actors/writers/directors donate free stuff to be auctioned off all the time. There are constant demands and they are filled. However, there is one actor who has now left the universe that says no 99% of the time. He thinks it cheapens his name and the character.

Blind Item #11

 This A- list mostly television actor is probably closer to B+ list now. He had his chance and blew it. He will get another, but not if he keeps blowing up trailers. He was freebasing in one and it caught on fire. 

Blind Item #10

 This foreign born former A- list musician/A+ list drug user also had a hand in at least one human death and nothing happened to him, but this is not about that, but rather that he was obnoxiously drunk at a performance this week. I'm not sure how he is still alive.

Blind Item #9

 A network and a line of animal NFT's that are very popular are trying to make a deal that makes sense to both and would have every contestant dressed as a different NFT from that line.

Blind Items Revealed #5

June 24, 2022

You know a show is really bad if Netflix doesn't even want it after 10 episodes are ready to air. The cable network that was supposed to air the show that starred two reality stars as hosts looked at it and went, "Nope." They have been shopping it ever since.

The Big D/TBS/JoJo Fletcher & Jordan Rogers

Four For Friday - Killer Celebrities

Celebrities and barely there celebrities who got away with killing someone. No Courtney Love in this one and none that I have ever discussed before.

#1 - This one is really hard, but there was a foreign born character actor who worked a LOT. He was also a very good friend with an actor/rapist who has been in this space before. Well, the actor rapist got an actress pregnant and she refused to get an abortion, so the character actor was hired to do the job while the actor/rapist scooted out of town to have an alibi.

#2 - This permanent A list rapper has killed multiple people. I have already written about one that was getting too pushy so she was killed. In addition to that, there was a record label employee who ended up dead in a room at an after party, and the only person seen going into that room all night was the rapper.

#3 - There have  been many celebrities who have killed people in car accidents and such, but they were never on purpose. However, this flash in the pan former A list actor who doesn't really even work any longer, was angry at a woman who turned him down at a bar and he intentionally ran her over when she left the bar. He tells the story to explain why he has a drug and alcohol problem, but they were around long before this supposedly happened. 

#4 - Technically this A+/A list actress didn't commit any murders, HOWEVER, she knew who a killer was and knew he was going to kill someone and didn't stop him and also didn't report what she knew to the police about it and continues to do nothing to this day. 

Your Turn

 Do you collect anything as a hobby?

Blind Items Revealed #4

June 17, 2022

Speaking of being out of touch, this permanent A list rapper and the former bird CEO are making promises daily to groups of lower income brackets that they can get rich overnight through crypto and to hand over their money to the pair and just trust the process. 

Jay Z/Jack Dorsey

Blind Items Revealed #3

June 17, 2022

The celebrity CEO knows firing all those employees in retaliation was illegal. He doesn't care. If they sue him, he will keep it in the court system for five years before anything happens, and in the mean time, he will have sent a message to employees at all his companies that they will be fired if they say anything bad about the company. He is the one who was talking about free speech right?

Elon Musk/SpaceX

Blind Items Revealed #2

June 17, 2022

This alliterate former member of this permanent A list all female group, has never been the same since she was fired. She could be worth tens of millions of dollars, instead she is almost homeless and needs rehab.

Farrah Franklin/Destiny's Child

Blind Item #8

 At least one of the members of this all female B+ list group who all identify as LGBTQ is actually none of that and admitted the band wanted a hook and it was an easy way to do it. 

Blind Item #7

The locals in a certain state are right to be upset the wealthy farmer has invaded their state. Wait until he starts his "seed experiments" and testing and how the neighboring crops somehow begin to suffer while his are lush and fertile.

Blind Items Revealed #1

June 17, 2022

A studio executive was overheard yesterday saying the only way they can possibly salvage a superhero movie is if the star commits suicide. Otherwise, they are screwed. That is definitely a first.

The Flash/Ezra Miller

Blind Item #6

I really am shocked how the women in the life of this Southern reality star never ever mention he prefers men. They just let him pretend he is a player.

Blind Item #5

With all the trademarks lined up, there is no way this very brief in time A+ list tennis player is going to change the name of her company. It doesn't matter if it irks a bunch of people. It would cost too much time and money.

Blind Item #4

This former Southeast Housewife not named Kim, is running a string of women she shuttles between the US and the Middle East. She has even brokered marriages.

Blind Item #3

 By their own actions, this one named A/A- list singer confirmed what I previously wrote in this space. They just didn't want to go on tour and it had nothing to do with any allergies or illnesses.

Blind Item #2

After making the life of several of his former female co-stars miserable on set every day on a multitude of television shows, it is not much of a shocker that this foreign born A- list actor would support the showrunner/producer/director who is an awful human.

Blind Item #1

You would think the former Heidi girl/actress/reality star wouldn't cross the line and pose naked with next to a family member. If that price is right, you wait and see.

Thursday, June 23, 2022

Random Photos Part One - With Reader Photos

If you would like to be included in the photos with Jessica Biel wearing something from The Croods and Justin Timberlake who is trying way too hard to look like Harry Styles, then email your photo to

J Balvin being J Balvin at the Louis Vuitton show in Paris.
Naomi Campbell took her awfulness to the show too.
Yeah, not sure what Pink was thinking about when she put this on. 
Apparently Chris Pratt is a Longhorns fan.
Riley Keough was also in attendance.
Reader Photo #1
Reader Photo #2
Reader Photo #3
Reader Photo #4
A first time in the photos for Sooyoung
Long time no see from Sean Patrick Flanery and Donna D'Errico. 


Blind Item #13

 Why yes, what this cable franchise needs is to skew even older by bringing in a singer who is nearing 70 and who brags about going to sleep by 8pm every night.

Blind Item #12

Speaking of pint sized, this former A list rapper keeps taking upfront money to attend events and promote products and never does any of it.

Blind Item #11

 One of the things this pint sized actor loved about working with the permanent A list director, is that the director was convinced he at least once had sex with an alien.

Blind Item #10

That was not the girlfriend of this A- list disgraced actor from an acting family and not named James Franco that the actor was hiding in a car in a parking garage with on Tuesday.

Blind Item #9

An offspring of a pseudo politician got a lot of love last year and became a celebrity. She is overseas and hanging out with some very bad people. She thinks it is living on the edge. She has to ditch her protection to hang out with them. Them, would probably love to kill her protection.

Blind Items Revealed #5

June 16, 2022

This barely there celebrity offspring turned down a late night talk show for next week because they were hosting her bitter enemy this week. Umm, she has been on every talk show, so that is just strange.

Hailey Baldwin Bieber/Selena Gomez

Today's Blind Items - Changing History

This singer was A list for a minute. One name. She has the strangest fascination with guns and violence and death. She has phone sex with murderers and has been the girlfriend of several. When she was super young, not even old enough to drive, her goal was to sleep with the head of the meanest gang she could find. While she was doing that, she was trying to sleep with, and she will say succeeded in sleeping with this permanent A list rapper. This is where it gets crazy, and I think she thinks she believes her words. Apparently the rapper broke it off with her and she wanted revenge and that is why he ended up dead. That of course changes every conversation we have had about his death. Maybe she told someone and they said they would do it, but didn't, but she believes they were doing it for her? Why would you even want to claim that as your own?

Your Turn

 Best beer on the market that doesn't come from a microbrewery.

Blind Items Revealed #4

June 16, 2022

This foreign born B list musician who was once married to an actress offspring everyone knows, is being accused of sexually assaulting yet another woman. He is terrorizing women here in the area. He also is driving an Uber now???

Royston Langdon/Liv Tyler

Blind Items Revealed #3

June 16, 2022

The writer/mouthpiece for the alliterate one is finding himself increasingly shut out by the alliterate one. Don't be shocked if he lashes out and throws her under the bus.

Omid Scobie/Meghan Markle

Blind Items Revealed #2

June 16, 2022

It is crazy that the child molesting publicist is the one releasing statements about the offspring of the former A+ list actor and her choice to be a sex worker.

Jeff Ballard/Sami Sheen/Charlie Sheen

Blind Item #8

This former A- list teen actress who has struggled as an adult actress, finally hit it big again on pay cable. She also is back to her old tricks of acting like she is an A+ lister. Yelling at aa car was guy for ten minutes because he missed drying a spot, is not the best look.

Blind Item #7

 This for sure first round NBA draft pick spent the night before draft day, doing lines of coke and boozing it up. Perhaps he has not heard of Len Bias.

Blind Items Revealed #1

June 15, 2022

This foreign born B+ list actress is spending ridiculous sums of money on her PR campaign to have the world think she is the girlfriend of this alliterate foreign born actor.

Annabelle Wallis/Sebastian Stan 

Blind Item #6

This former A- list teen actor who has gone downhill every year for well over a decade, sells himself at truck stops.

Blind Item #5

This barely there celebrity used to be married to a crash and burn football player. She also just admitted she cheated on him and also was the other woman in an affair the actor/producer/host had while married. I'm also not sure how she practices real estate without a license. 

Blind Item #4

This foreign born three named actor already quit one hit show and now another project he was set to do, he ticked off and is not going to do that either. He is burning way too many bridges.

Blind Item #3

The groomer/director should know by now that if you renew your vows, your marriage is good as done. At this point, she is holding on for dear life.

Blind Item #2

One thing missing from the excellent music documentary airing on a streaming service is the mention of the murdered record executive who also enabled/participated/pimped out the sexual abuse of band members.

Blind Item #1

 It is more than just a little casual drinking. This long time A list singer in a group and solo needs rehab. He is in bad shape. 

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Random Photos Part One - With Reader Photos

Perhaps the sex predator known as Chris D'Elia shouldn't be wearing shirts about cults.

Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt are back in the photos.
It is Hanging With Mr. Cooper all over again. mark Curry helped celebrate Holly Robinson Peete's star.
The lesser known Hemsworth known as Luke.
Madeleine McGraw is 13 and looks about 20 here. Then some a-hole at a premiere will use that as an excuse for hitting on her, especially if her parents are not there.
The press smells something with Maya Henry, and have been following her everywhere.
Reader Photo #1
Reader Photo #2
Reader Photo #3
Reader Photo #4
Ryan Reynolds discusses how he can have an entire career playing the exact same role in each movie.
Did Sean Hayes or Jason Bateman ever apologize for that awful Boston show they did? The whole world talks about how bad it was, but I have never seen an apology.


Blind Item #13

This A- list actor from an acting family uses his girlfriend to find them teens to play with. It is why they travel so much. They prefer lower ages of consent.

Blind Item #12 - Old Hollywood

This alliterate permanent A list actress cheated on her playwright husband with an A list director who has an offspring that also reached A list. It was the nail in the coffin of the marriage.

Blind Item #11 - Old Hollywood

This permanent A list talk show host who has a theatre named for him and who won multiple man of the year awards for morality, raped an actress who starred on a show named for the vacation after a wedding.

Blind Item #10

This A+/A list mostly movie actor only gave up pot and booze so he could pass drug tests to see his kids and to make himself look better in court.

Blind Item #9

The lying actor who just keeps retelling the same lie repeatedly, is earning six figures by sleeping with a director's friends who are closeted. 

Blind Items Revealed #5

June 15, 2022

The wealthy farmer has been banned from entering an African country where he has a history of leaving death in his wake.

Bill Gates/Burkina Faso

Today's Blind Items - Justice System - An Old Hollywood Harvey Blind

In this space I have written about several of the exploits of Eddie Mannix, but most of those involved paying off a couple of people or finding a willing reporter. There was one time though where Eddie paid off nearly two dozen people all to keep his studio bosses happy. There has been a lot written about a party held one night that resulted in the rape of a chorus actress and how Eddie bought off jurors and even the rape victim's lawyer. It is quite the story and absolutely ruined the life of the actress. Instead of the $400K she was offered and a seven year contract, she got nothing, and nothing happened to her rapist. 

What no one asks is why did the studio go to such great lengths to protect a salesman/rapist. They didn't put on the full court press because of the salesman, they did it because they didn't want anyone focused on what else happened that night. There was a 15 year old who was there. She was going to be the studio's biggest star. She had been putting off the studio head and the executive second in charge. There had been some groping by both men, but she refused to sleep with them. That night though, they didn't give her a choice. The studio boss and the executive took turns assaulting her. They tried to get her drunk, but she refused. Several people were standing outside the room where it was taking place and watched it happen. There are stories that because of it, it inspired the salesman to do the same thing. Others said, the salesman was ordered to rape someone at the party so all the guests would talk about that one and not the one by the two studio bosses. In her very unfinished biography, the actress talks about both men but only refers to the groping. She had barely written anything before giving up on the project. In the publisher's archives there are letters which refer to it though, as well as her unfinished manuscript.

Eddie managed to keep everything quiet by focusing the world's attention on the chorus actress.

Your Turn

If they had not died at a young age, who of the following would have had the best career?

John Belushi

John Candy

Phil Hartman

Chris Farley

Blind Items Revealed #4

June 15, 2022

The alliterate former baseball player is a really bad record label owner. He just wanted it to be able to sleep with young women. His one three named act that is actually making money is about to finally be free.

Carl Crawford/Megan Thee Stallion

Blind Items Revealed #3

June 15, 2022

This married barely there celebrity who is an offspring of a barely there actor has a new skin line. She doesn't even use her own products. 

Hailey Baldwin Bieber

Blind Items Revealed #2

June 15, 2022

Even with final edit approval, the A list everything in her mind celebrity didn't bother to watch the documentary starring her, prior to its release which is why it shows her to be just an awful person.

Jennifer Lopez/Halftime

Blind Item #8

 This back in the day boy bander was part of a family group. He is married. He is also hooking up with one of the women from that reality show that focused on how many kids you could produce.

Blind Item #7

Late last year, this foreign born CEO of a mafia owned company that has holdings all of you know, had his $20M mansion burned to the ground because he displeased his masters. They have now replaced him and by the end of the year, will probably be dead.

Blind Items Revealed #1

June 15, 2022

Apparently the ex of the foreign born boy bander spent the night with this A+ list mostly movie actor who has been a superhero.

Maya Henry/Liam Payne/Chris Evans

Blind Item #6

Speaking of young kids, the country that gave Jimmy Savile a pass on his behavior for decades is doing the same thing to that comic actor/reality star/judge. Are you going to wait until he dies and then act shocked? It is the biggest open secret in the UK, but no one does anything.

Blind Item #5

This A- list singer/actor has been forced to enlist reporters to help him find new recruits for his cult. His people mingle with reporters at events and ask them if they know any young women who would be interested.

Blind Item #4

This A- list NBA rookie seems to be everywhere. He also enjoys hooking up with men and uses his barely there celebrity girlfriend as cover.

Blind Item #3

This reality star who sounds like a one named salad dressing needs to be in jail. I don't know why the former music video playing channel is keeping him employed. Beating your dog with a chair should be an automatic firing. Of course, they didn't fire him for abusing his daughter, so maybe they just don't care.

Blind Item #2

I wonder what kind of payment the wife of the A list actor had to give, to appear in the pages of a borough magazine. Also, did they not look into her background and the cult? They just ignored it.

Blind Item #1

This foreign boy band management company is being investigated because of multiple deaths of their talent.

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Random Photos Part One - With Reader Photos

If you would like to be next to Evan Rachel Wood as she takes a walk, email your photo to

Bethenny Frankel could not resist the siren song of calling a pap to take some photos.
Anne Hathaway jogging while filming.
James Marsden hitting the morning show circuit.
A first time appearance for Jang Hyuk in the photos.
Jenny Slate has been in blinds and articles, but this is also a first for her in the photos too.
It would not be a Random Photos session without Queen Letizia.
Reader Photo #1
Reader Photo #2
Reader Photo #3
This is the extent of the National Sausage Championship in France. A couple of guys, some paper plates and a wine shop.


Blind Item #13

 The A list everything in her mind celebrity went overseas to perform at a corporate event. She brought everyone with her. Even though, she was offered one of the best First Class experiences in the world, she wanted to fly private. The thing is though, she insisted on two private jets. One for her and two other people, and one for three people. She didn't want to fly with the other three, but wanted them to have their own private jet. The dancers and musicians and crew all flew commercial.

Blind Item #12

 The A- list rapper with very bad lyrics got himself blocked by this foreign born A+/A list singer.

Blind Item #11

 This foreign born reality star has been on multiple shows. Mostly network. He has a secret family overseas.

Blind Item #10

 There is just no shame. The YouTube brother was taking people's money again last night for what he must know is a scam by now.

Blind Item #9

 This Shameless actor was a coked out mess last night and I am shocked that is alive this morning. It has been awhile since I have seen that level of partying. 

Blind Items Revealed #5

June 14, 2022

It looks like the alliterate one and her husband are headed for interview two with the one named talk show host. 

Meghan Markle/Prince Harry/Oprah

Today's Blind Items - The Director

 I have often discussed the worst casting couch directors and producers. In most of those instances, the interactions were one on one. There is a director though who took things further. He is not a director that everyone knows. He is foreign born. He also has the biggest collection of soft porn starring some of the biggest names in Hollywood. This director's films generally involve nudity and sex scenes. For his auditions, he would make women feel comfortable by having a woman in the casting area with him. That way if he told you to imagine yourself in the sex scene and what you would do, actresses felt it was necessary and nothing would happen, because there was another woman in the room. Nothing physically would happen, but the cameras were rolling and they captured everything. The director spliced each audition together for each movie he directed and shows them to guests. If you are an actress who started acting in this very large island country, then you know what he did and he has some of the biggest actresses in Hollywood on those reels of his.

Your Turn

 Last year I asked which actor was the best James Bond. What is the best James Bond movie?

Blind Items Revealed #4

June 14, 2022

The former A list baseball player/steroid abuser just keeps going from one yachter to the next. It is embarrassing. No, not as embarrassing as the current MLB player in Chicago who is married and got his girlfriend pregnant, but close.

Alex Rodriguez/Tim Anderson/Chicago White Sox

Blind Items Revealed #3

June 14, 2022

It's interesting that all the media coverage of the wedding of this permanent A list "singer," and her guests didn't include the woman who is still kind of sort of acting as a conservator without the title. The one media outlet who mentioned it, immediately removed the name.

Britney Spears/Jodi Montgomery

Blind Items Revealed #2

 June 14, 2022

When the Manhattan cult case goes to trial, front and center as witnesses will be the mother-in-law of this A list mostly movie actor and the wife of the actor, both of whom are very prominent members of the cult and were "teachers" of several victims. 

Odyssey Study Group/Cynthia May/Adam Driver/Joanne Tucker

Blind Item #8

 This actor who is sounds like a lengthy bank employee hooked up with a woman who is not his significant other.

Blind Item #7

 The deal between the audio streaming service and the alliterate one and her husband is not working out. A breakup announcement is imminent.

Blind Items Revealed #1

June 14, 2022

Since there was never going to be a  deal for the exchange of the murdering diplomat and the royal pedophile, the deal that was agreed to is the exchange of the cyber journalist for the billionaire's madam. 

Anne Sacoolas/Prince Andrew/Julian Assange/Ghislaine Maxwell

Blind Item #6

 There is an A list wrestler who is a vegan, but was forced to eat bacon on air to keep his job. The owner of the company is such a jerk.

Blind Item #5

 I thought about waiting for a strange hookups edition, but it is too good to let it marinate. This closeted foreign born A list singer and this married non celebrity who has a last name all of you know.

Blind Item #4

This aging permanent A list fashion designer spends thousands of dollars a week to watch his boyfriend have sex with other men.

Blind Item #3

 This A list singer who is not old enough to drink says that her ex took hundreds of photos of her naked and every day she wonders if she will wake up to them being leaked.

Blind Item #2

 Usually in his films, this former A list Disney actor is asked to remove his shirt. In a recent movie, the director took one look at the back acne from all the steroid use and had him keep it on. 

Blind Item #1

 Although The Club is not really accepting new members, it has not stopped multiple celebrities from trying to join. It is kind of reminiscent to a few years back when every celebrity just had to adopt a child because it was what all the A listers were doing so everyone wanted to be just like them. Same with The Club now which is why you have the bad actress/reality star trying to fit in.

Monday, June 20, 2022

Random Photos Part One - With Reader Photos

If you get Viola Davis, Gillian Anderson and Michelle Pfeiffer in the same photo, you know it is going on top. If you would like to be included in the photos, email it to

Gigi Hadid needed some affirmation so she called the photographer she and her sister use and took a walk in NYC.
Jason Priestly with I don't know how to pose, so will try this while I talk like a pirate.
Kristen Bell aka The Harlequin.
Lori Loughlin hit a red carpet for the first time since the whole bribery scandal for a daughter who didn't want to go there in the first place.
Dwayne Wade and Gabrielle Union are in Milan for Fashion Week there.
Rami Malek is there too.
Reader Photo #1
Reader Photo #2
Reader Photo #3
Steve Carell line dances with Minions.