Saturday, May 07, 2022

Blind Item #8

 The murder of the two attorneys a few years back became even more unsolvable because one of the people who has bungled the case for years, has now been put in a position to block every other agency who was actually doing good work.

Blind Item #7 - Reader Blind - 90's Limo Driver

The driver drove the black Town Car onto Cielo Drive in Beverly Hills, and passed the lot where the Manson murders took place. The house had been torn down years ago and something else was constructed there. He went a bit further up the winding road and stopped in front of a sprawling mansion. 

He buzzed the intercom and announced his arrival. After a few moments, the supermodel/actress appeared, looking smoldering hot.. She had a current movie out with another crimson haired actor. The driver rushed around the car and opened the door for her. She slid past him and smelled very good. Was sexy as hell. The driver hopped back behind the wheel and steered toward the Van Nuys Airport on the other side of the hill. “Mind if I smoke?” the actress said, lighting a cigarette. The driver smiled at her in the mirror and lit his own cigarette, not asking for permission “Got any tunes?” the actress asked. The driver had a mixtape with Nirvana, Metallica type stuff and he slid it in. Enter Sandman started playing. “Crank it up,” the actress said. The driver grinned at her in the mirror. She smiled back, adjusting her designer shades, mucho cleavage showing. The driver was blasting down Mulholland with Metallica cranking on the stereo, a hot doll in the back, Marlboro Light smoke wafting, how could it get much better? They got to the Van Nuys airport and the driver came back to reality as the model/actress exited the car thanking him, and she boarded the Gulf Stream Jet where the permanent A list star was waiting for her.

Blind Item #6

 The foreign born A list in her country celebrity/reality star/former porn star is now exploiting her kids. I fear when her eldest daughter become legal in a few years. 

Blind Item #5

The foreign born A+ list boy band is finally being called out for not crediting the singers who record their English language songs. Plus, they are paying the singers a tiny flat fee. If they had actual credit, they would be millionaires. 

Blind Items Revealed #4

April 28, 2022

When the celebrity CEO is calling for an SEC investigation into the fund that sounds like a Biblical animal savior, you have to wonder whether he is gaslighting or is somehow shorting the fund.

Elon Musk/Ark Fund

Blind Items Revealed #3

April 29, 2022

No one had been talking about this A- list singer for months, so she makes a change to her Instagram profile and will get 24 hours and maybe a blurb in a tabloid. Stay off drugs kids.

Demi Lovato

Blind Items Revealed #2

April 29, 2022

This still young, three named foreign born A- list actress is way too young to be a diva, but is doing her best to act as such on the set of her new project. She shows up super late every day and wants to leave early. At least, she still lets people look her in the eyes.

Millie Bobby Brown

Blind Items Revealed #1

April 28, 2022

This foreign born B+ list actress was hanging out an event that was open to the public. The actress and her husband were really the only celebrities of note in the crowd of 30 or so people who were there supporting family members/boyfriends/girlfriends at softball game. The husband of the actress was playing. Someone tried to sit down next to the actress and was told not to and also to not talk to the actress. It was such a flex, and a horrible one at that. The person who was going to sit down had zero idea who the actress was and thought it was a COVID thing rather than an I'm a celebrity and you are not and I don't associate with commoners thing. It was only a few minutes later when recounting her story, she was told who it was. 

Priyanka Chopra/Nick Jonas/softball game

Blind Item #4

The foreign born former A+ list rapper is so far removed from being a billionaire that she has collection agencies filing lawsuits against her, liens against properties and walked away from bank loans without paying.

Blind Item #3

 This A list IG model/YouTuber/yachter made a great deal of money sleeping with the YouTube star who just passed away. It was a big part of her income.

Blind Item #2

Once again, the alliterate reality star lied, and once again the media let her and the family get away with it, because they need the click bait. She doesn't own a dress from the permanent A list actress. She owns replicas, and not really even good replicas. 

Blind Item #1

 The problem this foreign born one named A list singer has, is that despite all the cheating her now ex boyfriend did, she never publicly broke it off with him. The last the world knows is she had tried to move in with him. So, now she is going to be humiliated when the stripper pictures inevitably leak.

Friday, May 06, 2022

Blind Item #13

Speaking of superheroes, these two from the same universe who have starred together in movies and their own show just broke off their years long affair.

Blind Item #12

 Another night, another woman who is not his supposed girlfriend for this foreign born A list mostly movie actor who is also now a superhero.

Blind Item #11

 This A+ list wrestler is now living with the wife of a wrestler in the same organization. 

Blind Item #10

Sure, that major trade website will give the permanent A- list actor a chance to defend himself, but they won't post stories about how the A- list dual threat director who sounds foreign born but isn't, is being accused of grooming by multiple women, nor are they posting about how the B+ actor who looks like an A lister has been accused of rape.

Blind Item #9

The streaming company backed by this billionaire just told everyone that it would be going belly-up soon.  The company's stock is down more than half, in the 2 months since I told you how the billionaire would lose every penny he invested.

Blind Items Revealed #5

April 28, 2022

The significant other of the permanent A list "singer" is trying to negotiate a deal where he gets paid $1M annually and if they split will get another $1M annually in support and another $1M per year for child support.

Sam Asghari/Britney Spears (Since my blind, there were other reports that he is trying to get bonuses after every five years together. This has always been about money. Always.)

Four For Friday - Random Acts Of Kindness

 You know all these people, but most are not seen in this space frequently, if at all.

#1 - This former A list mostly movie actress when she was in a movie franchise that has now been revived, and victim of the director who has the most casting couch victims has spent a great deal of her income on rescuing horses and paying stable fees for ones she cannot find new owners.

#2 - This A- list mostly movie actor is an Oscar winner/nominee. He is also an Emmy winner/nominee. The guy even does commercials. Once, when he was eating out, his waitress was limping and he asked why. She said she had twisted her ankle while sliding through a puddle in the kitchen. Our actor had her sit down and waited on her tables for the next hour until they all finished.

#3 - Speaking of wait staff, this permanent A list mostly movie actor who has been in two of the biggest franchises ever, orders two very expensive bottles of wine and gives one of them to the waiter/waitress serving him.

#4 - This A- list mostly movie actress doesn't act any longer and is married to a celebrity cuck. Anyway, she once met a 3rd or 4th grader at the mall who asked the actress if she would come and speak at her career day. The actress did it. 

Your Turn

 What was your usual punishment from your parents when you were a child?

Blind Items Revealed #4

April 28, 2022

The late night actor's team is slowly being replaced by the momager's team and she is the reason he landed his latest deal.

Pete Davidson/Kris Jenner/H&M

Blind Items Revealed #3

April 28, 2022

This wealthy guy who you know best from his ownership of an online company and a newspaper had a meeting late last year with the American hiding out in a country that took him in after exposing secrets. Apparently they collaborated on some type of crypto scheme together.

Jeff Bezos/Edward Snowden

Blind Items Revealed #2

April 28, 2022

This painter was A+ list at his peak several decades ago. He is best known for his commercial work and prints which are closely associated with a certain subculture, and comes from the same genre as the deceased permanent A++ list celebrity. He is foreign born, but has lived in the States for the entirety of his career. He is also a victim of elder abuse. When he was diagnosed with the memory disorder several years back, he appointed somebody who he thought could handle his affairs. Instead, he has been subject to the kind of things that would make the trustee of the former teen idol sick. His children are trying to get him out of the guardianship, but are failing. 

Peter Max/Andy Warhol

Blind Item #8 - Reader Blind - 90's Limo Driver

The driver was instructed to pick up the A+ actor at the departure level of LAX and go “as directed”. The actor was in town from New York to shoot a movie with another iconic New York actor. It would contain their first scene together. The driver pulled up to the curb and waited. He was excited and anxious to meet the quirky actor. The actor finally appeared with an Asian American woman and seemed reluctant to get into the car. The lady opened the door and did all the talking. The actor climbed into the car scrutinizing the driver. “Just drive us down to the lower-level short term parking. He has a rental car down there.,” the lady said. The actor sat silently as the driver drove him to the rental car, a black BMW. The actor mumbled a thankyou and got out. The lady told the driver to take her to a location in Coldwater Canyon. “Which way are you going?  It would be so awesome to beat him up there. He’s a 405 to Sunset kind of guy,” the lady said. “Oh, I can take the streets and beat him by 15 minutes,” the driver said. The woman giggled with glee and dialed the actor. “He says he can beat you up there by 15 minutes.”  “No fucking way” the driver heard the actor say. She hung up and smiled at the driver. “This will drive him batshit crazy,”. Challenge accepted, The driver punched it and took every shortcut he knew through Culver City and Beverly Hills. The woman,  the actor’s personal assistant, continued calling him and reporting their progress. The driver could hear the actor cursing through the phone. Sure enough, the driver reached the house in Coldwater Canyon well ahead of the actor. The assistant high fived him, “Well done!” she said.  As the driver was rolling back down the canyon he passed the actor in the black BMW speeding up the hill. The actor gave him a one-fingered wave.  

Blind Item #7

Speaking of sports team owners, the owner of this team in Florida has a shell company that recruited nearly 400 "models" for the Formula One stop this weekend. This is separate from the freelancers in town. These "models" have all been matched with someone and have been priced at $100K each for the weekend. The owner's cut is 70%. Apparently Bani was asked to help, but because of Cannes he had no women available.

Blind Items Revealed #1

April 28, 2022

This foreign born former A list rapper is throwing money at her publicist. There is no way on any Earth/plane/dimension that she is a billionaire. The magazine doesn't care though and will print that she is.

Nicki Minaj/Forbes

Blind Item #6

 I know everyone is talking about the alliterate NFL owner and him probably trying to find a sex worker to hook up with last night. However, there is a NFL owner that has done that for years and years. He would get drunk or coked out of his mind, get in his car and find someone to have sex with in his car.

Blind Item #5

 This former daytime actress turned reality star needs rehab and some time away from trying to be famous.

Blind Item #4

 It was definitely not the A- list actress/director that the former boy bander was making out with two nights ago.

Blind Item #3

 It was not coke that the A- list actress was sniffing in court, it was a liquid ammonia that was allowed to dry on the tissue, which would allow her to cry more easily.

Blind Item #2

 Are people surprised that this Oscar and Emmy winning actress has changed her face? She has done so multiple times. Are people just now noticing?

Blind Item #1

 I usually leave strange hookups for later on Fridays, but this can't wait until I have four of them. This foreign born bad actress recently hooked up with a local A+ lister in the city where she is staying and working. This is shocking on several levels. 

Thursday, May 05, 2022

Blind Item #13

 This up and coming not yet legal TikTok star says she was pressured by the cult that preys on TikTok creators to have sex with another creator who is almost a decade older and to become a couple.

Blind Item #12 - Reader Blind

 Apparently an A- actor has been having a long distant and secretive relationship with a woman for a couple of years. However he is often seen out with a tall party girl/escort which is not the woman in the long distant relationship. So that is completely not what it seems. However, his actor owes the secret girlfriend over $30,000. 

Blind Item #11

 Just in the past few weeks, a female rapper/singer was in this space for publicly simulating oral sex on the singer/boyfriend who always cheats. Not a week later, he was cheating again.

Blind Item #10

 This Euphoria actor is deeply in the closet, so the fact he punched a guy for hitting on him a few nights ago is a head shaker.

Blind Item #9

 There are a handful of barely there female celebrities who are former yachters and they have been hired by various companies to be the heads of HR essentially for the yachters attending the French film festival. There are so many women there and so many events and places they need to be, there needs to be some type of structure, but also from women that have been there/done that.

Blind Items Revealed #5

April 28, 2022

Thinking back to one of the earliest big blind items from the site and now all these years later seeing all of these singers getting vocal credit this week for appearing on the songs/albums of the A list everything in her mind celebrity. She always tried to pass them off as her own, but is finally having to make it official that it wasn't all her or even close to all her. 

Jennifer Lopez

Today's Blind Items - Kingpin

 This A list mostly movie actor thinks of himself as the kingpin of trafficking from third world countries and acts like a big shot and has bodyguards and usually wears body armor because he thinks so many people are out to kill him and take over his business. He is a rank amateur compared to the real kingpin other than the one African religious guy who deals with numbers in the thousands. No one is going to beat that guy. Our actor has to settle for what he can get, while the real kingpin is in the same business, but is trusted and known and has a faced everyone recognizes and loves. She has filled two planes with moms and kids and they are now scattered all over the world where most will be forced to marry the person they were "housed" with. The single women went for a much higher rate than women with kids, but all have been sold.

Your Turn

 Will Cinco de Mayo ever overtake St. Patrick's Day as the biggest drinking fake holiday?

Blind Items Revealed #4

April 28, 2022

One of the things I warned you about in this space and in a message to this former A/A- list dual threat actress is things change when you go from very limited hours together with a forced curfew to living together 24/7. You learn things about each other you maybe didn't know. The actress is finding this out first hand.

Amanda Bynes

Blind Items Revealed #3

April 27, 2022

This former A- list actress turned director needs a new trailer for her movie because it was not working for those who saw it yesterday. 

Olivia Wilde/Don't Worry Darling

Blind Items Revealed #2

May 4, 2022

Apparently the next leak involving this in the news politician is a sex tape, and not a boring Kim Kardashian one either. It is extreme. This is why you should never dump a spy. It is why that talking head got back together so quickly with his spy wife. She started leaking things and he was back next to her in a flash.

Madison Cawthorn (About eight hours later was the next leak and it was a sex tape. Was it extreme though? Maybe in the mind of the person who sent me the information.)

Blind Item #8

 The A/A- list singer/actress is now in the crosshairs of this actress/talk show host/reality star who goes against the celebrity cult any chance she can.

Blind Item #7

 The celebrity CEO has more of his stock collateralized then is publicly known. His margin of error before margin call is much much more narrow than has been let on and I wonder if his new partners know it.

Blind Items Revealed #1

April 27, 2022

Speaking of murders, our child murderer has apparently been forgiven by Kneepads and is posting her PR blather word for word. An interesting side note to this story is that the woman who had been seeking a buyer for the documentary is no longer involved because the murderer didn't want to share any money she receives. While there were not many takers a few years ago, there are multiple streaming services who want it because they know it will be huge.

Casey Anthony/People Magazine

Blind Item #6

This three named A/A- list actor says his actress ex will call him randomly in the middle of the night and want to have phone sex.

Blind Item #5

 A foreign tabloid was paid $2M by the ruler of this tiny country to not publish an expose' on his wife.

Blind Item #4

 This foreign born B+ list mostly movie actress who has been in the news a lot as of late, was busted while trying to have sex with her boyfriend in a parking garage.

Blind Item #3

 An offspring of the royal pedophile had naked photos texted to her of her husband in bed with another woman.

Blind Item #2

 To this day no one has interviewed the man who was ultimately responsible for the recent death of this one year wonder. She was in the same style cult as so many other models who perished before her.

Blind Item #1

 The new role for the foreign born bad actress won't be much of a stretch for her. More like real life becoming a television show.

Wednesday, May 04, 2022

Blind Item #13

 Speaking of losing your hair, this A list singer was losing her hair and started using Rogaine but then didn't want to stop if she got pregnant, so got a hair transplant. You can barely even notice.

Blind Item #12

 This A- list alliterate model is losing her hair. 

Blind Item #11

 The barely there celebrity offspring of this A list mostly movie actor is going through a difficult time because of the questions being asked to her and all of the people online who are adding to that pressure. Our offspring has started using again.

Blind Item #10

 Speaking of sex tapes, it is not too often that someone with sex tapes, and a history of some of the biggest sex swinger parties with a touch of sexual extortion/blackmail gets an honor from their government. Let me rephrase that. It is not too often a woman is honored in such a way. Congrats to this singer/host.

Blind Item #9

The sibling of the former A list singer/actress is just confirming what I have been telling you for well over a decade. The family was completely in on the sex tape and the marketing of it and how to capitalize/monetize it as much as possible. The momager had final edit so of course they were in on it.

Blind Items Revealed #5

April 27, 2022

There are actually two cable political talk show hosts considering a run for office. Well, one of them is a former talk show host who was fired. He wants to run for something in the state all of you would presume, and the other quietly started a PAC, and thinks he can win a national contest.

Chris Cuomo/Tucker Carlson

Today's Blind Items - Time Slip

This former A list mostly movie actress and now does really good television, once asked me at a party years ago whether I had ever heard the story of this A list mostly movie actress who is an Oscar winner/nominee about one of the films of the actress. She wouldn't give me specifics because she was drunk at the moment and didn't want me to think it was some kind of drunken tale. 

We each forgot about it and when I did ask about it, she said it was silly and I didn't pursue it. Fast forward to a couple of weeks ago and I finally got to hear the story. Apparently the Oscar winner/nominee makes it a point to ask any actress who filmed in the same location if they had a similar experience as she. To my knowledge and to the actress who shared the story, there have been no others. However, and this a very big however, or Oscar winner/nominee was allowed unprecedented access which none of the other actresses questioned, were given.

Our Oscar winner/nominee always prefaces her account by saying it was probably just a dream. She was wearing period costumes and shooting at the location for weeks and it was probably nothing. She then tells the story where she is dressed as her character and took a step through a door and suddenly was in the same spot hundreds of years previously and looking at her character in real life. The actress said it lasted no longer than 15-20 seconds and didn't happen again while she was shooting and had not happened prior to that. She has never gone public with it, but has spent considerable time talking to guides and other experts on the place. She knows of course about one incident that happened outside, but hers happened inside. Most of the other actresses she has spoken to, filmed outside which is why she wanted to know if they had the same experience. She was particularly interested in what my actress friend had to say, but she was barely allowed to shoot at the location so didn't have much time there.

Your Turn

 In the past I have asked what your favorite Star Wars movie/television show is, so how about your favorite character.

Blind Items Revealed #4

April 27, 2022

The management of the A+ list foreign boyband bribed the local National Assembly and 100 reporters to pass the bill, granting the band members special military exemption so they could continue milking their brand. It is amusing that, while the press posts daily articles about how the band contributes billions to the country's economy, one of the member's luxury apartment has been recently seized for refusing to pay for health insurance. Currently, the management is under investigation for violating anti-corruption laws.


Blind Items Revealed #3

April 27, 2022

Not only does this long running movie franchise need a new director, the director also has to be approved by the powers that be in the large Asian country which always greenlights the franchise for one of the rare foreign theatrical releases in the country.

Fast & Furious/China

Blind Items Revealed #2

April 27, 2022

As I told you a couple of years ago, The Club has unofficially always required you be an Oscar nominee/winner to be a member, but was thinking of making an exception for this A- list mostly movie actress. Apparently they have not only made her a member, but she is the de facto leader of it now and has started recruiting more actresses. 

Megan Fox

Blind Item #8

 This three named A- list actor is cheating on his significant other.

Blind Item #7

Apparently the next leak involving this in the news politician is a sex tape, and not a boring Kim Kardashian one either. It is extreme. This is why you should never dump a spy. It is why that talking head got back together so quickly with his spy wife. She started leaking things and he was back next to her in a flash.

Blind Items Revealed #1

April 27, 2022

This three named singer/rapper is being trashed online by every man in the rap industry because they want her to drop the charges against a rapper who hurt her. It is awful what they are doing to her. Meanwhile, she is looking for protection from the married permanent A list rapper, and that usually means sleeping with him and then having his wife permanently mad at you.

Megan Thee Stallion/Tory Lanez/Jay Z/Beyonce

Blind Item #6

 This singer sounds like he could be foreign born, but he isn't. A woman is accusing the singer of sexual assault earlier this week after a huge event.

Blind Item #5

 By all means, take your shot with the foreign born A list singer. But, she would probably be more impressed to date the A- list rapper if his verses were any good, or at least the one about her especially.

Blind Item #4

 A recent interview is about as close as this foreign born A/A- list singer has come to discussing his suicide attempts.

Blind Item #3

 I'm sure the lawyers advising the former stripper turned reality star turned porn star turned celebrity/yachter have advised her an appeal is a long shot. That being said, she wants her fans to pay for it so she doesn't have to.

Blind Item #2

 I'm sure there was some medication taken by the A- list actress in the news every day, but there was also a lot of coke.

Blind Item #1

Another night, another roast battle and yet another guy on stage who raped an underage girl and was welcomed with open arms.

Tuesday, May 03, 2022

Blind Item #14 - Met Gala

 Yes, that was this married barely there celebrity model enjoying the great deal of attention she was getting from the singer/actor who had the press on the red carpet flustered. 

Blind Item #13 - Met Gala

 The A+ list singer was invited and was expected to attend up until about a week to ten days prior to the show. Apparently there is a secret about to be revealed and the Gala was not the place it was going to be.

Blind Item #12 - Met Gala

The billionaire owner of this fashion house has a long time grudge against the editor for some slight that most assume involves either his wife or model ex, but is really about ad prices being too high. So, now, the fashion house is represented, but just give celebrities and models items off the rack and don't do any fittings or make any effort.

Blind Item #11 - Met Gala

 Why yes, that was this foreign born A- list singer who was doing lines of coke and then ended up having a quickie in the back of a SUV before returning to the afterparty. 

Blind Item #10 - Met Gala

 This A- list reality star didn't want to be there. She acted like she didn't want to be there and was contractually forced/shamed into it, but was wasted on a combo of pot and booze and didn't care who knew it.

Blind Item #9 - Met Gala

This Oscar winning A- list mostly movie actress has now kept her promise for a decade to never attend the Gala again. Apparently she feels screwed over by the editor and wants no part of the Gala until the editor is gone.

Blind Items Revealed #5

April 26, 2022

There is a new jinx out there. Yes, our long time actress jinx is still out there destroying projects, but there is a new jinx for a new generation. Producers are actually second guessing casting this A- list actress who did have one big cable hit, but it was an ensemble. The actress has since been given two television projects to headline, both of which crashed and burned.

Alicia Silverstone/Lucy Hale

Today's Blind Items - The Crazy Year

It is often assumed that the A list editor's crush for the foreign born soccer player has been her biggest crush. Not even close. There is the tennis loving A+ list mostly movie actor she also loves, but there was one year, the crazy year of the Met, that she would not stop flirting and touching this A list mostly movie actor who she hit on every time she saw him and tried desperately to get him interested in her. Because she was acting so out of character, maybe that is what got the gala off the rails that year.

It was a time when there were more models and socialites than off the street celebrities attending. This was the year that set the celebrity appearances in motion. There was a huge argument because the editor wanted this designer to dress her favorite Brazilian model and the designer had a celebrity in mind but backed down. This A- list rapper peer pressured the crap out of a pair of barely legal actresses into doing coke with her right there at the Gala. 

It was the year one of my friends decided her husband really was the a-hole we had been telling her he was, but she was sticking it out for the kids. Well, when he hit on this A- list actress who has a husband in the news lately, she was done. The designer I mentioned earlier had his hand out to an offspring of the wealthy family that seemingly pops up here. The designer had cash flow problems and the heiress wanted some attention from an attractive young man. The designer tells her he is gay and she basically said if you want the money, you have to earn it. My friend doesn't remember if they even talked much more the rest of the night, so the chances he hooked up with her that night or in the future, seems low.

A hookup that did happen that night was between this A+ list mostly movie actor who is still A+ list today, and this A list mostly movie actress who had not yet met her current husband. Our actor, who came with his wife got his wife intentionally drunk so she would have to go back to their hotel alone.

Your Turn

 Do you have any side hustles, and if so, how many?

Blind Items Revealed #4

April 26, 2022

The Hawaii buying rich guy could do something about the horrific atmosphere he has created in his new world where underage kids have to travel through a minefield of predatory adults. He won't though, because that would mean less revenue for him.

Mark Zuckerberg

Blind Items Revealed #3

April 26, 2022

Apparently the flowering financial institution is still in tight with the celebrity CEO. They have been texting again this week. Things would be less messy this time around without the one named singer to interfere in the sex and rituals.

Azealia Banks/Elon Musk/Grimes

Blind Items Revealed #2

April 26, 2022

It was the permanent A list singer/actress who made the final call on who should reprise one of her most famous roles. Now, that choice has turned to failure, and our permanent A lister will suffer memory loss about her decision. 

Barbra Streisand/Beanie Feldstein/Fanny Brice/Funny Girl

Blind Item #8 - Met Gala

 I'm sure there will be an official spin, but this A-/B+ list pay cable actress was scheduled to attend but is dealing with some substance abuse issues and was in no shape to be seen in public.

Blind Item #7 - Met Gala

The former A+ list rapper had one of the biggest parties of the night. She also admitted she was doing coke and encouraged others to do the same.

Blind Items Revealed #1

April 26, 2022

This acting couple is not going to be a couple much longer. They achieved what they wanted when they got fans talking, but the one named actress and the foreign born A- lister are just going through the motions. It always looked awkward, but now it just looks miserable.

Zendaya/Tom Holland

Blind Item #6 - Met Gala

 The permanent A list "singer" was asked if she wanted to attend last night, and she said no. Her significant other really wanted to attend and tried to be able to show up solo. It is nice to see the media picking up on what I told you last week about his money demands. It is not about the singer, it is about fame and money and getting as much for himself as possible. 

Blind Item #5 - Met Gala

 The alliterate talk show host looked great last night at an after party and stayed sober.

Blind Item #4 - Met Gala

Speaking of the late night actor, his date and the press made it seem as if she wore the original all night. She literally wore it for five minutes and couldn't even get it zipped before slipping into a replica.

Blind Item #3 - Met Gala

In the hidden away smoking area last night, the late night actor showed up often. He looked genuinely happy to be with fellow smokers and away from his minders.

Blind Item #2 - Met Gala

Speaking of the men who attended, this A+/A list mostly movie actor not only got work done to his face again, but was also showing off his French skills to someone he was interested in.

Blind Item #1 - Met Gala

I get that you want to party and everything, but isn't it uncomfortable for the celebrity CEO to be wasted while out with your mom?

Monday, May 02, 2022

Blind Item #13

The Satan loving artist says this A list singer/A- list actress stole her ideas and rituals without credit or compensation. This would be a crazy lawsuit.

Blind Item #12

The coke loving abusive rapper told a woman at a party this weekend that if she wanted some of his coke, she was going to have to do the lines off his male appendage. She said it was too small and got shoved to the ground.

Blind Item #11

 I guess I could have saved this for Met Gala blinds tomorrow, but there were two actress from a hit streaming show that as hard as they tried, couldn't get invites because the editor hates their show. She hates when people talk about it, so there was no chance of an invite from anyone on it.

Blind Item #10

This A/A- list Disney actress/singer was given the full attention of this foreign born alliterate A list actor all of you know. The actress was with a friend/boyfriend but that wasn't going to stop our actor. The actor definitely thought he was successful. 

Blind Item #9

Don't believe the hype. This foreign born dual threat A list actor does not have actual refugees living in his house. He couldn't be that inconvenienced. 

Blind Items Revealed #5

April 25, 2022

The west coast (crazy that I had to specify) Housewife who stole millions has way more supporters from her co-stars this season than one would imagine. Apparently as long as she didn't steal it from them, they are good with her. Quite the change from last season.

Erika Jayne Girardi

Today's Blind Items - Co-stars

 At first, I was going to write about each of these actresses separately, but since they were co-stars on a very popular show together, why not include both of them in the blind. I also thought about naming the blind hypocrisy because they are both engaging in it in a big way. One of our actresses is married and has been for a long time. She is probably A- list and will always be so for someone of a certain age. Gen Z people would have her lower much like her co-star because they don't do much now other than pontificate. 

The married A- lister is cheating on her husband with a guy she would call out in a second on social media for his beliefs, while her co-star is hooking up with a registered sex offender which is a huge head scratcher too.

Your Turn

 Do you follow any of your exes on social media?

Blind Items Revealed #4

April 25, 2022

Sometime late next month, this former A list dual threat actress who doesn't act any longer, but who we all support is set to play a 20 minute set at a bar where a lot of singers/musicians here in town get their start. Tiny place, but props to her for putting herself out there.

Amanda Bynes

Blind Items Revealed #3

April 25, 2022

Will the newly arrested former reality star start sharing information about the producer/wannabe rapper who is also his former boss?

Chopper/Sean Combs/Making The Band

Blind Items Revealed #2

April 24, 2022

The drug addict/muse/actress is desperate to continue her newfound fame. It is slipping through her fingers though and she didn't use the time to sign any new deals or on to any new projects.

Julia Fox

Blind Item #8

The celebrity CEO has been talking to an NBA owner to see if he would be interested in partnering on the Bird purchase. The NBA owner said no because of the cash flow issues of the Bird company.

Blind Item #7

 The wealthy farmer says he has a solution to all the bird flu problems, but you have to buy it from him. 

Blind Items Revealed #1

April 25, 2022

Instead of hiring the very best people, it seems more and more that the alliterate one simply hires people so they can name drop them to others so they can feel more important about themselves. 

Meghan Markle

Blind Item #6

 These two former A list NBA teammates hooked up more than once. They are each retired, but not for long.

Blind Item #5

 This foreign born A- list mostly movie actress who has been in the news frequently as of late, emerged naked from a changing room wearing zero clothes and took a leisurely stroll around the small store.

Blind Item #4

 I know this former Disney actor/singer who is going on tour this summer is getting a lot of flack for cheating on his girlfriend. The thing is though, when I busted him a couple of months back, it appeared as if she left him, so this time it might not have been cheating.

Blind Item #3

 That former reality star who spent some time in jail, is apparently grooming underage boys now. It's interesting how at least one of the girls from the show has spent years being groomed by an A lister.

Blind Item #2

Read into it what you want, but this foreign born former A+ list boy bander turned A list adult was asked if he would get the names of his girlfriend's children tattooed on his body and he said, "Not going to happen."

Blind Item #1

 I guess the breakup for the one named permanent A list singer was hard, because she hasn't showed up wasted on stage in a very long time.

Sunday, May 01, 2022

Blind Item #8

 Well, you have to admit that the host/producer/creator/model who laughs as she cashes the million dollar checks from the alphabet network, does know how to wander into what will be a huge controversy. The new show she is creating will make headlines every day for months. 

Blind Item #7

 Speaking of the Met Ball, other than a documentary or two over the past decade, no television/movie cameras have been allowed inside, let alone filming some reality nonsense. That is about to change. With the amount of money they have been losing as the budgets for the party spin out of control, this should be the end of the partnership for good between the museum and the magazine.

Blind Item #6 - Mr. X

I’m hearing rumors that the alliterate talk show host may or may not be attending the Met Gala this year for the first time. She was set to attend two years ago before COVID dashed all the plans for everybody. A spy who attended the opening of the Funny Girl BWay revival saw someone who resembled the host talking to Anna Wintour (among many other celebs) during intermission.

Blind Item #5

 What the one named permanent A lister left out of her story is the hundreds of people she forced to leave their own homes and go out in public for a year just to make sure she didn't have to leave her own. If the world burned, she would have been safe watching from afar.

Blind Items Revealed #4

April 24, 2022

At least the permanent A list actor and his partner actually drank the booze they were selling. There are dozens of celebrities peddling liquor they haven't even tried or don't even like. The A+/A list mostly movie actor comes to mind right away.

George Clooney/Rande Gerber/Dwayne Johnson

Blind Items Revealed #3

April 24, 2022

Coachella had a big surprise this weekend. A reunion of sorts that will have the 13 year old daughter of this A- list singer horrified for months. The A- list singer simulated oral sex on her on again off again rapper ex who is apparently on again. Right there looking at the simulated oral sex was the daughter. It is bad enough that the A- list singer has a tattoo of her ex on her but not her daughter, but also to keep taking him back after every public time he cheats on her. Of course, they did get together while he was sleeping with the A+/A list singer who got married not all that long ago.

Jhené Aiko/Big Sean/Ariana Grande 

Blind Items Revealed #2

April 24, 2022

Really smart move from the convicted murderer/child rapist who happens to be married to the foreign born A- list rapper who has a history of enabling multiple people who have raped underage girls. The convicted murderer/child rapist still has not been sentenced for his failure to register as he draws it out as long as possible in hopes a judge will slap him on the wrist. Instead of being good, he has been hanging out at schools, which is a huge no no. Warrant being issued for his arrest in...

Kenneth Petty/Nicki Minaj

Blind Items Revealed #1

April 23, 2022

This A list singer/big headliner needs to get a new guy in her life who doesn't try and put her down and demean her every few minutes because he is insecure about himself. Our singer is a mess because of him. 

Billie Eilish

Blind Item #4

 Thank you to the reporter and publication for at least asking some of the questions that needed to be asked about the celebrity cult, to one of its more high profile faces. The actress knew the questions were coming and had answers ready, but at least they were asked. 

Blind Item #3

 The parents of this former A/A- list dual threat actress have asked her to come live with them for awhile until she can sort some things out or to move back to her previous residence where there is a lot of structure in her environment.

Blind Item #2

 I told you when the ginger haired one signed up to be the ambassador for this company, the whole thing would go up in flames. The company, much like Uber, will tell you they are a technology company. That isn't true of course. But, what is true is they and companies like them have to pay their drivers/therapists/food delivery people as low a wage as possible. Is that really how you want your therapy though? The ginger haired one is not responsible, but he should have known this would happen, and he is the face of the company.

Blind Item #1

 It looks like the reality family wants the rapper to go off on them. I'm not sure why, but they are intentionally trying to provoke them and it is a horrible look.