Tuesday, December 06, 2022

Today's Blind Items - The Conference

 This network actor is probably A/A- list. He has played the same role forever. He is married to a woman who has tried to become famous over the years, without much success. Our actor doesn't like attending conventions with lots of other actors and fans. Our actor has something he much prefers. He likes hiring himself out to companies for their conferences. They fly him out to wherever it is. He gets away from the family. He gets paid. And he also knows there will definitely be at least one female fan who gets drunk at a party and throw herself at him. He will tell her they need to keep it all hush hush for the show and his career. He prefers if they are married so they will be sure to stay extra quiet. He also takes photos and videos of them passed out naked in the bed, just in case they really have any ideas.

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