Monday, July 04, 2022

Blind Items Revealed #31

April 7, 2022

There is a cursed film in Hollywood. The curse has been added to over the years and using some fairly flimsy justification, more actors are added to the list of being killed because they read a script of the movie. There is actual substance to one part of the curse. It is something that has been whispered about for over three decades. The legend has grown over time to something almost mythical. I wrote a blind several years ago about the only actor death I really attribute to the curse. There are other deaths, but they are not mentioned because they are below the line people or people who were just extras. For eight days there was filming of this cursed movie. Eight days of film footage. Eight days of people working on the movie. The film footage is kept in a vault. It almost feels Jumanji like. I wonder if it noises can be heard emanating from the vault. Because it has been three decades, a lot of people who worked those eight days of course have died of various causes. However, there have been at least a dozen murders, vehicle accidents, and unexplained deaths of people who worked those eight days. No one will even watch the footage any longer. Back in the day, people used to dare each other to watch it, but apparently someone who watched it got hit by a drunk driver and died on the way home from watching it. I have never been able to confirm that and think it is probably not true, but I do know that people stopped watching it because of that story.

Atuk/Sam Kinison

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