Monday, July 04, 2022

Blind Items Revealed #30

January 18, 2022

This one is not as hard as some that are in this space, but it is an interesting tale that hasn't been discussed much, if ever. Go back in time to when this teen actress on a hit teen cable show got pregnant. It made a lot of news. People were fascinated by it. A couple of people reached out to the actress to see if she would be interested in documenting her pregnancy on a reality show. She had a story to tell and could help other teens in the same position. She turned them down because she was doing her best to hide it and the story of who the father was, had not been completely thought out. Plus, the family just wanted to get through it and get back to making the actress famous. Finally, there were things going on with a different family member that would make things difficult, and questions would be asked about the horrific parenting.

Fast forward several months and the team of the actress hear about a new show being filmed by the same people who pitched the actress about starring in their documentary. Her team really thought she should be compensated because it was her situation that led to all this and there had been some pares signed while the actress was still thinking about it. That option had long expired though and there was talk of a lawsuit but there was so much going in the family that it was never really a serious play. It is interesting to speculate if she had been the sole star of the original concept if there would have been the franchise there is today. Would she have been willing to be part of an ensemble cast? She would have made her own money instead of asking for handouts for over a decade.

Jamie Lynn Spears/Zoey 101/Britney Spears/16 and Pregnant/Teen Mom

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