Sunday, July 03, 2022

Blind Items Revealed #23 - Reader Blind

May 28, 2022

There has been a lot of talk about this foreign born sports coach. He was A list as a player and comes from what can be described as the closest thing his country has to the Kardashian/Jenner dynasty. One close relative in particular was a player and coach but has since become a TV personality, and another won many of the sport's top prizes as a player. Other people in his family are celebrities in their country.

The governing body of his sport wants him to succeed. Badly. They have earmarked him as the next coach of the national team just because of who he is. It is no surprise that he has walked into top jobs despite being mediocre. They know very well that appointing him would be a disaster for the national team, which has been highly successful in recent years, but they don't care. They just want a recognized name at the helm.

Frank Lampard/English national soccer team

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