Monday, January 17, 2022

Today's Blind Items - Scandal Brewing

A scandal which has been brewing in a certain winter sport for years is very much an open secret, and will reach a boiling point at the upcoming Olympic games.  A certain federation has made it clear for a long time about their golden boy and what they want from him this Olympics.  However, this golden boy wants nothing more but  to be out of this sport and will announce retirement the second the games end. He is also currently dealing with with injury which is only getting worse. 

The federation is desperate to knock off their biggest rival to the golden boy and get the one title that has been out of their grasp. They know if they get it, the money and publicity for the federation will be like it was in the 90's early 00's for women in the sport. 

The federation is not above corruption and payouts or loopholes for coaches and over scoring for certain routines which favor the golden boy and not his rival.

There has been a similar scandal at a Winter Olympics. It was in the same sport and went mainstream when the public realized that the medal was sitting around the neck of someone who got it through corruption from their federation (which is not the federation who is the subject of the blind), and not the rightfully deserving, also ever-popular, foreign-born competitor.

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